Iray Pangasinan makapoy so pililikna da ed salita ya pamabirbir ed inkasika da. Say Pangasinan labat so aliwan regional channel lapud say sasalitaen da ed news broadcast da et aliwan Pangasinan balet Tagalog.
Onpapatey la lanti so Pangasinan lapu lantid inkamatalunggaring na Tagalog, Inglis tan Iloko, ag ni nabantayan ed TV.
Abayag ko lan gabay ya ibelyaw ya ed sayan blog ta kada ngarem so narerengel ko et Tagalog diad tv ya ag nagawa ed Laoag ta Iloko diman, diad San Fernando ta Kapampangan ira, Bikol diad Bikol, Ilonggo diad Iloilo tan arum ni ra. Makapasiodot tan makapageget no akin onia so nagagawa ed Pangasinan.
Say ABS-CBN Dagupan labat so niduma ed intiron regional channels na sayan istasiyon ta say riportahi da et Tagalog.
Say padisir ko saray manbebenben ed sayan istasiyon no aliwan Pangasinan et Ilocano odino Tagalog.
No man-interbyu ni rad saray totoo ed ibabalita da et Tagalog.
Makapabaing ni so GMA ta so makinggawa et taga-Pangasinan - iray Jimenez. Naitdan ni na ASNA award na provincial government na Pangasinan. Ompano sikara et ag da amtay man-Pangasinan odino Ilocano ira.
Panon ton nabangatan iray ilalak odino iray Ilocano ya anggad natan ag da amta so man-Pangasinan?
Mureng ira ya ag da amta ya MLE la so pamakaaran na DepEd.
Diad apalabas ya GMA Balitang Amianan ya si Jorge Guerrero so manbebenben, wala ni ray ugugaw ya Pangasinense ya konwarin manriport et nabirbir so inkaPangasinan da ed panagsalita da. Akin ag la salitan Pangasinan so inusar da imbis ya Tagalog? Lapud say kanonotan na management et mas maung kan Pilipino no say amtam ya salita et Tagalog.
Ed arum ya salita, say mass media so numiro uno ya managpatey na salitan Pangasinan.
Siopa iray kabusol na salitan Pangasinan?
1. Iray atateng ya Pangasinan ya ibangat da ni iray anak da ed Tagalog. Walay kabat kon taga-San Carlos ya manaaral ed UP ya ag to amtan balot so Pangasinan. Makabaing ya tua!
2. Iray Ilocano ya manbebenben ed sarayan istasiyon ya lapu lantid say kanonotan da et Ilocano ira tan dakel so arum ya totoon nambabangil dia ed Pangasinan sikaton itandoro da so Tagalog. Pekewet ya rason.
Pano iran nabangatan na Pangasinan ta wala lanti ra dia ed Pangasinan no ag da nadedengel so Pangasinan odino nababantayan?
3. Iray Pangasinan ya ibaing da so salita da ya anggano pariho iran Pangasinan et labay da nin man-Ilokano odino man-Tagalog.
4. Iray opisial na gobierno lautlad Pangasinan ya anggapon balot so pakabirbiran ya Pangasinan so probinsia ed website singa say official website na Pangasinan provincial government.
5. Iray totoon say kanonotan da et say Pangasinan et Pangalatok ya ibabawag da ni ya ag da amta ya sayan salita et balaw daray Ilocano ed saray Pangasinan. Amay website na Philippine Information Agency abayag lan walad webpage banner da so Pangalatok.
6. Say gobiernon Pilipino nen diktador tan corrupt ya Ilocano ya si Ferdinand Marcos ya angiletneg tan nanpangaran na Region 1 bilang Ilocos Region ya pinatey to ya so pamabirbir ya Pangasinan. Iray manguusar ed sarayan ngaran ya Ilocos Region odino Ilocandia. Kaokolan ya salatan yan ngaran.
7. Iray mamaistra tan mamaistro ya itandoro da ni so Tagalog nen say salitan Pangasinan.
Diad Urdaneta, no onlaak ed baley mansasalitaak na Pangasinan ed saray tricycyle driver pian onpatey so kanonotan ya soy Urdaneta et Ilocano. Singa "dia la" odino "diman ay" etc.
No makapoy so pakabirbiran daray Pangasinan ya singa isoko da la so salita da ed Tagalog odino Iloco, antoy pansumpalen da ey? Onkapoy so panangaro dad nanlapuan da. Ontan met onmelag so pililikna da ed baley da.
Nen inaksubi daray Pangasinan nen 1912 so inkaPangasinan da tan intandoro da so salitan Pangasinan, abilay so salita, inmaliguas so probinsia tan nipalagey so sangkarakepan ya kapitoliyo ed Lingayen. Irayan totoo et sikara di Pedro Ma. Sison na Urdaneta ya nanmaliw ya Sinador na sigundo distrito, Daniel Maramba ya taga-Sta. Barbara sikatoy gobernador ya nanpalagey na kapitoliyo, Angel Ungson, Manuel Moran ya taga-Binalonan ya nanmaliw ya chief justice na Supreme Court, Pablo Mejia tan arum ni ran gagalangen ya Pangasinense.
Akin kaokolan so regional channel ed salitan Pangasinan?
Atayak so poli na Pangasinan ed probinsia na Pangasinan ya wala ray totoon Pangasinan ed ibabaga ran Ilocano singa diad Urdaneta ya kulaan ko, Tarlac, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Benguet, La Union, Zambales, Metro Manila tan arum ni ran probinsia.
Itdan na subtitle pian natalosan daray arum ya totoo no say paga da et ag natalosan daray Ilocano, etc.
Akin say nonoten et iray arum ni? Nanayam ira dia ed Pangasinan sikara ni so kaokolan ya itday konsiderasiyon? Diad sayan nagagawa iray Pangasinan et nanmaliw ya second-class citizen ed dili dan probinsiya.
No walay manaayam ya Pangasinan kasi ed Laoag odino Vigan salitaen da kasi so Pangasinan odino Tagalog ed saray news broadcast da ed TV pian ag kababaing ed saray Pangasinan? Andi.
Sikaton bangon ka la Pangasinan! Odino labay mon pateyen da ka pian manariy arum ya salita?
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Say Pangasinensen ngalngalin nanmaliw ya pangolo na bansa: Si Carlos Peña Romulo (1898-1985)
Nipaakar ed sayan talintao. Say inpansamba nen Carlos P. Romulo ed arap nen Pangolon Manuel Roxas nen 1946. Walad kawanan si Speaker of th...

Oct 20, 2012
Sep 28, 2012
Apalduan abung ed gilig na Pasig: Si Pnoy tan say administrasiyon ton Jekyl tan Hyde
Asingger lan napaer so ilalok ed sayan administrasiyon nen Noynoy.
Saya so dalan ya nantoro ed siak ya aliwan tugtuwa so "maptek ya dalan" nen Pnoy.
Unaan la may agawa ed Luneta ya insakit to si Rico E. Puno anggano sikato so kaokolan ya naikal. Kaibad dia may inpan-irong nen PNoy ed si andiladbilay ya si Jesse Robredo bilang acting secretary na Department of Interior and Local Government.
Why only appoint him first as acting secretary of DILG when he deserves to be the head answerable to all agencies including the PNP?
I've already noticed from very beginning that there was something wrong with this appointment until it became clearer to me what the mainstream media had said about factionalism in Malacanang: the Balay and the Samar blocs.
Why protect Puno to the point of accepting all the blames for the hostage crisis? Puno should have been driven out of DILG long time ago. He must have been a pain in the ass of Robredo. There must be something amiss about PNoy and his administration.
Walay amta to kasi si Puno ya no itilak la nen Pnoy et natatakot ompano ibelyaw to?
Natan say kuanen PNoy iyanapan da la met si Puno na puwisto.
Is he qualified in the first place to be appointed in government? His record is tainted as far as the PNP deal is concerned, so why put him in another agency?
Behind the Jekyl facade of "matuwid na daan" is the ugly Hyde face of cronyism, incompetence, dilly-dallying, factionalism.
And the Trillanes hullabaloo is one of the many signs of schizoid policies. Was Trillanes a strategem foisted by the Samar group led by Paquito Ochoa? Was the diplomatic chore of Roxas a maneuver by the Balay bloc?
It seems so.
With this Jekyl and Hyde character of this administration, it cannot go far with its promises.
There is ambivalence in PNoy's policies, which in the long run would be very deleterious to Philippine governance and economy.
If Pnoy could not unite his divided house into one cohesive force that would bring the Philippines as the new economic superpower in the region, he would be much worse than GMA.
Pray tell me, what is the alternative?
Saya so dalan ya nantoro ed siak ya aliwan tugtuwa so "maptek ya dalan" nen Pnoy.
Unaan la may agawa ed Luneta ya insakit to si Rico E. Puno anggano sikato so kaokolan ya naikal. Kaibad dia may inpan-irong nen PNoy ed si andiladbilay ya si Jesse Robredo bilang acting secretary na Department of Interior and Local Government.
Why only appoint him first as acting secretary of DILG when he deserves to be the head answerable to all agencies including the PNP?
I've already noticed from very beginning that there was something wrong with this appointment until it became clearer to me what the mainstream media had said about factionalism in Malacanang: the Balay and the Samar blocs.
Why protect Puno to the point of accepting all the blames for the hostage crisis? Puno should have been driven out of DILG long time ago. He must have been a pain in the ass of Robredo. There must be something amiss about PNoy and his administration.
Walay amta to kasi si Puno ya no itilak la nen Pnoy et natatakot ompano ibelyaw to?
Natan say kuanen PNoy iyanapan da la met si Puno na puwisto.
Is he qualified in the first place to be appointed in government? His record is tainted as far as the PNP deal is concerned, so why put him in another agency?
Behind the Jekyl facade of "matuwid na daan" is the ugly Hyde face of cronyism, incompetence, dilly-dallying, factionalism.
And the Trillanes hullabaloo is one of the many signs of schizoid policies. Was Trillanes a strategem foisted by the Samar group led by Paquito Ochoa? Was the diplomatic chore of Roxas a maneuver by the Balay bloc?
It seems so.
With this Jekyl and Hyde character of this administration, it cannot go far with its promises.
There is ambivalence in PNoy's policies, which in the long run would be very deleterious to Philippine governance and economy.
If Pnoy could not unite his divided house into one cohesive force that would bring the Philippines as the new economic superpower in the region, he would be much worse than GMA.
Pray tell me, what is the alternative?
Trillanes tan Enrile, iray traydor na baley tan say inkamureng nen Pnoy
Akibabali si Trillanes ed kolkolan na Pilipinas tan China ed Scarborough shoal. Inbaki nen Noynoy ya man-backdoor negotiation ed saray Intsik.
Akin ta pinolyanan na prisidenti ya et malinew ya tangawtangaw so manbebenben ed poder na bansa.
I gave Pnoy the benefit of doubt for the first two years so that he can prove himself. The symptom of an incompetent leadership was seen in the Luneta hostage crisis. The aftermath of that crisis, the investigation that ensued, showed clearly now to me how he was bent in protecting Rico E. Puno. More on this in a separate post.
Bagito kuanda. Ed sayan agawa ed sangkailin pibabaley odino foreign affairs ag la mangkelaw ya paelek-elekan so Pilipinas ed arum ya bansa lapud lantid sakey ya mureng ya prisidenti.
Blockhead president. With simpleton as president, what can we expect from him? It seems he is being surrounded by ignoramuses.
Sayay Trillanes met ya anggapoy amta to ed sayan gotgotan, akibabalin singa mamaung.
Say kuanto kono et iray Pilipino anggapod isip da so sayan melmelag ya polok. Ya anggapo konoy pililikna da ed satan ya nagagawan panaggamgam. Satan so sinador ya ag ko inbotos. Sakey ya traydor ed bansa.
Saya et nibelyaw nen Enrile nen nansalita si Trillanes kontrad si Enrile nipaakar ed samay planon palduaen da so Camarines Sur pian nitulak so pilalek na sakey ya ganid ed oley ya si Luis Villafuerte.
Aso kono nen GMA si Enrile kuanen Trillanes. Natan ka ayay masiken lan so nonot tod dili to et anggapoy ari no ag sikato et insalaysay tod man so tongtongan di Trillanes tan saray Intsik ed saray "notes" nen Brady sakbay ya naataki.
State secret ya ya kuan sikaton no walad kanonotan to so baley si Enrile ag to komon ya indalatdat ed midya ed dakel ya totoo. Sakey met ya traydor. Kunsabagay, abayag lan traydor ed baley yan masiken.
How did the notes of Brady come into the hands of Enrile? The connection is Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Indeed, according to Johnny Lin, Brady was appointed by GMA as ambassador to China in 2006. Enrile was very close to GMA as revealed by Trillanes.
Why even appoint a GMA appointee to China in the first place? Why did Noynoy choose her over other career diplomats?
In any case, why did Enrile seem to agree to the partition of Camarines Sur? GMA had interest in the passage of a bill that will divide the province into two. Her son Dato had political stake in the gerrymandering. It was a quid pro quo for what GMA did to Enrile. For example, Port Irene used to be in hot water for smuggling second-hand cars, which got a denial from Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita who said that it was not covered by the Executive Order 156.
As long as Enrile is there as president of the Senate, GMA forces, which include Villafuerte and the old traditional, oligarchical, corrupt politicians, would still have a wall to lean on. That wall must be destroyed as soon as possible.
The more menacing, however, is the divided house inside the walls of Malacanang that is taking a ride on the illusory "daang matuwid", which the Trillanes back-chanelling is one of the symptoms.
Akin ta pinolyanan na prisidenti ya et malinew ya tangawtangaw so manbebenben ed poder na bansa.
I gave Pnoy the benefit of doubt for the first two years so that he can prove himself. The symptom of an incompetent leadership was seen in the Luneta hostage crisis. The aftermath of that crisis, the investigation that ensued, showed clearly now to me how he was bent in protecting Rico E. Puno. More on this in a separate post.
Bagito kuanda. Ed sayan agawa ed sangkailin pibabaley odino foreign affairs ag la mangkelaw ya paelek-elekan so Pilipinas ed arum ya bansa lapud lantid sakey ya mureng ya prisidenti.
Blockhead president. With simpleton as president, what can we expect from him? It seems he is being surrounded by ignoramuses.
Sayay Trillanes met ya anggapoy amta to ed sayan gotgotan, akibabalin singa mamaung.
Say kuanto kono et iray Pilipino anggapod isip da so sayan melmelag ya polok. Ya anggapo konoy pililikna da ed satan ya nagagawan panaggamgam. Satan so sinador ya ag ko inbotos. Sakey ya traydor ed bansa.
Saya et nibelyaw nen Enrile nen nansalita si Trillanes kontrad si Enrile nipaakar ed samay planon palduaen da so Camarines Sur pian nitulak so pilalek na sakey ya ganid ed oley ya si Luis Villafuerte.
Aso kono nen GMA si Enrile kuanen Trillanes. Natan ka ayay masiken lan so nonot tod dili to et anggapoy ari no ag sikato et insalaysay tod man so tongtongan di Trillanes tan saray Intsik ed saray "notes" nen Brady sakbay ya naataki.
State secret ya ya kuan sikaton no walad kanonotan to so baley si Enrile ag to komon ya indalatdat ed midya ed dakel ya totoo. Sakey met ya traydor. Kunsabagay, abayag lan traydor ed baley yan masiken.
How did the notes of Brady come into the hands of Enrile? The connection is Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Indeed, according to Johnny Lin, Brady was appointed by GMA as ambassador to China in 2006. Enrile was very close to GMA as revealed by Trillanes.
Why even appoint a GMA appointee to China in the first place? Why did Noynoy choose her over other career diplomats?
In any case, why did Enrile seem to agree to the partition of Camarines Sur? GMA had interest in the passage of a bill that will divide the province into two. Her son Dato had political stake in the gerrymandering. It was a quid pro quo for what GMA did to Enrile. For example, Port Irene used to be in hot water for smuggling second-hand cars, which got a denial from Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita who said that it was not covered by the Executive Order 156.
As long as Enrile is there as president of the Senate, GMA forces, which include Villafuerte and the old traditional, oligarchical, corrupt politicians, would still have a wall to lean on. That wall must be destroyed as soon as possible.
The more menacing, however, is the divided house inside the walls of Malacanang that is taking a ride on the illusory "daang matuwid", which the Trillanes back-chanelling is one of the symptoms.
Sep 2, 2012
Kaokolan lan ikalen si Peping Cojuangco ed POC; ontan met si Richie Garcia na PSC [Get rid of Cojuangco at POC and Richie Garcia at PSC]
Anggad wadtan ya akairong si Peping Cojuangco tan Richie Garcia, anggapoy pansabian na pakasilan no ag diad otit.
Si Peping Cojuangco ya sakey ya trapo et immirong ed POC nen 2005 nen panaon nen Glorian matakew.
Ayay Richie Garcia pinili nen Pnoy ya mamaulo na PSC. Ag ko amta no antoy credentials to ya.
Diad apalabas ya Olympics, malinlinew ya anggapoy ginawa irayan opisiales ed ibulaslas na pakasilan ed Pilipinas.
Say ibabaga nen Cojuangco ya rason no akin makapoy so pinawayan daray atlitan Pilipino ed London et kakulangan kono ya pondo.
It is lack of funds according to Cojuangco but I think bad politics and lack of programs and policies that will ensure the training of athletes are the primary reasons for the lackluster performance.
Now he is said to be gunning for the same position. He must not win. We must ensure that he lose in the selection. Otherwise, quo vadis Philippine sports?
If he will retake the helm of Olympic sports development in the country, I am sure Philippine sports will remain at the same level of unpreparedness, the same neglect toward athletes who are victims of politicking.
How very limited is the idea of Richie Garcia. He is seeking the help of China through a signed memorandum on sports. But he laments that it is not moving and so he wants to get the assistance of Russia. Pathetic. He wants our athletes to train abroad so that he and his cliques could also travel there.
No. We must do it on our own. Self-reliance is the key without discounting assistance from other countries.
First, abolish the POC and the PSC.
Second, a Department of Sports must be created to be headed by a sports science graduate who will oversee the establishment of a Philippine University of Sports, an Olympic village in preparation for the hosting of Olympics in 2024 or 2028 to showcase to the world the coming of age of the country in the arena of world politics and sports.
Third, the vision of the head of this department must be: the Philippines as a world superpower in sports.
Fourth, stop sending Olympic athletes before 2024 or 2028. They must train to beat records and compete in the Olympics to be hosted in the country.
Fifth, there must be a program of scholarships for sports development beginning at a tender age so that qualified recipients can begin training and develop their skills in anticipation of national, regional, international sports meets and the Olympics.
Si Peping Cojuangco ya sakey ya trapo et immirong ed POC nen 2005 nen panaon nen Glorian matakew.
Ayay Richie Garcia pinili nen Pnoy ya mamaulo na PSC. Ag ko amta no antoy credentials to ya.
Diad apalabas ya Olympics, malinlinew ya anggapoy ginawa irayan opisiales ed ibulaslas na pakasilan ed Pilipinas.
Say ibabaga nen Cojuangco ya rason no akin makapoy so pinawayan daray atlitan Pilipino ed London et kakulangan kono ya pondo.
It is lack of funds according to Cojuangco but I think bad politics and lack of programs and policies that will ensure the training of athletes are the primary reasons for the lackluster performance.
Now he is said to be gunning for the same position. He must not win. We must ensure that he lose in the selection. Otherwise, quo vadis Philippine sports?
If he will retake the helm of Olympic sports development in the country, I am sure Philippine sports will remain at the same level of unpreparedness, the same neglect toward athletes who are victims of politicking.
How very limited is the idea of Richie Garcia. He is seeking the help of China through a signed memorandum on sports. But he laments that it is not moving and so he wants to get the assistance of Russia. Pathetic. He wants our athletes to train abroad so that he and his cliques could also travel there.
No. We must do it on our own. Self-reliance is the key without discounting assistance from other countries.
First, abolish the POC and the PSC.
Second, a Department of Sports must be created to be headed by a sports science graduate who will oversee the establishment of a Philippine University of Sports, an Olympic village in preparation for the hosting of Olympics in 2024 or 2028 to showcase to the world the coming of age of the country in the arena of world politics and sports.
Third, the vision of the head of this department must be: the Philippines as a world superpower in sports.
Fourth, stop sending Olympic athletes before 2024 or 2028. They must train to beat records and compete in the Olympics to be hosted in the country.
Fifth, there must be a program of scholarships for sports development beginning at a tender age so that qualified recipients can begin training and develop their skills in anticipation of national, regional, international sports meets and the Olympics.
Aug 30, 2012
Sotto, akin wala kad tan ed Sinado? Why are you there in the Senate? Resign at once.
Anggapoy kababaingan ton talaga yan Vicente "Tito Escalera" Sotto III. Nan-graduate ya AB English ed Letran balet ag to amta so talos na plagiarism.
Imbis ya nansukay tan sikatoy nansulat ed speech to, inpagawa to ya ag to met ninengneng no duga iray insulsulat daray speechwriters to.
Natan malinlinew ed petek na agew ya tinakew to ray kanonotan daray arum ya totoo. Et masaol ni ta iray arum et pinekewet toy talos to pian onsuporta ed posisyon ton kontra ed RH Bill.
Say balbaleg ya tepet: akin ta akayorong ditan ed Sinado so sakey ya tonto?
Si Sotto et sakey ya insulto ed inkatalisiw. Diad Inglis, Sotto is an insult to intelligence.
Why are you there in the Senate, Sotto?
Lapud inbotos day totoo ya agangganon atanggoyor ed maltaw ton ngaran lapu lantid naynay ya nanengneng ed TV.
In the first place, why did he run as senator when he knew that he is not apt for the job? Why did the political party he was affiliated with invite him to run in their banner? It is because he was popular, popular as comedian and as a clown.
Sotto and all the other artistas had no humility in themselves that they run for candidacy to save a flagging career in showbiz. Filipinos suffer because of Sotto's et al. glaring incompetence and lack of moral scruples.
Can these actors and actresses stop intruding into politics and shy away from running as senators or congressmen? What will they do there? Manbotbot ya irungan kuanda odino banglesen day katay da ta ag ira makapansalita.
Let us bring back meritocracy into Philippine politics, not mediocrity of Sotto, Revilla, Lapid, types.
The remedy that I see is to return the election of senators by district so that the best of the regions, presently unrepresented, misrepresented and underrepresented, will be elected to the Senate. Or better, abolish the Senate by shifting our political system to parliamentary federal form of government.
Of course, Sotto who does not have any delicadeza at all that he ran for the senate wont resign.
Sakey ya tepet ni: siopay aalageyan nen Sotto ya masiadoy pansomlang to ed RH bill? CBCP? Letran?
Imbis ya nansukay tan sikatoy nansulat ed speech to, inpagawa to ya ag to met ninengneng no duga iray insulsulat daray speechwriters to.
Natan malinlinew ed petek na agew ya tinakew to ray kanonotan daray arum ya totoo. Et masaol ni ta iray arum et pinekewet toy talos to pian onsuporta ed posisyon ton kontra ed RH Bill.
Say balbaleg ya tepet: akin ta akayorong ditan ed Sinado so sakey ya tonto?
Si Sotto et sakey ya insulto ed inkatalisiw. Diad Inglis, Sotto is an insult to intelligence.
Why are you there in the Senate, Sotto?
Lapud inbotos day totoo ya agangganon atanggoyor ed maltaw ton ngaran lapu lantid naynay ya nanengneng ed TV.
In the first place, why did he run as senator when he knew that he is not apt for the job? Why did the political party he was affiliated with invite him to run in their banner? It is because he was popular, popular as comedian and as a clown.
Sotto and all the other artistas had no humility in themselves that they run for candidacy to save a flagging career in showbiz. Filipinos suffer because of Sotto's et al. glaring incompetence and lack of moral scruples.
Can these actors and actresses stop intruding into politics and shy away from running as senators or congressmen? What will they do there? Manbotbot ya irungan kuanda odino banglesen day katay da ta ag ira makapansalita.
Let us bring back meritocracy into Philippine politics, not mediocrity of Sotto, Revilla, Lapid, types.
The remedy that I see is to return the election of senators by district so that the best of the regions, presently unrepresented, misrepresented and underrepresented, will be elected to the Senate. Or better, abolish the Senate by shifting our political system to parliamentary federal form of government.
Of course, Sotto who does not have any delicadeza at all that he ran for the senate wont resign.
Sakey ya tepet ni: siopay aalageyan nen Sotto ya masiadoy pansomlang to ed RH bill? CBCP? Letran?
Aug 15, 2012
Philippine-US military defense pact: Anggapoy kakanaan to! (Useless)
Nen katantaon, say US angiter na 24 ex-US Air National Guard F-16 fighter
jets ed Indonesia. Kekerewen ya na Pilipinas ed US balet say angiteran to so Indonesia ya anggapo met so defense pact dan dua.
Manggegeget tak ed saya.
I am seething in anger having known this.
The US gave F-16 jets to Indonesia when it had no defense pact with that country.
I believe it is really the policy of the US to make us perpetually dependent to them in terms of military defense.
They are saying that they will help us with "minimum" credible defense.
We must not be content with "minimum." We must make it to the maximum. Let us now develop our nuclear capability!
The Dodds report shows that during the time of Truman administration it was their policy to make the Philippines the raw material supplier to Japan in the latter's rehabilitation.
Makaayewak ya talaga ed Amerika.
We must now cut off the last vestige of our dependence to the US. This is real independence.
We must envision to become a maritime power in the Asia-Pacific.
Our approach to our security must be multilateral.
1. Sign a military pact with Japan. I think Japan is more sincere in helping us than the US. Secure Japanese technology in building ships.
2. Establish defense alliance with Russia. Secure Russian technology in building submarines, nuclear missiles, naval carriers.
3. Sign a nuclear agreement with Iran.
4. Develop military ties with Spain and Latin America.
5. Establish military alliance with Vietnam.
6. Strengthen political and economic ties with Brunei.
7. If the South China sea dispute is resolved, strengthen military and economic ties with the People's Republic of China.
Manggegeget tak ed saya.
I am seething in anger having known this.
The US gave F-16 jets to Indonesia when it had no defense pact with that country.
I believe it is really the policy of the US to make us perpetually dependent to them in terms of military defense.
They are saying that they will help us with "minimum" credible defense.
We must not be content with "minimum." We must make it to the maximum. Let us now develop our nuclear capability!
The Dodds report shows that during the time of Truman administration it was their policy to make the Philippines the raw material supplier to Japan in the latter's rehabilitation.
Makaayewak ya talaga ed Amerika.
We must now cut off the last vestige of our dependence to the US. This is real independence.
We must envision to become a maritime power in the Asia-Pacific.
Our approach to our security must be multilateral.
1. Sign a military pact with Japan. I think Japan is more sincere in helping us than the US. Secure Japanese technology in building ships.
2. Establish defense alliance with Russia. Secure Russian technology in building submarines, nuclear missiles, naval carriers.
3. Sign a nuclear agreement with Iran.
4. Develop military ties with Spain and Latin America.
5. Establish military alliance with Vietnam.
6. Strengthen political and economic ties with Brunei.
7. If the South China sea dispute is resolved, strengthen military and economic ties with the People's Republic of China.
Say panagrikisa ed asawa nen Bo Xilai: Tanda kasi na riporma ed Tsina? (The trial of Bo Xilai's wife: Is it the signal for reforms in China?)
Diad siudad na Heifei ed probinsia na Anhui ed Tsina agawa so panagrikisa ed si Gu Kailai, say asawa nen Bo Xilai ya nanpatey ed sakey ya Briton ya padisir dan sakey ya ispiya. Akakapot ed mata tan layag daray pumapalapag, sayan pamasubok et bibirbiren dan mangibawag na abayag lan aalagaren ya riporma ed politika na Tsina.
Walay malinew ya ibidinsiya kontrad si Gu ya sikato so nanpatey ed si Neil Heywood. Say ibabagan rason no akin agawa ya et lapud kwarta. Si Heywood so ibabaki nen Gu ya mangipawit na kuarta to ed abroad. Say suspitsa da et pinatey to lapud gabay na Briton so baleg ya porsiento.
Walay sananey nen anggulo. Ibabaga da ya si Heywood et sakey ya ispiya et no ontan et ipapanengneng to ya sakey ya traydor ed Tsina si Bo Xilai. Si Bo et maltaw a kabat ya maseseg ya makabaley et no tugtuwa ya, sakey sirin sikato ya dobli kara: nasyunalista no kabuasan, migagalaw ed saray espiya no labi.
Say analisis nen Francesco Sisci et, ya manlapud Inglis ipatalos kod Pangasinan, onya: "Sakey ya lupa daray agawgawa ya aga nipaway ed panagrikisa ed si Gu Kailai diad patey na sakey ya bibirbiren dan ispiyan Briton so mangiyan ed asawa ton si Bo Xilai, say alaos lan palbayani na makabalon-Mao ya arapen na Tsina, ed kipapasen na sakey ya kontrad-Oeste ya makabaley ed kabuasan tan mimila ed saray kabusol to no labi. Tugtuwa o andi, sayan padisir et duga lan mandiral ed saray nasyunalista tan isugiri to so pamasimbalo ed debatid politika. Say ikolong nen Gu Kailai et nayarin mangiter na selyo ed tutul ya igapo la so abayag lan aalagaren ya reporma ed politika."
Walay malinew ya ibidinsiya kontrad si Gu ya sikato so nanpatey ed si Neil Heywood. Say ibabagan rason no akin agawa ya et lapud kwarta. Si Heywood so ibabaki nen Gu ya mangipawit na kuarta to ed abroad. Say suspitsa da et pinatey to lapud gabay na Briton so baleg ya porsiento.
Walay sananey nen anggulo. Ibabaga da ya si Heywood et sakey ya ispiya et no ontan et ipapanengneng to ya sakey ya traydor ed Tsina si Bo Xilai. Si Bo et maltaw a kabat ya maseseg ya makabaley et no tugtuwa ya, sakey sirin sikato ya dobli kara: nasyunalista no kabuasan, migagalaw ed saray espiya no labi.
Say analisis nen Francesco Sisci et, ya manlapud Inglis ipatalos kod Pangasinan, onya: "Sakey ya lupa daray agawgawa ya aga nipaway ed panagrikisa ed si Gu Kailai diad patey na sakey ya bibirbiren dan ispiyan Briton so mangiyan ed asawa ton si Bo Xilai, say alaos lan palbayani na makabalon-Mao ya arapen na Tsina, ed kipapasen na sakey ya kontrad-Oeste ya makabaley ed kabuasan tan mimila ed saray kabusol to no labi. Tugtuwa o andi, sayan padisir et duga lan mandiral ed saray nasyunalista tan isugiri to so pamasimbalo ed debatid politika. Say ikolong nen Gu Kailai et nayarin mangiter na selyo ed tutul ya igapo la so abayag lan aalagaren ya reporma ed politika."
Aug 7, 2012
RH bill: Say inkatangawtangaw di Villegas tan Cruz (The ignorance of Villegas and Cruz)
No siopa ray kongrisista tan sinador (Enrile, Sotto) ya onsosomlang ed ipasa na RH bill, kapara iran tangawtangaw ya sikara di Villegas tan Cruz.
Duaran taga-Bataan so nansublay ya nanbenben ed Arsobispado na Lingayen-Dagupan ya agda amta so mansalitay Pangasinan. Akin iraya - sikara Cruz tan Villegas - numiro unon mimibiang ed agda kaokolan ya pibiangan so inmirong tan akairong, duaran Tagalog so manmando ed saray Katoliko ya Pangasinense?
Nanaral iraya na doktorado ed ley ya kanon balet iray argumento da somlang ed RH bill et makapoy, aga ninonot ta anggapon talagay ilaban da ed manepeg ya pankaokolan ya nipasa so ley.
Villegas declares, "Contraception is corruption." But I dare say, "It is the Catholic Church, which is the hotbed of corruption."
Natan nitan lay Cruz ya patron nen Villegas ya say kuanto: "The Reproductive Health bill does not like life, hates life, wants to do away with life!"
How ignorant! Ag to binasa may intiron bill.
In fact, the RH bill is pro-life. Those who oppose it like Cruz and Villegas are the ones who are anti-life.
Villegas even used the Pangasinan language to justify his claim that Pangasinans do not know or practice contraception. There is no Pangasinan word, he said, for contraception. How did he know it when in fact he does not know Pangasinan?
He does not know that Pangasinans before the Spaniards came practice infanticide when they think that having so many children would make them poor. In other words, this is at worst a form of family-planning. We cannot say this is barbarism because we cannot judge the early Pangasinans why they committed such practice but they must have been very practical.
RH bill is pro-life because it cares for the life of the mother and the living children. It gives the guarantee that the mother could live a healthy life with proper medication and that the children could be pampered, nourished and educated in a family that is properly provided for. It gives the mother or the woman to choose between artificial and natural method.
The status quo does not provide the minimum condition for a mother or a woman to have the critical choice in upholding life for her and for her existing children if she has given birth.
The RH bill promotes life by making sure that those who had been born as a child and as a mother would be given the maximum security to continue living and enjoy life.
The anti-RH people do not realize that by rejecting the bill they are sanctioning the continued deprivation of the guarantee that makes the mother and her children alive because with unmitigated family reproduction it does not only endanger the life of the mother who is the bearer of the seed of life but also threatens the lives of her existing children. A family of twelve children would no doubt illustrate this: two or three would suffer from malnutrition resulting in death, the remaining nine would struggle to go to school perhaps with five getting to elementary grades while others would help their parents for their livelihood . In times of epidemic or calamity, with poor health and a shoestring budget, some members would die of disease and starvation. Some would get married at a young age repeating the cycle.
This had been the scenario and the Philippine Roman Catholic church wants to perpetuate it. It is anti-life. It promotes the viciousness of poverty, lack of informed choice and ignorance.
I am beginning to believe more and more that the Philippine Roman Catholic church is a factor in the underdevelopment of the country. First, it is a church of opulence in a sea of poverty. Second, it is not a beacon of enlightenment; it is more the instrument of darkness by perpetuation of medieval ideas. Third and last, it is a church that is bent in protecting its self-interests cavorting with powers-that-be than keeping its flock.
Duaran taga-Bataan so nansublay ya nanbenben ed Arsobispado na Lingayen-Dagupan ya agda amta so mansalitay Pangasinan. Akin iraya - sikara Cruz tan Villegas - numiro unon mimibiang ed agda kaokolan ya pibiangan so inmirong tan akairong, duaran Tagalog so manmando ed saray Katoliko ya Pangasinense?
Nanaral iraya na doktorado ed ley ya kanon balet iray argumento da somlang ed RH bill et makapoy, aga ninonot ta anggapon talagay ilaban da ed manepeg ya pankaokolan ya nipasa so ley.
Villegas declares, "Contraception is corruption." But I dare say, "It is the Catholic Church, which is the hotbed of corruption."
Natan nitan lay Cruz ya patron nen Villegas ya say kuanto: "The Reproductive Health bill does not like life, hates life, wants to do away with life!"
How ignorant! Ag to binasa may intiron bill.
In fact, the RH bill is pro-life. Those who oppose it like Cruz and Villegas are the ones who are anti-life.
Villegas even used the Pangasinan language to justify his claim that Pangasinans do not know or practice contraception. There is no Pangasinan word, he said, for contraception. How did he know it when in fact he does not know Pangasinan?
He does not know that Pangasinans before the Spaniards came practice infanticide when they think that having so many children would make them poor. In other words, this is at worst a form of family-planning. We cannot say this is barbarism because we cannot judge the early Pangasinans why they committed such practice but they must have been very practical.
RH bill is pro-life because it cares for the life of the mother and the living children. It gives the guarantee that the mother could live a healthy life with proper medication and that the children could be pampered, nourished and educated in a family that is properly provided for. It gives the mother or the woman to choose between artificial and natural method.
The status quo does not provide the minimum condition for a mother or a woman to have the critical choice in upholding life for her and for her existing children if she has given birth.
The RH bill promotes life by making sure that those who had been born as a child and as a mother would be given the maximum security to continue living and enjoy life.
The anti-RH people do not realize that by rejecting the bill they are sanctioning the continued deprivation of the guarantee that makes the mother and her children alive because with unmitigated family reproduction it does not only endanger the life of the mother who is the bearer of the seed of life but also threatens the lives of her existing children. A family of twelve children would no doubt illustrate this: two or three would suffer from malnutrition resulting in death, the remaining nine would struggle to go to school perhaps with five getting to elementary grades while others would help their parents for their livelihood . In times of epidemic or calamity, with poor health and a shoestring budget, some members would die of disease and starvation. Some would get married at a young age repeating the cycle.
This had been the scenario and the Philippine Roman Catholic church wants to perpetuate it. It is anti-life. It promotes the viciousness of poverty, lack of informed choice and ignorance.
I am beginning to believe more and more that the Philippine Roman Catholic church is a factor in the underdevelopment of the country. First, it is a church of opulence in a sea of poverty. Second, it is not a beacon of enlightenment; it is more the instrument of darkness by perpetuation of medieval ideas. Third and last, it is a church that is bent in protecting its self-interests cavorting with powers-that-be than keeping its flock.
Jul 30, 2012
Maguindanao massacre, Marcos plunder tan GMA bail: Walay baleg ya probliman talaga ed Philippine justice system
Kasumpal na SONA nen PNoy ya maliket iray totoo na gobierno ed saya, diad ontumbok ya agew say bad news et akapaway lay matakew ya si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo lapud nanbayar ya P 1 milyon ya pisos parad bail.
Kasumpal na 26 taon ya nanari iray Marcos anggapo ni anggad sakey ed sikara so nikolong ed ginawan sangkabalgan ya panagtakew ed kuartay gobierno.
Sayay Maguindanao massacre met et taluran taon la so apalabas anggapo ni so disisyon na korti. Dakel ed saray tasi et pinapatey daray totoo daray Ampatuan.
The delay in the delivery of justice has spawned a culture of impunity that makes a mockery of justice with corrupt politicians, notorious criminals and petty snatchers flaunting their invincibility and immunity from prosecution and persecution.
The Philippine judicial system is the most corrupt of all branches in Philippine bureaucracy where one can buy justice, delay justice, suspend justice or deny justice.
Is the GMA bail the portent to come from the unceremonious dismissal from office of the corrupt Supreme Court chief justice Corona in which the forces hurt by that removal, the majority of the judges and staff of the Philippine judiciary, are allying with elements associated with GMA forced out of power?
Or is it merely a reflection of the incompetence of the prosecution as well as the venality of the judge who is holding the case?
The delaying tactic of the defendant in the Maguindanao massacre abetted and allowed by judicial procedure of "due process", which is synonymous to "delay" through the submission of petition to the higher court other than the court deciding the case is prolonging the delivery of fair and equitable justice. Another factor is the competence or incompetence of the judge handling the case. Why it is allowed by Philippine jurisprudence shows how justice is being perverted to satisfy the whims of the rich and the powerful. The commission of a crime is easy, so its prosecution must be swift but fair.
The court handling the case must only be the sole arbiter of the issues of the case disallowing at the very first instance petitions to higher courts. Only when the case has been resolved that the case can be elevated to higher courts for appeal.
If the Maguindanao massacre case will take three more years to reach its verdict, then there is no hope in Philippine judicial system. It is hopeless. The better way to do is to abolish the courts and let the rule of the jungle!
The only means to restore the credibility of Philippine judicial system is to speed up the process by making a deadline for the resolution of each case, which is within six months to one year.
Corollary to this is the training of the prosecution for fool-proof evidence beginning with NBI and Police investigators down to government lawyers.
Kasumpal na 26 taon ya nanari iray Marcos anggapo ni anggad sakey ed sikara so nikolong ed ginawan sangkabalgan ya panagtakew ed kuartay gobierno.
Sayay Maguindanao massacre met et taluran taon la so apalabas anggapo ni so disisyon na korti. Dakel ed saray tasi et pinapatey daray totoo daray Ampatuan.
The delay in the delivery of justice has spawned a culture of impunity that makes a mockery of justice with corrupt politicians, notorious criminals and petty snatchers flaunting their invincibility and immunity from prosecution and persecution.
The Philippine judicial system is the most corrupt of all branches in Philippine bureaucracy where one can buy justice, delay justice, suspend justice or deny justice.
Is the GMA bail the portent to come from the unceremonious dismissal from office of the corrupt Supreme Court chief justice Corona in which the forces hurt by that removal, the majority of the judges and staff of the Philippine judiciary, are allying with elements associated with GMA forced out of power?
Or is it merely a reflection of the incompetence of the prosecution as well as the venality of the judge who is holding the case?
The delaying tactic of the defendant in the Maguindanao massacre abetted and allowed by judicial procedure of "due process", which is synonymous to "delay" through the submission of petition to the higher court other than the court deciding the case is prolonging the delivery of fair and equitable justice. Another factor is the competence or incompetence of the judge handling the case. Why it is allowed by Philippine jurisprudence shows how justice is being perverted to satisfy the whims of the rich and the powerful. The commission of a crime is easy, so its prosecution must be swift but fair.
The court handling the case must only be the sole arbiter of the issues of the case disallowing at the very first instance petitions to higher courts. Only when the case has been resolved that the case can be elevated to higher courts for appeal.
If the Maguindanao massacre case will take three more years to reach its verdict, then there is no hope in Philippine judicial system. It is hopeless. The better way to do is to abolish the courts and let the rule of the jungle!
The only means to restore the credibility of Philippine judicial system is to speed up the process by making a deadline for the resolution of each case, which is within six months to one year.
Corollary to this is the training of the prosecution for fool-proof evidence beginning with NBI and Police investigators down to government lawyers.
CHA-CHA through CON-CON labat
No to Charter Change by Constitutional Assembly!
No Con-Ass, iray pulitiko labat so nayarin mansalat na probisiyon na ley. Siempri say intiris da so manari imbis ya kanepegan na baley.
Charter Change should be done immediately by Constitutional Convention.
The elected representatives, unbiased, young and visionaries, must be the ones to constitute the group that will entirely revise the constitution.
Bernas, the self-appointed constitutionalist, does not want a CON-CON because it will destroy an outdated, American-influenced document, that maintained and promoted a highly centralized form of government neglecting the varying political and economic landscapes in the country, now wallowing in utter dependence to Manila, which had grown leaps and bounds by plundering the countryside to build the metropolis.
Akin kaokolan so CHA-CHA?
Pian nasalatan so politikal ya pamaakaran manlapud presidential manmaliw ya parliamentary odino sakey ya institusiyon ya nibasi ed sakey ya indigenous odino gendat ya pamaakaran.
Pian nasalatan so politikal ya pamaakaran manlapud unitary manmaliw ya federal, mangiter na uley ed saray rehiyon ya paaliguasen day luga-lugar dan miampar ed kabaleg tan kayaman na Manila. Ed arum ya salita, ondakel iray siyudad ya angkakabaleg ya atayak ed intiron Pilipinas.
Aliwa labat lapud kaokolan ya salatan so 60-40 ya economic provision na ley.
Kaokolan ya nitandoro so kapolopoloan ya walna na baley ya nisaral ed sakey ya maksil ya uley ed panagmegley na maksil ya nabiyo.
Patikeyen met so ley lapud andukerukey.
Itagey met so kuwalipikasyon daray onbabatik ya opisyal lautlad barangay, munisipiyo, luyag, rehiyon, panbansa ya kaokolan ya college graduate.
The political leadership should be based on meritocracy (utek), not on plutocracy (ed yaman labat) neither most especially on degeneracy (ed inkakapoy).
Yes to CHA-CHA but only through CON-CON!
No Con-Ass, iray pulitiko labat so nayarin mansalat na probisiyon na ley. Siempri say intiris da so manari imbis ya kanepegan na baley.
Charter Change should be done immediately by Constitutional Convention.
The elected representatives, unbiased, young and visionaries, must be the ones to constitute the group that will entirely revise the constitution.
Bernas, the self-appointed constitutionalist, does not want a CON-CON because it will destroy an outdated, American-influenced document, that maintained and promoted a highly centralized form of government neglecting the varying political and economic landscapes in the country, now wallowing in utter dependence to Manila, which had grown leaps and bounds by plundering the countryside to build the metropolis.
Akin kaokolan so CHA-CHA?
Pian nasalatan so politikal ya pamaakaran manlapud presidential manmaliw ya parliamentary odino sakey ya institusiyon ya nibasi ed sakey ya indigenous odino gendat ya pamaakaran.
Pian nasalatan so politikal ya pamaakaran manlapud unitary manmaliw ya federal, mangiter na uley ed saray rehiyon ya paaliguasen day luga-lugar dan miampar ed kabaleg tan kayaman na Manila. Ed arum ya salita, ondakel iray siyudad ya angkakabaleg ya atayak ed intiron Pilipinas.
Aliwa labat lapud kaokolan ya salatan so 60-40 ya economic provision na ley.
Kaokolan ya nitandoro so kapolopoloan ya walna na baley ya nisaral ed sakey ya maksil ya uley ed panagmegley na maksil ya nabiyo.
Patikeyen met so ley lapud andukerukey.
Itagey met so kuwalipikasyon daray onbabatik ya opisyal lautlad barangay, munisipiyo, luyag, rehiyon, panbansa ya kaokolan ya college graduate.
The political leadership should be based on meritocracy (utek), not on plutocracy (ed yaman labat) neither most especially on degeneracy (ed inkakapoy).
Yes to CHA-CHA but only through CON-CON!
Jul 13, 2012
Say trahidiya ya tatawagen ya ASEAN ed dalem na Cambodia (The tragedy called ASEAN under Cambodia)
Say Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) ya nigapo nen 1967 no agak nalilingo et sakey labat ya upot-oras, gastos na kuwarta daray diplomat ya manisian makatulong ed politika, tan ikonomiya daray bansan Pilipinas, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, tan Brunei. Labay na East Timor so onloob.
During the advent of Burma's military rule in which severe human rights violations were occurring, ASEAN refused to tackle it as a group as if it was condoning it in the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs. It is plain and simple lack of mettle to discipline erring members. It is pure uselessness.
Better dissolve the ASEAN if it cannot unite itself over one issue: to stand pat with one's member (i.e. Vietnam, the Philippines) against the bullying of China.
Natan, what can we expect from Cambodia, a long-time ally of China, during the long and bloody years of the Khmer Rouge, which was responsible for the genocide of millions of Cambodians?
The arm-twisting must have been done.
Say ASEAN et anggapoy kakanaan to no ag to sarag ya ilaban so kanepegan na rehiun.
The code of conduct is not a diplomatic communique that will only benefit the Philippines or Vietnam; it involves the whole region whose lifeblood for all the centuries of its civilization has been the South Seas.
If ASEAN cannot get its act together against China's outright and illegal claim of the entire sea encroaching on territories such as Scarborough shoal and Paracel islands, which in principle is contrary to the spirit of UNCLOS, what is it for?
And there has been talks for ASEAN common currency. What for?
ASEAN should not be held hostage by any superpower who is thinking of using it for its own interests.
If ASEAN does not issue the code of conduct for all the members to follow, whose interest is it serving?
The code of conduct could have been a show of unity among ASEAN members that they cannot kowtow to the vested interest of China. It is bigger than China itself who is thinking that it can bambozzle members through a bilateral tete-a-tete. It is bigger because it involves not only the peace, security and stability of ASEAN and East Asia but the whole of Asia and the Pacific.
The failure of the talks shows clearly how very limited the regional consciousness and identity of ASEAN member-countries.
As citizen of ASEAN, I vote for its abolition and dissolution but in its place the formation of the CASEAN, ASEAN under China.
No nagawa tan, ta nagagawa la sirin natan, CASEAN na arum ya bansa so Pilipinas tan Vietnam. Balet andi, kaokolan ya italendeg na Pilipinas so dili ton interes ya anggapoy mibabalin manmandomando.
During the advent of Burma's military rule in which severe human rights violations were occurring, ASEAN refused to tackle it as a group as if it was condoning it in the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs. It is plain and simple lack of mettle to discipline erring members. It is pure uselessness.
Better dissolve the ASEAN if it cannot unite itself over one issue: to stand pat with one's member (i.e. Vietnam, the Philippines) against the bullying of China.
Natan, what can we expect from Cambodia, a long-time ally of China, during the long and bloody years of the Khmer Rouge, which was responsible for the genocide of millions of Cambodians?
The arm-twisting must have been done.
Say ASEAN et anggapoy kakanaan to no ag to sarag ya ilaban so kanepegan na rehiun.
The code of conduct is not a diplomatic communique that will only benefit the Philippines or Vietnam; it involves the whole region whose lifeblood for all the centuries of its civilization has been the South Seas.
If ASEAN cannot get its act together against China's outright and illegal claim of the entire sea encroaching on territories such as Scarborough shoal and Paracel islands, which in principle is contrary to the spirit of UNCLOS, what is it for?
And there has been talks for ASEAN common currency. What for?
ASEAN should not be held hostage by any superpower who is thinking of using it for its own interests.
If ASEAN does not issue the code of conduct for all the members to follow, whose interest is it serving?
The code of conduct could have been a show of unity among ASEAN members that they cannot kowtow to the vested interest of China. It is bigger than China itself who is thinking that it can bambozzle members through a bilateral tete-a-tete. It is bigger because it involves not only the peace, security and stability of ASEAN and East Asia but the whole of Asia and the Pacific.
The failure of the talks shows clearly how very limited the regional consciousness and identity of ASEAN member-countries.
As citizen of ASEAN, I vote for its abolition and dissolution but in its place the formation of the CASEAN, ASEAN under China.
No nagawa tan, ta nagagawa la sirin natan, CASEAN na arum ya bansa so Pilipinas tan Vietnam. Balet andi, kaokolan ya italendeg na Pilipinas so dili ton interes ya anggapoy mibabalin manmandomando.
Jul 2, 2012
The stupidity of Chiz Escudero or why is he unfit to be senator at the least?
Nen Hunio 24, pinmaway so balita ya say kuanen Chiz nipaakar ed Scarborough shoal et: "We should not pressure ourselves into resolving the issue within the year or next year or within the term of the President."
San kuanto ni: "It should not have been made more complicated than it is. We are already asking China to leave the area, but what if it orders us to leave? What will happen then? I believe that the issue will be resolved by the next generation when both sides that have more broader mind-sets have lightened up."
So what is this dumb senator asking, that we surrender our right to Scarborough? Does it matter to us if China "orders" us to vacate? Then, all the more that we must not and all the more that we assert our right by "ordering" China to back off from our territory.
What our politicians lack is the nerve to be assertive. And it goes down to our newspapers, which are becoming mouthpieces of China, instead of voicing the sentiment of the majority that is surely to promote and assert our national interest.
Abayag lan anggapoy amor kod si Escudero. Anggapoy liknaan kon sarag ton igiya so bansa. No saya la et ipanengneng to la ya aso sikato na China, panon to no akairong lad Malacanang?
Say kuanto ni:
"We have more urgent things to spend our time on than Panatag where we are at a disadvantage. Things will work out in time. We should not let it go but we should also not force the issue. We should not leave it but we should not also rush in resolving it."
What can we say about his advice? He is simply saying: "We must not press our claim. Let the status quo. Let China bully us. And in that way resolution is at hand."
Satan so inkamureng nen Chiz Escudero.
San kuanto ni: "It should not have been made more complicated than it is. We are already asking China to leave the area, but what if it orders us to leave? What will happen then? I believe that the issue will be resolved by the next generation when both sides that have more broader mind-sets have lightened up."
So what is this dumb senator asking, that we surrender our right to Scarborough? Does it matter to us if China "orders" us to vacate? Then, all the more that we must not and all the more that we assert our right by "ordering" China to back off from our territory.
What our politicians lack is the nerve to be assertive. And it goes down to our newspapers, which are becoming mouthpieces of China, instead of voicing the sentiment of the majority that is surely to promote and assert our national interest.
Abayag lan anggapoy amor kod si Escudero. Anggapoy liknaan kon sarag ton igiya so bansa. No saya la et ipanengneng to la ya aso sikato na China, panon to no akairong lad Malacanang?
Say kuanto ni:
"We have more urgent things to spend our time on than Panatag where we are at a disadvantage. Things will work out in time. We should not let it go but we should also not force the issue. We should not leave it but we should not also rush in resolving it."
What can we say about his advice? He is simply saying: "We must not press our claim. Let the status quo. Let China bully us. And in that way resolution is at hand."
Satan so inkamureng nen Chiz Escudero.
Jun 23, 2012
Danggo Nasyunal na Pilipinas
Jose Palma
Inpatalos ed Pangasinan manlapud Espanyol nen Erwin S. Fernandez
Dalin ya inaro
Anak na agew ed letakan,
Say apuy to manliub
Ed panagparuk ed sika.
Baley daray ar-aro
Andoyan na kabayanian,
Saray mananamsam
Ag da ka nadiwit anggad piga.
Diad tawen mon inanagan, diad saray lurem
Diad saray palandey mo tan ed dayat mo
Masnag tan onpaparuk so anlong
Na inaron kawayangan mo.
Say laylay mo, ed saray bakálan,
Nansilew ed pamanaltalo,
Ag nalinggis ya naerep andi kapigan man
Iray bituwen mo ni tay banuam.
Iray bituwen mo ni tay banuam.
Dalin na gayaga, na agew tan daray ar-aro,
Diad akualan mo agay lay samit so
Sakey ya gloria ed saray anak mo,
No sikay sakitan da et onpatey lapud
[Inbalikas nen 19 Hunio 2012, Manila]
Jun 14, 2012
"The Pensacola Syndrome" : Akin ag napanpiaan so Estados Unidos?
Why we cannot trust the U.S.?
Inpromisa na US ya itdan to konoy Pilipinas na "powerful radar." Tan ontulong ira kono ed pamaalagey na sakey ya National Coast Watch Center.
Natan ka diad isabiy 2020 kapalduad pwirsa na US Navy iyakar da la ed Pasipiko.
During the quest for Philippine Independence in 1898, the US through Dewey fooled Aguinaldo into believing that America came to help the Filipinos get their freedom from Spain. In a blatant show of treachery, what happened was they used Filipino forces to secure Manila from the Spaniards so that eventually they could fight the Filipinos and take the Philippines from them.
Then came World War II. America's Europe First policy prolonged the agony of the Filipinos fighting in Bataan and Corregidor in the Pensacola, the American convoy that never arrived past Australia.
The historian, diplomat extraordinaire, and biographer of Rizal, Leon Ma. Guerrero delivered a talk in 1969 and revised and published in 1972 about what he called the Pensacola syndrome, an allegory to what happened in Bataan that speaks on the over-reliance of the Philippines on the US for their security against external aggression.
Samay Symington report nen 1967 insalaysay diman ya say Amerika aliwan nakaokolan ya onrispondi no say Pilipinas et inataki na arum ya bansa somlang ed samay kanonotan ya "instant retaliation" ya walad saray tongtongan na US tan Pilipinas. Natan ya anggapo la US bases, ag nailaloan say mutual defense treaty na Pilipinas tan US.
Sayan panagdipindi ed US anggapoy agawaan ton marakep ta imbis ya napabalibali so AFP, tagaawat labat na obsolete iran kagawaan ya nanlapu rad Vietnam War.
Samay sinaliw na Pilipinas ya coast guard cutter, imbis ya akargaan ya kaokolan ya dipinsa, inlako ni na Amerika, pinantuboan da ti ni, et manliket si PNoy.
Guerrero gave the opinion that: "the Filipinos may wish to relieve their Pensacola syndrome, and consider the advantages of a self-reliant independent neutrality over a bilateral agreement with a superpower that, as the Symington hearings suggested, might well be only an agreement for the defence of the indefensible by the reluctant against the indifferent."
I agree that now more than ever we need to be self-reliant and independent and that means developing our military capability in matters of defense and offense and that our aim must be nothing far short than to become a naval power in the Asia Pacific.
Inpromisa na US ya itdan to konoy Pilipinas na "powerful radar." Tan ontulong ira kono ed pamaalagey na sakey ya National Coast Watch Center.
Natan ka diad isabiy 2020 kapalduad pwirsa na US Navy iyakar da la ed Pasipiko.
During the quest for Philippine Independence in 1898, the US through Dewey fooled Aguinaldo into believing that America came to help the Filipinos get their freedom from Spain. In a blatant show of treachery, what happened was they used Filipino forces to secure Manila from the Spaniards so that eventually they could fight the Filipinos and take the Philippines from them.
Then came World War II. America's Europe First policy prolonged the agony of the Filipinos fighting in Bataan and Corregidor in the Pensacola, the American convoy that never arrived past Australia.
The historian, diplomat extraordinaire, and biographer of Rizal, Leon Ma. Guerrero delivered a talk in 1969 and revised and published in 1972 about what he called the Pensacola syndrome, an allegory to what happened in Bataan that speaks on the over-reliance of the Philippines on the US for their security against external aggression.
Samay Symington report nen 1967 insalaysay diman ya say Amerika aliwan nakaokolan ya onrispondi no say Pilipinas et inataki na arum ya bansa somlang ed samay kanonotan ya "instant retaliation" ya walad saray tongtongan na US tan Pilipinas. Natan ya anggapo la US bases, ag nailaloan say mutual defense treaty na Pilipinas tan US.
Sayan panagdipindi ed US anggapoy agawaan ton marakep ta imbis ya napabalibali so AFP, tagaawat labat na obsolete iran kagawaan ya nanlapu rad Vietnam War.
Samay sinaliw na Pilipinas ya coast guard cutter, imbis ya akargaan ya kaokolan ya dipinsa, inlako ni na Amerika, pinantuboan da ti ni, et manliket si PNoy.
Guerrero gave the opinion that: "the Filipinos may wish to relieve their Pensacola syndrome, and consider the advantages of a self-reliant independent neutrality over a bilateral agreement with a superpower that, as the Symington hearings suggested, might well be only an agreement for the defence of the indefensible by the reluctant against the indifferent."
I agree that now more than ever we need to be self-reliant and independent and that means developing our military capability in matters of defense and offense and that our aim must be nothing far short than to become a naval power in the Asia Pacific.
Incompetent DFA and Mr. Del Rosario: Antoy aalagaren mo ni? File the complaint!
Abayag lan ibabaga na Department of Foreign Affairs ed panamegley nen Mr. Albert Rosario ya mangi-file iray asunto ed International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea.
Nen kapetangan na Scarborough, malastog sayan Del Rosario ya walad kanepegan na Pilipinas so Bajio de Masinloc o sayay Panatag shoal.
Pigaran bulan lay apalabas, natan ibabaga nen Del Rosario ya kaokolan ya ipalima so kaso ed ITLOS diad Hamburg, Germany.
Akin ag to ni ginawa ya?
No man-press release say DFA, singa ibabaga dad China so strategy da ya mangiiter na panaon ed impiryalista ya makapanparaan.
What are you waiting for, Mr. Del Rosario? Are you as incompetent as your predecessor? The news that could have landed in newspapers should have been: "RP files complaint to ITLOS." In other words, the deed has been done for all the Filipinos to know that you are really doing your job.
It has been in the news that you will file complaint to ITLOS. Does this mean that your people in the DFA are still sitting on the case?
Mr. Del Rosario, mere rhetoric does not help our case. Action does.
Nen kapetangan na Scarborough, malastog sayan Del Rosario ya walad kanepegan na Pilipinas so Bajio de Masinloc o sayay Panatag shoal.
Pigaran bulan lay apalabas, natan ibabaga nen Del Rosario ya kaokolan ya ipalima so kaso ed ITLOS diad Hamburg, Germany.
Akin ag to ni ginawa ya?
No man-press release say DFA, singa ibabaga dad China so strategy da ya mangiiter na panaon ed impiryalista ya makapanparaan.
What are you waiting for, Mr. Del Rosario? Are you as incompetent as your predecessor? The news that could have landed in newspapers should have been: "RP files complaint to ITLOS." In other words, the deed has been done for all the Filipinos to know that you are really doing your job.
It has been in the news that you will file complaint to ITLOS. Does this mean that your people in the DFA are still sitting on the case?
Mr. Del Rosario, mere rhetoric does not help our case. Action does.
May 23, 2012
Sakey ya medical conspiracy: Si Corona ed Medical City and the need to convict now the thief justice
Iray doktor natan et sikara so sangkaganoan ya pangalaay alibi ta pian ag makaarap ed saray kaso na sakey ya baleg ya too.
Nanonotan ya si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, matakew ya pangolo ya kapalduan Pangasinense, et inusar to ray doktor na St. Luke's pian makapanbaraan ya onalis ed bansa. Wala iray doktor ya sarag dan opiraan si Gloria balet diad certification daray doktor na St. Luke's kaokolan to kono so onla ed abroad ta ag da kayaryan ya tambalen si Gloria. Baleg ya tampal ed saray ispiyalistan Pilipino!
Amay agawa nen karuman et sakey ya apinonong da la ray abogago nen Corona. Si masiken lan Cuevas ya sangkamaungan ya managtila so makaamta ed aplanon panagbatik nen Corona kasumpal so andukerukey ya opening statement.
Naataki kono na hypoglycemia si Corona ya maksil nen linmagey, akisamano ni ed saray abogago to tan nanakar ya maples anggano anggapo ni so inter ya pirmiso nen tangawtangaw ya Enrile. Baleg so papil nen Enrile no akin nanmaliw ya moro-moro so Sinado nen karuman ta pinolyanan to ya manmonologue si Corona ya say kuanen Atty. Mario Bautista et "highly irregular."
Pinmaway so bulletin na Medical City ya say kuanen Dr. Eugenio Jose Ramos, senior vice president na Medical City ed Pasig, si Corona kono et tatambalen da lapud "possible acute coronary syndrome or heart attack" ta wala ray sintomas to ya "shortness of breath, cold sweats and light-headedness."
These are all lies! Tila irayan amin. Et si Dr. Ramos et nanpausar ed si Corona pian aga makaatindi ed hearing natan. Kanayon to kasi si corrupt ya Fidel Ramos, ya sakey ya supporter nen Corona?
Aga kasi sosomlangen na medical ethics sayan ginawa nen Ramos?
Inusar nen Corona so saman ya taluran oras pian ibaga to saray hearsay ya anggapoy dokuminto ya mangiter na suporta.
Iray impliyado na korti mibabalin akisimpatia ed si Corona ya nankawes ni ray ambalanga ya ag da ninonot ya say oras da et mas importantin niusar ed saray kason dakerakel ya atipon ed saray korti.
No akin ta susuportaan da si Corona et lapud kapara iran matakew, korap, abusado. Akin anggapoy impliyado ditan na korti ya anti-Corona ya amin irad tan et bulag, telek ed saray ginawgawa nen Corona?
The time has come to convict Corona. To acquit him is to prolong the agony of the Filipino people who are sick and tired of corruption and to continue the desecration of justice long to have been at the hands of the rich and the powerful.
Nanonotan ya si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, matakew ya pangolo ya kapalduan Pangasinense, et inusar to ray doktor na St. Luke's pian makapanbaraan ya onalis ed bansa. Wala iray doktor ya sarag dan opiraan si Gloria balet diad certification daray doktor na St. Luke's kaokolan to kono so onla ed abroad ta ag da kayaryan ya tambalen si Gloria. Baleg ya tampal ed saray ispiyalistan Pilipino!
Amay agawa nen karuman et sakey ya apinonong da la ray abogago nen Corona. Si masiken lan Cuevas ya sangkamaungan ya managtila so makaamta ed aplanon panagbatik nen Corona kasumpal so andukerukey ya opening statement.
Naataki kono na hypoglycemia si Corona ya maksil nen linmagey, akisamano ni ed saray abogago to tan nanakar ya maples anggano anggapo ni so inter ya pirmiso nen tangawtangaw ya Enrile. Baleg so papil nen Enrile no akin nanmaliw ya moro-moro so Sinado nen karuman ta pinolyanan to ya manmonologue si Corona ya say kuanen Atty. Mario Bautista et "highly irregular."
Pinmaway so bulletin na Medical City ya say kuanen Dr. Eugenio Jose Ramos, senior vice president na Medical City ed Pasig, si Corona kono et tatambalen da lapud "possible acute coronary syndrome or heart attack" ta wala ray sintomas to ya "shortness of breath, cold sweats and light-headedness."
These are all lies! Tila irayan amin. Et si Dr. Ramos et nanpausar ed si Corona pian aga makaatindi ed hearing natan. Kanayon to kasi si corrupt ya Fidel Ramos, ya sakey ya supporter nen Corona?
Aga kasi sosomlangen na medical ethics sayan ginawa nen Ramos?
Inusar nen Corona so saman ya taluran oras pian ibaga to saray hearsay ya anggapoy dokuminto ya mangiter na suporta.
Iray impliyado na korti mibabalin akisimpatia ed si Corona ya nankawes ni ray ambalanga ya ag da ninonot ya say oras da et mas importantin niusar ed saray kason dakerakel ya atipon ed saray korti.
No akin ta susuportaan da si Corona et lapud kapara iran matakew, korap, abusado. Akin anggapoy impliyado ditan na korti ya anti-Corona ya amin irad tan et bulag, telek ed saray ginawgawa nen Corona?
The time has come to convict Corona. To acquit him is to prolong the agony of the Filipino people who are sick and tired of corruption and to continue the desecration of justice long to have been at the hands of the rich and the powerful.
May 5, 2012
Sakey a limos: US aid to Philippine military mere pittance! An insult to Philippine-US defense treaty
Say $ 30 milyon ya tulong na Amirika ed militar na Pilipinas et melmelag ya singa insulto ed pigaran taon lan Philippine-US mutual defense treaty. Sayan tratado et apirmaan nen Agosto 30, 1951 ed Washington, D.C. Sikaton natan ya taon walay 61 taon lan apalabas. Balet antoy naitolong na Estados Unidos ed Philippine military?
Obsolete iran kagawaan.
Diad inkakapoy daray pangolo ya sikara di Quirino, Magsaysay, Garcia, Macapagal, lautlay Marcos, Aquino, siempri ayay si Ramos, Erap tan GMA tan diad inkakorap da alingwanan dan pinakasil so militar ta pian ag la ondipindi ed US.
Nen panaun nen Marcos, walay militarisasyon ya agawa balet antoy agawaan to ed modirnisasyon na AFP?
Inusar toy militar ta pian onbayag ed poder, ta pian naipakolong to ray onsosomlang ed sikato.
Say isyu na military bases na US so akaalay atinsion daray pangolo ya agda ninonot ya ta pian manmaliw ya maksil ya poder ed Asya kaokolan ya itday atinsion so militar parad siguridad na bansa, diad iyaliguas na tiknolohiya tan diad ikurang na industriyalisasyon.
Nen panaun nen Ramos nipasa so ley na AFP modernization balet anggapoy agawaan to ya no ag say militar nanmaliw ya obong daray matakew.
The US aid of $ 30 million cannot be compared with the $ 3. 075 billion US military aid to Israel for 2012. Last year, US aid to Israel military was $ 3 billion. Ag naikompara. The aid to RP military is 0.0097 % of the US aid to Israel military.
Makapalek yay US. Makapalek lalo so gobiernoy Pilipinas ya maliket la ed sayan limos.
Then there is a new bill in US Congress that will give additional $680 million to Israel to boost its missile defense.
What's $30 million to that?
Philippine relationship to the US began in 1898 when the US navy under George Dewey intruded into our affairs and killed the First Philippine Republic, the first democratic republic in Asia.
US-Israel close relationship started only in 1948 when the US recognized Israel in the UN not without a minimum coercion on Philippine side to vote with the American position.
Philippine-US mutual defense treaty, antoy agawaan to ed kapasidad na militar na Pilipinas ya idipinsa toy dili ton tiritoryo?
What did this treaty achieve for Philippine defense posture particularly article 2, which states that:
"In order more effectively to achieve the objective of this Treaty, the Parties separately and jointly by self-help and mutual aid will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack"?
I will underscore US "mutual aid" since the US was a global power militarily, economically, and politically since then up to the present to a small power such as the Philippines.
It was the obligation of the US to help the Philippines and build up its self-defense prior to its independence in 1946 only to be bungled by Douglas McArthur so that when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Philippines, the country and its people were humiliated, devastated, ruined.
So, is $30 million the price to pay for Bataan and Corregidor where Filipinos and Americans died in defense of liberty?
Obsolete iran kagawaan.
Diad inkakapoy daray pangolo ya sikara di Quirino, Magsaysay, Garcia, Macapagal, lautlay Marcos, Aquino, siempri ayay si Ramos, Erap tan GMA tan diad inkakorap da alingwanan dan pinakasil so militar ta pian ag la ondipindi ed US.
Nen panaun nen Marcos, walay militarisasyon ya agawa balet antoy agawaan to ed modirnisasyon na AFP?
Inusar toy militar ta pian onbayag ed poder, ta pian naipakolong to ray onsosomlang ed sikato.
Say isyu na military bases na US so akaalay atinsion daray pangolo ya agda ninonot ya ta pian manmaliw ya maksil ya poder ed Asya kaokolan ya itday atinsion so militar parad siguridad na bansa, diad iyaliguas na tiknolohiya tan diad ikurang na industriyalisasyon.
Nen panaun nen Ramos nipasa so ley na AFP modernization balet anggapoy agawaan to ya no ag say militar nanmaliw ya obong daray matakew.
The US aid of $ 30 million cannot be compared with the $ 3. 075 billion US military aid to Israel for 2012. Last year, US aid to Israel military was $ 3 billion. Ag naikompara. The aid to RP military is 0.0097 % of the US aid to Israel military.
Makapalek yay US. Makapalek lalo so gobiernoy Pilipinas ya maliket la ed sayan limos.
Then there is a new bill in US Congress that will give additional $680 million to Israel to boost its missile defense.
What's $30 million to that?
Philippine relationship to the US began in 1898 when the US navy under George Dewey intruded into our affairs and killed the First Philippine Republic, the first democratic republic in Asia.
US-Israel close relationship started only in 1948 when the US recognized Israel in the UN not without a minimum coercion on Philippine side to vote with the American position.
Philippine-US mutual defense treaty, antoy agawaan to ed kapasidad na militar na Pilipinas ya idipinsa toy dili ton tiritoryo?
What did this treaty achieve for Philippine defense posture particularly article 2, which states that:
"In order more effectively to achieve the objective of this Treaty, the Parties separately and jointly by self-help and mutual aid will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack"?
I will underscore US "mutual aid" since the US was a global power militarily, economically, and politically since then up to the present to a small power such as the Philippines.
It was the obligation of the US to help the Philippines and build up its self-defense prior to its independence in 1946 only to be bungled by Douglas McArthur so that when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Philippines, the country and its people were humiliated, devastated, ruined.
So, is $30 million the price to pay for Bataan and Corregidor where Filipinos and Americans died in defense of liberty?
May 2, 2012
Oras lan mangiletneg na military-industrial complex ed Pilipinas! Time now to build a military-industrial complex in the Philippines!
Akin military-industrial complex?
Ta piano makaiter na siguridad ed intiron tiritoryo na Pilipinas natan ya ipapanengneng na Tsina so inkasigasiga to diad West Philippine Sea.
Selselan to so industriyalisasyon na bansa lapud patageyan to so research and development ed militar kaiba lay pangiletneg na nuclear missiles, aerospace, satellite, radar, naval shipyard etc.
Kaiban iletneg so sakey ya naval shipyard ya panggawaay angkabaleg ya bapor tan submarine ya di-torpedo ya manbantay ed taew na Pilipinas.
Kaokolan ya iletneg so sakey ya naval base ya sangkabalegan ed intiron Asia ta pian manmaliw ya maritime power ed Asia-Pacific. Build in the Philippines the largest naval base in Asia to become a maritime power in the Asia-Pacific region.
Pabiskegen to so Armed Forces of the Philippines diad panamegley na research nipaakar ed modirno tan state-of-the-art tan inimbento daray Pilipino ya kagawaan ya singa F-16 etc.
Pakasilen to so siguridad na bansan ag la kaokolan so tulong na arum ya bansa.
Pakasilen to so iyaliguas na baley diad pangiletneg na train system ed intiron bansa.
Pabiskegen to so pangiyusar daray miniral ya diposito na bansa ya kaokolan ed industriyalisasyon.
Diad tiknolohiyan nagawa ed militar, nayari iran iyiksport ya pangalaay kuwarta.
Let us build a military-industrial complex in the Philippines for Philippine security and development.
It is high time now that we assume our proper place in Southeast Asia and the world!
Ta piano makaiter na siguridad ed intiron tiritoryo na Pilipinas natan ya ipapanengneng na Tsina so inkasigasiga to diad West Philippine Sea.
Selselan to so industriyalisasyon na bansa lapud patageyan to so research and development ed militar kaiba lay pangiletneg na nuclear missiles, aerospace, satellite, radar, naval shipyard etc.
Kaiban iletneg so sakey ya naval shipyard ya panggawaay angkabaleg ya bapor tan submarine ya di-torpedo ya manbantay ed taew na Pilipinas.
Kaokolan ya iletneg so sakey ya naval base ya sangkabalegan ed intiron Asia ta pian manmaliw ya maritime power ed Asia-Pacific. Build in the Philippines the largest naval base in Asia to become a maritime power in the Asia-Pacific region.
Pabiskegen to so Armed Forces of the Philippines diad panamegley na research nipaakar ed modirno tan state-of-the-art tan inimbento daray Pilipino ya kagawaan ya singa F-16 etc.
Pakasilen to so siguridad na bansan ag la kaokolan so tulong na arum ya bansa.
Pakasilen to so iyaliguas na baley diad pangiletneg na train system ed intiron bansa.
Pabiskegen to so pangiyusar daray miniral ya diposito na bansa ya kaokolan ed industriyalisasyon.
Diad tiknolohiyan nagawa ed militar, nayari iran iyiksport ya pangalaay kuwarta.
Let us build a military-industrial complex in the Philippines for Philippine security and development.
It is high time now that we assume our proper place in Southeast Asia and the world!
Apr 21, 2012
Power Crisis ed Mindanao: Lapud incompetence nen Almendras tan Pnoy
Nen panaun nen GMA, say krisis ed iliktrik ed Mindanao so labay dan usaren ta pian makapansaol ed iliksion.
Tugtuwan walay krisis ed kuryinti. Labay dan usaren ya pian makapansaol so kampo nen GMA nen 2010.
Akin balet ey diad sayan kipapasen ag minutektekan na Department of Energy so sayan problima?
Akairong so balon pwiston pangolo nen 2010, akin natan da labat anapan na solusion so sayan problima?
Walay taluran taon ya nayarin iletneg so sakey ya planta ed Mindanao, akin ag da ginawa ya?
No inggapo da nen 2010, natan ya taon 2012 et finishing touches labat la et makatulong la ed kakulangan na reserve supply na kuryinti ed Mindanao.
Akin makapoy si Almendras pian naamtaan to irayan problima na dipartaminto to?
Odino say intiris na dati ton employer ya Aboitiz, say makinggawa na power barge ya mabli so singil da, so mandidikta no panon ton risolbaen so krisis?
Say solusion nen Almendras tan Aboitiz lagi et pabayagen so krisis pian ondakel so pantuboan da tan onbayag so paniirap na totoo ed saray taga-Mindanao.
Due to conflict of interest, Almendras is sacrificing the welfare of the people of Mindanao and the whole nation for the sake of profit by his former employer, the Aboitiz, who owns the power barges supplying the needed reserve power in Mindanao.
It has been three years since 2010 and within that period, a power plant could have been erected and would by now be on its final stages of construction so that by the end of the year it could supply electricity in Mindanao.
Are the people working in the Department of Energy so dumb and stupid that they cannot predict in fifty years the need for Philippines to erect new power plants to stave off power crisis which disastrously affected the economy during Cory Aquino's time?
Such incompetence and display of vested interests had put the economy in a critical situation and demands the immediate resignation of Almendras.
Onoogip ka ed trabahom, PNoy?
Are you sleeping on your job, PNoy?
Bangon ka la! You wake up!
Ikal moy Almendras. Get rid of Almendras.
Or we get rid of you!
Tugtuwan walay krisis ed kuryinti. Labay dan usaren ya pian makapansaol so kampo nen GMA nen 2010.
Akin balet ey diad sayan kipapasen ag minutektekan na Department of Energy so sayan problima?
Akairong so balon pwiston pangolo nen 2010, akin natan da labat anapan na solusion so sayan problima?
Walay taluran taon ya nayarin iletneg so sakey ya planta ed Mindanao, akin ag da ginawa ya?
No inggapo da nen 2010, natan ya taon 2012 et finishing touches labat la et makatulong la ed kakulangan na reserve supply na kuryinti ed Mindanao.
Akin makapoy si Almendras pian naamtaan to irayan problima na dipartaminto to?
Odino say intiris na dati ton employer ya Aboitiz, say makinggawa na power barge ya mabli so singil da, so mandidikta no panon ton risolbaen so krisis?
Say solusion nen Almendras tan Aboitiz lagi et pabayagen so krisis pian ondakel so pantuboan da tan onbayag so paniirap na totoo ed saray taga-Mindanao.
Due to conflict of interest, Almendras is sacrificing the welfare of the people of Mindanao and the whole nation for the sake of profit by his former employer, the Aboitiz, who owns the power barges supplying the needed reserve power in Mindanao.
It has been three years since 2010 and within that period, a power plant could have been erected and would by now be on its final stages of construction so that by the end of the year it could supply electricity in Mindanao.
Are the people working in the Department of Energy so dumb and stupid that they cannot predict in fifty years the need for Philippines to erect new power plants to stave off power crisis which disastrously affected the economy during Cory Aquino's time?
Such incompetence and display of vested interests had put the economy in a critical situation and demands the immediate resignation of Almendras.
Onoogip ka ed trabahom, PNoy?
Are you sleeping on your job, PNoy?
Bangon ka la! You wake up!
Ikal moy Almendras. Get rid of Almendras.
Or we get rid of you!
Apr 13, 2012
If the Chinese keeps on claiming Scarborough shoal, then
Kaokolan ti lan aksubien ya gawa ti met so Hainan Island, Taiwan ya asingger ed Batanes, iray angkelag ya isla ya asingger ed Zhejiang, Guangdong tan Fujian.
Irayan Intsik aga ontotonda ed panggagamgam dad saray isla ya aragdawi ed sikara.
Diad ontombok say Luzon la so ipila da ed saray antigon mapa da no walay naanapan da ya baleg ya mina na langis dia.
Down with Chinese illegal occupation of Scarborough shoal!
Let us claim Hainan, Taiwan and other islets near China!
The UNCLOS must be respected. History must not be reinvented, twisted and perverted for the sake of Chinese imperialism.
Say United Nations et siempri inutil.
Irayan Intsik aga ontotonda ed panggagamgam dad saray isla ya aragdawi ed sikara.
Diad ontombok say Luzon la so ipila da ed saray antigon mapa da no walay naanapan da ya baleg ya mina na langis dia.
Down with Chinese illegal occupation of Scarborough shoal!
Let us claim Hainan, Taiwan and other islets near China!
The UNCLOS must be respected. History must not be reinvented, twisted and perverted for the sake of Chinese imperialism.
Say United Nations et siempri inutil.
Apr 12, 2012
Say Marcos/Ramos/Erap/GMA party: Say basuran United Nationalist Alliance (UNA)
Dugaruga may inbugak ya ayay si Binay et mamaulo ed ileletneg dan partidon walay malenleneg ya koniksion da ed si diktador ya Ilokano, Ferdie Marcos.
Sayay UNA so partido daray korap, trapo tan anggapoay prinsipyon totoo. Naniba iray maka-Ramos, maka-Erap, maka-Gloria polos iran administrasion ya pekewet so ginawa lautla yay Pangasinense-Kapampangan ya si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Akin no walay dala ton Pangasinan korap? Aliwa kasin onia ed si Fidel Valdez Ramos ya Ilokano-Pangasinan? Nanonotan yo ni may Expo Pilipino? Amay PEA-Amari? Amay Philip Pestano murder ya asukayan na inatey so korapsion ed militar?
Kaokolan ya AGA IBOTOS IRAYAN TOTOO ED SAYAN ONSABIN ILIKSION (those we must NOT VOTE for the coming elections):
1. GREGORIO HONASAN. Say aanaken nen Enrile ya sakey ya ipokrito ed panbobosol to ed saray ipokrito konon mibabali ed impeachment trial nen Corona. Intilak to ray kakaiba to ed kapetangan daray kudeta.
2. JACK ENRILE. Say tugtuwan anak nen Enrile ya labay to labat ya walay onsandi ed sikato pian manprotikta ed intiris da. Wala ni so smuggling ed Aparri? Akin ag la itonda so political dynasty da?
3. MIGUEL ZUBIRI. Amta to so opirasion nen Gloria ya mansaol nen iliksion na 2007. Sikaton mankuakuanan labat ya ag to amta pian makabatik natan ya iliksion et manalo. "So young yet so corrupt."
4. MITOS MAGSAYSAY. Kanayon to kari irayay Magsaysay na Zambales? Lagi. Trapo sirin. Maka-Gloria.
5. JV EJERCITO. Anak ed paway nen Erap. Anto kasi gaween to ya ed Sinado? Kapara toy Bong Revilla odino Lito Lapid? Trapo.
6. ERNESTO MACEDA. Ag la sinmawa yan politiko. Loyalista nen Marcos. Trapo.
7. MA. LOURDES NANCY BINAY. Anto ya? Political dynasty aliwa labat ed Makati? Lapud anak labat? Trapo.
8. LOREN LEGARDA. Kaokolan lan salatan na balo.
9. CHIZ ESCUDERO. Pamilya daray trapo. Ag to ninonot ya maung ya so ngaran nadiral ed sayan partido.
10. ALLAN PETER CAYETANO. Lapud inpila toy ngaran to ed sayan partido.
11. JOEY DE VENECIA. Anak na trapon si Joe de Venecia.
KAOKOLAN SO BALON POLITIKA PARAD MAALIGUAS YA PILIPINAS. We must shun corrupt, traditional politicians who will only promote their selfish and vested interests; we must elect new and principled senators who had in their hearts the best interest for betterment of the country.
Sayay UNA so partido daray korap, trapo tan anggapoay prinsipyon totoo. Naniba iray maka-Ramos, maka-Erap, maka-Gloria polos iran administrasion ya pekewet so ginawa lautla yay Pangasinense-Kapampangan ya si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
Akin no walay dala ton Pangasinan korap? Aliwa kasin onia ed si Fidel Valdez Ramos ya Ilokano-Pangasinan? Nanonotan yo ni may Expo Pilipino? Amay PEA-Amari? Amay Philip Pestano murder ya asukayan na inatey so korapsion ed militar?
Kaokolan ya AGA IBOTOS IRAYAN TOTOO ED SAYAN ONSABIN ILIKSION (those we must NOT VOTE for the coming elections):
1. GREGORIO HONASAN. Say aanaken nen Enrile ya sakey ya ipokrito ed panbobosol to ed saray ipokrito konon mibabali ed impeachment trial nen Corona. Intilak to ray kakaiba to ed kapetangan daray kudeta.
2. JACK ENRILE. Say tugtuwan anak nen Enrile ya labay to labat ya walay onsandi ed sikato pian manprotikta ed intiris da. Wala ni so smuggling ed Aparri? Akin ag la itonda so political dynasty da?
3. MIGUEL ZUBIRI. Amta to so opirasion nen Gloria ya mansaol nen iliksion na 2007. Sikaton mankuakuanan labat ya ag to amta pian makabatik natan ya iliksion et manalo. "So young yet so corrupt."
4. MITOS MAGSAYSAY. Kanayon to kari irayay Magsaysay na Zambales? Lagi. Trapo sirin. Maka-Gloria.
5. JV EJERCITO. Anak ed paway nen Erap. Anto kasi gaween to ya ed Sinado? Kapara toy Bong Revilla odino Lito Lapid? Trapo.
6. ERNESTO MACEDA. Ag la sinmawa yan politiko. Loyalista nen Marcos. Trapo.
7. MA. LOURDES NANCY BINAY. Anto ya? Political dynasty aliwa labat ed Makati? Lapud anak labat? Trapo.
8. LOREN LEGARDA. Kaokolan lan salatan na balo.
9. CHIZ ESCUDERO. Pamilya daray trapo. Ag to ninonot ya maung ya so ngaran nadiral ed sayan partido.
10. ALLAN PETER CAYETANO. Lapud inpila toy ngaran to ed sayan partido.
11. JOEY DE VENECIA. Anak na trapon si Joe de Venecia.
KAOKOLAN SO BALON POLITIKA PARAD MAALIGUAS YA PILIPINAS. We must shun corrupt, traditional politicians who will only promote their selfish and vested interests; we must elect new and principled senators who had in their hearts the best interest for betterment of the country.
Feb 28, 2012
Senile Ramos on impeachment and poverty: No akin to iyayagel si Corona?
Mangkabaw lay Fidel Ramos. Say kuanto say impeachment ag to risolbaen so kairapan. Siopa kasi angibaga ed sikato ya sayay impeachment et makarisolba na kairapan daray totoo?
Akin ibaga to ya? Antoy panlalapuay kanonotan to?
Labay to kasi ya itonda la yan impeachment lapud sayay inanak ton si Corona?
Akin aanaken to si Corona?
Lapud si Corona et nantrabaho bilang Assistant Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs tan pangolo na Malacañang Legal Office nen 1992. Nen 1994, nanmaliw sikaton Deputy Executive Secretary tan Chief Presidential Legal Counsel. Si Ramos so angiter na Philippine Legion of Honor medal, with the rank of officer ed si Corona nen 1998.
Andukey sirin ya taon so pinankaiba da Ramos tan si Corona.
Natan say koniksion nen Ramos tan GMA ed si Corona et malinlinew.
Nen 1998, si Corona so chief of staff tan spokesperson nen Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Nen nanmaliw ya pangolo si GMA, si Corona so apilin Presidential Chief of Staff.
Inyagel nen Ramos si GMA nen dakel lay totoon manggabay ya naikal sikato.
Sakbay ya, say inap ko dakel so amta nen Corona nipaakar ed powergrab ya ginawa da laban ed si Erap. Wala kasi betang nen Ramos ed sayan agawa ya pinangoloan na sakey ya Angelo Reyes a nantaynan ed si Erap ta pian onbaliktad so militar?
Wala kasi ran kaso nen Ramos ya say nanbenben et si Corona?
Ramos, after his presidency, is still maneuvering behind the scenes when he should retire. He brags on his presidency as one of the best, if not the best, which is, of course, a lie. He is trying to rehabilitate his image as one of the notorious martial law henchmen of the dictator Marcos to a statesman who had transformed the nation, which is nothing but a myth.
Whatever the legacy of corruption that GMA had bequeathed to the nation, Ramos had a hand on it since he allowed himself to keep silent. In any case, how can he rant against GMA when he and his loyal generals were instrumental in putting that bitch in Malacanang and were beneficiaries of her rule?
Satan so rason no akin to iyayagel si Corona.
Akin ibaga to ya? Antoy panlalapuay kanonotan to?
Labay to kasi ya itonda la yan impeachment lapud sayay inanak ton si Corona?
Akin aanaken to si Corona?
Lapud si Corona et nantrabaho bilang Assistant Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs tan pangolo na Malacañang Legal Office nen 1992. Nen 1994, nanmaliw sikaton Deputy Executive Secretary tan Chief Presidential Legal Counsel. Si Ramos so angiter na Philippine Legion of Honor medal, with the rank of officer ed si Corona nen 1998.
Andukey sirin ya taon so pinankaiba da Ramos tan si Corona.
Natan say koniksion nen Ramos tan GMA ed si Corona et malinlinew.
Nen 1998, si Corona so chief of staff tan spokesperson nen Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Nen nanmaliw ya pangolo si GMA, si Corona so apilin Presidential Chief of Staff.
Inyagel nen Ramos si GMA nen dakel lay totoon manggabay ya naikal sikato.
Sakbay ya, say inap ko dakel so amta nen Corona nipaakar ed powergrab ya ginawa da laban ed si Erap. Wala kasi betang nen Ramos ed sayan agawa ya pinangoloan na sakey ya Angelo Reyes a nantaynan ed si Erap ta pian onbaliktad so militar?
Wala kasi ran kaso nen Ramos ya say nanbenben et si Corona?
Ramos, after his presidency, is still maneuvering behind the scenes when he should retire. He brags on his presidency as one of the best, if not the best, which is, of course, a lie. He is trying to rehabilitate his image as one of the notorious martial law henchmen of the dictator Marcos to a statesman who had transformed the nation, which is nothing but a myth.
Whatever the legacy of corruption that GMA had bequeathed to the nation, Ramos had a hand on it since he allowed himself to keep silent. In any case, how can he rant against GMA when he and his loyal generals were instrumental in putting that bitch in Malacanang and were beneficiaries of her rule?
Satan so rason no akin to iyayagel si Corona.
Feb 27, 2012
Judicial privilege as an excuse to hide and perpetuate corruption
Anto yay judicial privilege?
Aya kono may kanepegan daray okom ya ag ibaga so antokaman ya apantongtongan da ed saray tutol odino disisyon ya asabi da.
Kapara to ya imay executive privilege ya inrason daray totoo nen Arroyo nen ririkisaen dara nipaakar ed ZTE-NBN deal.
Sayan pribilihiyo et anggapo no ag sakey labat ya paraan ta pian naiyamot so tua.
In short, this judicial, including executive, privilege, is a legal ruse to hide the truth from the people. It is a convenient excuse for corrupt politicians and officials so that whatever criminal intent that is present and evident in their actuation and activities is safe within this mechanism and free from legal vexations and prosecution.
Say akanonot ed saya et nayarin so akanonot ed samay executive privilege. Et say presidential legal adviser nen GMA nen saman et chief justice la na Korti Suprima natan.
No awaten da yan kanonotan na Korti Suprima na Sinado, singa iitdan na Sinado na ketegan so pananap na katuaan ya mairap ya nagawa no wala irayan pribilihiyo.
This judicial privilege must be assailed and thrown out as it only puts obstacle to the search for truth and justice. It only gives the corrupt another legal way to evade transparency and accountability. The right of the people to know is fundamental in the constitution.
Aya kono may kanepegan daray okom ya ag ibaga so antokaman ya apantongtongan da ed saray tutol odino disisyon ya asabi da.
Kapara to ya imay executive privilege ya inrason daray totoo nen Arroyo nen ririkisaen dara nipaakar ed ZTE-NBN deal.
Sayan pribilihiyo et anggapo no ag sakey labat ya paraan ta pian naiyamot so tua.
In short, this judicial, including executive, privilege, is a legal ruse to hide the truth from the people. It is a convenient excuse for corrupt politicians and officials so that whatever criminal intent that is present and evident in their actuation and activities is safe within this mechanism and free from legal vexations and prosecution.
Say akanonot ed saya et nayarin so akanonot ed samay executive privilege. Et say presidential legal adviser nen GMA nen saman et chief justice la na Korti Suprima natan.
No awaten da yan kanonotan na Korti Suprima na Sinado, singa iitdan na Sinado na ketegan so pananap na katuaan ya mairap ya nagawa no wala irayan pribilihiyo.
This judicial privilege must be assailed and thrown out as it only puts obstacle to the search for truth and justice. It only gives the corrupt another legal way to evade transparency and accountability. The right of the people to know is fundamental in the constitution.
Feb 25, 2012
How the Catholic Church keeps its influence and how do we minimize it?
Say rason no akin singa maksil ni so Simbaan ya Katoliko ya sarasarag dan manimpluwensiya et lapud iitday baleg ya papil daray palapagan odino mass media.
No walay ibaga na CBCP, saya et iyan ed headline daray palapagan odino pansalitaen dara ed tilibision tan radio.
Odino no walay baleg ya isyu ya aga met kaokolan so kanonotan da, iray pumapalapag interbyuen dara. Singa ayay si Archbishop Oscar Cruz ya mimibiang ed amin ya nagagawad gobierno ya nagawa ton i-politicize saray ondedengel odino manbabasa ed sikato. Sigi met sikaton manpainterbyu; iray pumapalapag met sigi met so panginterbyu da ed sikato.
Say mass media sirin so sakey ya panggagapuan na baleg ya impluwensiya na simbaan.
Why dignify their opinions and statements and even place the news about them in the headlines? Are we a Catholic state that everything they say deserve media mileage?
To minimize their influence, marginalize them in mass media avenues. Instead of putting them in the headlines, place them on the second page or elsewhere in the paper where their position could still be known but drowned among other issues of the day.
No walay ibaga na CBCP, saya et iyan ed headline daray palapagan odino pansalitaen dara ed tilibision tan radio.
Odino no walay baleg ya isyu ya aga met kaokolan so kanonotan da, iray pumapalapag interbyuen dara. Singa ayay si Archbishop Oscar Cruz ya mimibiang ed amin ya nagagawad gobierno ya nagawa ton i-politicize saray ondedengel odino manbabasa ed sikato. Sigi met sikaton manpainterbyu; iray pumapalapag met sigi met so panginterbyu da ed sikato.
Say mass media sirin so sakey ya panggagapuan na baleg ya impluwensiya na simbaan.
Why dignify their opinions and statements and even place the news about them in the headlines? Are we a Catholic state that everything they say deserve media mileage?
To minimize their influence, marginalize them in mass media avenues. Instead of putting them in the headlines, place them on the second page or elsewhere in the paper where their position could still be known but drowned among other issues of the day.
Feb 22, 2012
Politicians we can never trust / Iray politikon ag napanpiaan
1. Juan Ponce Enrile
Iray arum ibaga dan marakep so gagaween tod impeachment trial. I don't buy the idea that he is doing well as impartial presiding officer. He should be impartial as expected of his office and we don't need people saying he is behaving well. He should behave well because he should. But with the present turn of events, is he really fair and impartial?
Balet ag nayarin napanpiaan si Enrile, sakey ed saray totoo nen Marcos ya nanmaniobra na martial law. Apantonda la kari so smuggling ed Aparri?
2. Francisco Tatad
Sakey met ya too nen Marcos. Information minister sikato ya manunaan ya propagandista na New Society. Nanengneng ya miibaiba ed si Binay natan. Mairap so bilay da ed Bikol; natan akinabang met ed gobierno.
3. Ernesto Maceda
Sakey met ya too nen Marcos ya nambenben na Community Development, executive secretary tan Commerce and Industry.
4. Joker Arroyo
Supporter nen GMA, maliwawa ya diad akto to ya iyayagel to si Corona. Abindisyonan kari na takew nen Arroyo?
5. Miriam Defensor-Santiago
Asingger ed si GMA nen administrasyon to. Diad saray akto natan ed impeachment, nabista ya isasakit toy Corona. Manbabayar kasi na otang na linawa ed si Corona lapud analo ed ICC? Nen panaon nen Marcos, sikato et special assistant to the secretary of justice tan dakel ni ran posisyon sakbay ya nanmaliw ya regional trial court judge.
6. Gregorio Honasan
Protege nen Enrile, sakey ed saray angiyulo na kudita laban ed si Cory. Kaokolan ya bantayan ompano mangiter na moral ya suporta ed saray manpaplanon mankudita ed si Pnoy.
7. Bongbong Marcos
Of course, he is the son of the dictator who looted the nation, and whose legacy of corruption continues to infect Philippine body politic and define present political alignments. The Filipino people must resolve not to put another Marcos in Malacanang because the Marcoses would intend to recover all the illegally acquired monies since at present they are not in a position to do so.
Iray arum ibaga dan marakep so gagaween tod impeachment trial. I don't buy the idea that he is doing well as impartial presiding officer. He should be impartial as expected of his office and we don't need people saying he is behaving well. He should behave well because he should. But with the present turn of events, is he really fair and impartial?
Balet ag nayarin napanpiaan si Enrile, sakey ed saray totoo nen Marcos ya nanmaniobra na martial law. Apantonda la kari so smuggling ed Aparri?
2. Francisco Tatad
Sakey met ya too nen Marcos. Information minister sikato ya manunaan ya propagandista na New Society. Nanengneng ya miibaiba ed si Binay natan. Mairap so bilay da ed Bikol; natan akinabang met ed gobierno.
3. Ernesto Maceda
Sakey met ya too nen Marcos ya nambenben na Community Development, executive secretary tan Commerce and Industry.
4. Joker Arroyo
Supporter nen GMA, maliwawa ya diad akto to ya iyayagel to si Corona. Abindisyonan kari na takew nen Arroyo?
5. Miriam Defensor-Santiago
Asingger ed si GMA nen administrasyon to. Diad saray akto natan ed impeachment, nabista ya isasakit toy Corona. Manbabayar kasi na otang na linawa ed si Corona lapud analo ed ICC? Nen panaon nen Marcos, sikato et special assistant to the secretary of justice tan dakel ni ran posisyon sakbay ya nanmaliw ya regional trial court judge.
6. Gregorio Honasan
Protege nen Enrile, sakey ed saray angiyulo na kudita laban ed si Cory. Kaokolan ya bantayan ompano mangiter na moral ya suporta ed saray manpaplanon mankudita ed si Pnoy.
7. Bongbong Marcos
Of course, he is the son of the dictator who looted the nation, and whose legacy of corruption continues to infect Philippine body politic and define present political alignments. The Filipino people must resolve not to put another Marcos in Malacanang because the Marcoses would intend to recover all the illegally acquired monies since at present they are not in a position to do so.
Feb 17, 2012
Why we, Filipinos, must remain vigilant?
Natan ya naikolong si GMA tan si Corona et ririkisaen dad Sinado, sayan grupo ya papanguloan nen Mike Arroyo et usaren dan amin so walad kayaryan da ta pian ag natoloy so panrikisa na gobierno ed sikara.
Akatakew iray baleg. Dakel so ginawgawa dan pikewet ya ag da amtan kasumpal ya 2010 nitan lay totoon mansingil ed sikara.
Siopa irayan totoo ya nayarin manpaparaan ya manggulo?
Unaan la dia say pamilya nen Arroyo.
Mikadua dia iray aliporis nen Arroyo ya naitdan ya tolong nen panaun nen GMA. Nabasa iray sulsulat da ed diaryo ya sikara so mangitandoro ed saray ginawgawa konon marakep nen GMA.
Iray negosianti tan politiko ya akinabang ed saray iligal ya kagagawa, i.e. smuggling, bribery, droga etc.
Iray miembro na militar ya akinabang ed grasya ya inter nen Arroyo.
Iray miembro na Simbaan ya Katoliko ya abindisyonan na kwarta nen oley nen GMA, iray onkokontra ed RH bill, iray obispo ya asingger ed si GMA. Ipila dia so Iglesia ni Cristo ya isasakit da si Gatdula ya inikal dad NBI lapud kidnapping charges tan si Corona ya so abogago to et si INC member Serafin Cuevas.
No labay dan aleen so oley nen Pnoy, kaokolan ya bantayan so galaw nen Binay ta ompano naolit may agawa nen inikal day Erap.
Sakey nen bantayan ya pwirsa iray pamilya ya Marcos ya onpoposisyon la ra lapud akairong si Bongbong ya sasamiten dan onirong ed Malacanang.
But we must also be very cautious with the Aquino administration because it is the one in power.
Kaokolan ya bantayan si Pnoy tan iray opisiales ta ompano sikara met so onsublay ya mantakew ed kwarta na baley.
In other words, we must not get blindsided by their attempt to cleanse the government so that we don't allow them to rob us just like what the Arroyos and their ilk did under our very noses.
It is highly urgent for Pnoy to distribute the Hacienda Luisita to the farmers who had tilled the land with their blood and toil. It is highly immoral for the HLI to appeal it to the SC so that the compensation they get is higher than what is stated in the decision.
Ipapasoot nen Corona ya say rason no akin kinasoan da sikato ed panamegley na impeachment et lapud konod Hacienda Luisita ya sikato so nankorit na disisyon.
Pian onpatey la yan kanonotan nen Corona, ibonog lan tampol sayan dalin na Hacienda Luisita.
Iraya sirin et mantulak ed sikatayo ya manbantay ed kampo nen GMA tan diad kampo met nen PNoy ta pian agla manbunga so antokaman ya maoges ya ipaparaan da.
Akatakew iray baleg. Dakel so ginawgawa dan pikewet ya ag da amtan kasumpal ya 2010 nitan lay totoon mansingil ed sikara.
Siopa irayan totoo ya nayarin manpaparaan ya manggulo?
Unaan la dia say pamilya nen Arroyo.
Mikadua dia iray aliporis nen Arroyo ya naitdan ya tolong nen panaun nen GMA. Nabasa iray sulsulat da ed diaryo ya sikara so mangitandoro ed saray ginawgawa konon marakep nen GMA.
Iray negosianti tan politiko ya akinabang ed saray iligal ya kagagawa, i.e. smuggling, bribery, droga etc.
Iray miembro na militar ya akinabang ed grasya ya inter nen Arroyo.
Iray miembro na Simbaan ya Katoliko ya abindisyonan na kwarta nen oley nen GMA, iray onkokontra ed RH bill, iray obispo ya asingger ed si GMA. Ipila dia so Iglesia ni Cristo ya isasakit da si Gatdula ya inikal dad NBI lapud kidnapping charges tan si Corona ya so abogago to et si INC member Serafin Cuevas.
No labay dan aleen so oley nen Pnoy, kaokolan ya bantayan so galaw nen Binay ta ompano naolit may agawa nen inikal day Erap.
Sakey nen bantayan ya pwirsa iray pamilya ya Marcos ya onpoposisyon la ra lapud akairong si Bongbong ya sasamiten dan onirong ed Malacanang.
But we must also be very cautious with the Aquino administration because it is the one in power.
Kaokolan ya bantayan si Pnoy tan iray opisiales ta ompano sikara met so onsublay ya mantakew ed kwarta na baley.
In other words, we must not get blindsided by their attempt to cleanse the government so that we don't allow them to rob us just like what the Arroyos and their ilk did under our very noses.
It is highly urgent for Pnoy to distribute the Hacienda Luisita to the farmers who had tilled the land with their blood and toil. It is highly immoral for the HLI to appeal it to the SC so that the compensation they get is higher than what is stated in the decision.
Ipapasoot nen Corona ya say rason no akin kinasoan da sikato ed panamegley na impeachment et lapud konod Hacienda Luisita ya sikato so nankorit na disisyon.
Pian onpatey la yan kanonotan nen Corona, ibonog lan tampol sayan dalin na Hacienda Luisita.
Iraya sirin et mantulak ed sikatayo ya manbantay ed kampo nen GMA tan diad kampo met nen PNoy ta pian agla manbunga so antokaman ya maoges ya ipaparaan da.
Feb 13, 2012
Irresponsible Teddy Boy Locsin: Fomenting coup d'etat?
Kasumpal nen Enrile, wadiay Teddy Boy Locsin, say akanggawa na Philippines Free Press, ya mansusugirin mibabali so militar no singa somlangen na Sinado so TRO na Korti Suprima.
Say kuanto: "SC can set them (the senators) right and simply rule against them, and leave it at that. They can ignore the SC…. then let the Army decide.”
Sikato et datin spokesman tan speechwriter nen Cory. Walay nankominto: "If army will decide then it’s all coming-back scenario for this administration. But this time to the Son. God save us!”
Say ebat nen Locsin: “No, God save the administration, because this time I won’t be around to call in the US fighter jets.”
Nen kukuditaen day Cory nen 1989, sikato kono so tinmawag ed US 13th Air Force ya walad Clark pian nataktakot iray mankukudita.
Agay lay baleg so nengneng tod dili ya sikato so nansalba ed oley nen Cory. Ag to nonoten ya sikaton akibabali so US et walay intiris ton protektaen si Cory.
Diad inkamelag na kanonotan to, ag to nanonotan ya naksawan lay totoo ed sarayan kudita ya nandiral ed ikonomiya na Pilipinas. Ag to kasi ya amta?
Anggano ibagan opinyon to ya, aliwa so kabaliksan to ta singa mansusugiri na scenario ya ag nepeg ya naitayak ed twitter tan diad Philippine Star.
Tan sesebelan na konstitusyon ya mibabali so militar ed nagagawa ed gobierno. Alingwanan to la kasi ya? Kapara to la kasi si Enrile ya mankabaw? Gabay to kasi ya miparad sakey ya banana republic so Pilipinas?
There's freedom of expression as enshrined in the bill of rights of the constitution but it is not right and moral to insinuate to the army something that it is not allowed in the charter to begin with.
At this hour, the Philippines cannot afford a politicized and destabilized environment being fomented by the enemies of the people, i.e. GMA, Corona and their ilk. The armed forces should stand behind the government in securing all efforts that are directed to recover ill-gotten wealth by the Arroyo mafia and toward their criminal prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
Say kuanto: "SC can set them (the senators) right and simply rule against them, and leave it at that. They can ignore the SC…. then let the Army decide.”
Sikato et datin spokesman tan speechwriter nen Cory. Walay nankominto: "If army will decide then it’s all coming-back scenario for this administration. But this time to the Son. God save us!”
Say ebat nen Locsin: “No, God save the administration, because this time I won’t be around to call in the US fighter jets.”
Nen kukuditaen day Cory nen 1989, sikato kono so tinmawag ed US 13th Air Force ya walad Clark pian nataktakot iray mankukudita.
Agay lay baleg so nengneng tod dili ya sikato so nansalba ed oley nen Cory. Ag to nonoten ya sikaton akibabali so US et walay intiris ton protektaen si Cory.
Diad inkamelag na kanonotan to, ag to nanonotan ya naksawan lay totoo ed sarayan kudita ya nandiral ed ikonomiya na Pilipinas. Ag to kasi ya amta?
Anggano ibagan opinyon to ya, aliwa so kabaliksan to ta singa mansusugiri na scenario ya ag nepeg ya naitayak ed twitter tan diad Philippine Star.
Tan sesebelan na konstitusyon ya mibabali so militar ed nagagawa ed gobierno. Alingwanan to la kasi ya? Kapara to la kasi si Enrile ya mankabaw? Gabay to kasi ya miparad sakey ya banana republic so Pilipinas?
There's freedom of expression as enshrined in the bill of rights of the constitution but it is not right and moral to insinuate to the army something that it is not allowed in the charter to begin with.
At this hour, the Philippines cannot afford a politicized and destabilized environment being fomented by the enemies of the people, i.e. GMA, Corona and their ilk. The armed forces should stand behind the government in securing all efforts that are directed to recover ill-gotten wealth by the Arroyo mafia and toward their criminal prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
Feb 12, 2012
Journalists for sale
Say walad leksab et inkomintok ed sakey ya blog ya ag da inabuloyan ya ipalapag. Abaloan ko ayan too et maka-tua tan onlalaban parad tua odino tugtuwa. Nayarin sikato et asakitan ed saya ta sikato et sakey ed sikaran tatawagen kon mercenary journalist.
This is the scourge of journalism, which is to become a paid
hack, a mercenary journalist. Journalists should be truth-seekers, not lie
mongers or rumor-makers.
Corona is using mass media to confuse the public. Now an
unscrupulous journalist who is on the pay roll of Corona would just report what
is said to him/her without getting the side of the accused or any evidence.
Could Ninez rely only on a rumor passed onto her by a single "impeachable"
source? Elementary, my dear Watson.
I know that this type of journalism is practiced not only in
Manila but also in the provinces. Journalists of this kind are chided as PR men
of politician so-and-so. In Manila, these media outlets become propaganda machinery
spewing pure disinformation, outright lies, and malicious rumors for the
pecuniary benefit of the publisher and the writer and for the satisfaction of
spindoctor/s who is/are usually a politician/s with vested interests to
It seems to me that being a truth-seeking journalist is very
rare here in the Philippines. Their species is nearing extinction to say the
Feb 9, 2012
Corona, say panggapuan na constitutional crisis
Dispirado lay Corona.
Iyagel toy betang to tan protektaan toy amo ton GMA at all costs.
Natan ya nanpitisyon ira ed Korti Suprima, sikato so panggapuan na constitutional crisis.
Anggapoy baing tod dili to.
Sarayan abugago anggano amta da ya mas atagey so impeachment court ed Korti Suprima et inpasabi da ni so pitisyon dan TRO ed Korti Suprima.
No say Korti Suprima et ag to labay ya nagawa so constitutional crisis, kaokolan ton ipolisay so sayan TRO!
Anggapod dugan kanonotan si Corona.
Corona is an utter disgrace to the Supreme Court and to the whole judiciary. He is the exemplar among crooked members of the bar who had prostituted the law in order to gain wealth and power, some of them criminals in robes and many others attorneys sucking the money of the poor or evading taxes and acquiring ill-gotten assets through fraud and other legal ruses.
Iyagel toy betang to tan protektaan toy amo ton GMA at all costs.
Natan ya nanpitisyon ira ed Korti Suprima, sikato so panggapuan na constitutional crisis.
Anggapoy baing tod dili to.
Sarayan abugago anggano amta da ya mas atagey so impeachment court ed Korti Suprima et inpasabi da ni so pitisyon dan TRO ed Korti Suprima.
No say Korti Suprima et ag to labay ya nagawa so constitutional crisis, kaokolan ton ipolisay so sayan TRO!
Anggapod dugan kanonotan si Corona.
Corona is an utter disgrace to the Supreme Court and to the whole judiciary. He is the exemplar among crooked members of the bar who had prostituted the law in order to gain wealth and power, some of them criminals in robes and many others attorneys sucking the money of the poor or evading taxes and acquiring ill-gotten assets through fraud and other legal ruses.
Feb 7, 2012
NAIA I, still the worst airport
Say Ninoy Aquino International Airport odino NAIA Terminal 1 so worst airport nen sansia.
Agi, nen inabet mi si inak, panginaen tan pangamaen ko ra nen Iniro 29 ya manlapu rad London, inmogip kami ed parking A. Say CR diman agay lay rutak tan banget.
Kaimbuasan to, nanalagar kami ya anggad ngarem ta diad embeneg ya agew intolor mi agik ya onlad Singapore, natan ka walay biin narel daray security guard. Manaya ayan bii inerel da ta anggapo met so abeten to no ag ingen mankerew ed saray onsasabin sangkaili tan iray balikbayan.
Say adengel to may kapinsan ko et eerelen da yan bii ta say kuanto "hindi lang kayo nabigyan kaya hinuhuli ninyo ako." Say pakatalos to ya, popolyanan na security na NAIA ya onloob irayan manpopoyabol ta pian makaala iray lagay. Saya so racket da.
Natan siak, say kapinsan ko tan si amak ya wala kamid luganan nanimbestiga. Asiim mi ra ya dakedakel manayay aga kaokolan ya onla ed airport ya sibersiber ya popolyanan daray security guard tan say top management.
Amay bii ya inerel da akapaway la ya kerew kerew ed saray foreigner ya makapabaing. Iray lalaki, mga 5-7 ira, et atayak ed airport manbabantay siopa ray onsasabi. Sakey ed sikara mibabalin mangalay bagahi, awiten da ed luganan daray balikbayan. Natan no akasabi la ra, mankerew iray iderew ed sikara.
Nen alikas mi irayan racket, walay sakey ya lakin aka-walkie talkie ya inmasingger ed luganan mi. Mankuakuanan ya katongtong to so sakey ya too balet say amtak et mandedengel ed tongtongan mi. Imbagak ya ed si amak. Walay duaran too ya sinmabi ya say inap mi et kaiba daray lalakin rumarakit.
Diad nonot ko, aga nayarin iyontan da iramay onsabin aalagaren mi. Sinmabi so oras. Inabet mi ra tan intolak mi ray bagahi ed van nen sampluran minutoy apalabas walay lakin sinmabi ya aaleen to may trolley ya ipawil to kono balet mankekerew na iderew.
Anggapoy inyawat da. Balet sinmabi so sakey ya lakin akaputi. Nen akalugan kami la et ikapot mi la so pwirta, ayan laki et mankekerew anggano ag met nanawit. Aderewan da lasi na P100. Agi, inpasoot ko komon ed si panginaen ko ya ag to itdan et aga komon naitdan.
Saya so NAIA I ya amtay top management tan security ayan racket nen saman ni angan ko balet popolyanan da.
Nakokompromiso so security daray balikbayan, turista tan iray onaabet lapud sayan pekewet ya nagagawa.
Parad siak, it is still the worst airport.
Agi, nen inabet mi si inak, panginaen tan pangamaen ko ra nen Iniro 29 ya manlapu rad London, inmogip kami ed parking A. Say CR diman agay lay rutak tan banget.
Kaimbuasan to, nanalagar kami ya anggad ngarem ta diad embeneg ya agew intolor mi agik ya onlad Singapore, natan ka walay biin narel daray security guard. Manaya ayan bii inerel da ta anggapo met so abeten to no ag ingen mankerew ed saray onsasabin sangkaili tan iray balikbayan.
Say adengel to may kapinsan ko et eerelen da yan bii ta say kuanto "hindi lang kayo nabigyan kaya hinuhuli ninyo ako." Say pakatalos to ya, popolyanan na security na NAIA ya onloob irayan manpopoyabol ta pian makaala iray lagay. Saya so racket da.
Natan siak, say kapinsan ko tan si amak ya wala kamid luganan nanimbestiga. Asiim mi ra ya dakedakel manayay aga kaokolan ya onla ed airport ya sibersiber ya popolyanan daray security guard tan say top management.
Amay bii ya inerel da akapaway la ya kerew kerew ed saray foreigner ya makapabaing. Iray lalaki, mga 5-7 ira, et atayak ed airport manbabantay siopa ray onsasabi. Sakey ed sikara mibabalin mangalay bagahi, awiten da ed luganan daray balikbayan. Natan no akasabi la ra, mankerew iray iderew ed sikara.
Nen alikas mi irayan racket, walay sakey ya lakin aka-walkie talkie ya inmasingger ed luganan mi. Mankuakuanan ya katongtong to so sakey ya too balet say amtak et mandedengel ed tongtongan mi. Imbagak ya ed si amak. Walay duaran too ya sinmabi ya say inap mi et kaiba daray lalakin rumarakit.
Diad nonot ko, aga nayarin iyontan da iramay onsabin aalagaren mi. Sinmabi so oras. Inabet mi ra tan intolak mi ray bagahi ed van nen sampluran minutoy apalabas walay lakin sinmabi ya aaleen to may trolley ya ipawil to kono balet mankekerew na iderew.
Anggapoy inyawat da. Balet sinmabi so sakey ya lakin akaputi. Nen akalugan kami la et ikapot mi la so pwirta, ayan laki et mankekerew anggano ag met nanawit. Aderewan da lasi na P100. Agi, inpasoot ko komon ed si panginaen ko ya ag to itdan et aga komon naitdan.
Saya so NAIA I ya amtay top management tan security ayan racket nen saman ni angan ko balet popolyanan da.
Nakokompromiso so security daray balikbayan, turista tan iray onaabet lapud sayan pekewet ya nagagawa.
Parad siak, it is still the worst airport.
Jan 12, 2012
Gloria in jail: Antoy ontumbok ya gaween? What's next?
Kaokolan ya ikolong si GMA ed ordinaryon pangawan, aliwan diad ospital.
We must ensure the conviction of Corona. Then, start reforming the judiciary by requiring all justices and judges down to the lowest court to declare their SALN. The judiciary must not use fiscal autonomy pretext to evade transparency and accountability. Say Korti Suprima et aliwan atagey ni nen say ley. The Supreme Court is not above the law.
Pass a law that requires cases to be decided within six months after it has been filed. In other words, we must ensure the efficient and fair delivery of justice.
Prosecute the Marcoses. That Imelda is still able to tell her lies to the public and has not spent a second in jail is a testament to the ineptitude and corruption of Philippine judicial system. Recover the billions of dollars stashed away in Swiss and other banks. We must cripple the Marcoses financially so that they cannot use their ill-gotten wealth in their quest for political comeback.
Pass the anti-political dynasty bill, the RH bill, the Freedom of Information bill.
Abolish the pork barrel, which is the fount of corruption. It is not the business of congressmen to build waiting sheds for the sake of name-recall during elections but to legislate wise measures. Abolishing it will also discourage unscrupulous people from running for public office since they see it as the easy way of enriching themselves.
Elections must be supported by the state to encourage right people with right mindset to run for elections and to discourage vote-buying and excessive electoral spending.
Focus on the economy.
Encourage OFWs to invest in the country with viable support system in place to avoid unnecessary red tape and delays.
Build a modern railway system that will connect towns and cities in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao to international airports and seaports which becomes, in the long run, a boon to the industry and tourism in particular and to the economy in general. An efficient transportation system like trains is imperative and indispensable in an economy hoping to join the First World in the next twenty years.
Strengthen Philippine agriculture. Ensure a rice productivity that will enable the country to export by 2013.
Revise the constitution. Shift from unitary to federal and from presidential to parliamentary. Allow the regions to flourish, economically, culturally and politically.
We must ensure the conviction of Corona. Then, start reforming the judiciary by requiring all justices and judges down to the lowest court to declare their SALN. The judiciary must not use fiscal autonomy pretext to evade transparency and accountability. Say Korti Suprima et aliwan atagey ni nen say ley. The Supreme Court is not above the law.
Pass a law that requires cases to be decided within six months after it has been filed. In other words, we must ensure the efficient and fair delivery of justice.
Prosecute the Marcoses. That Imelda is still able to tell her lies to the public and has not spent a second in jail is a testament to the ineptitude and corruption of Philippine judicial system. Recover the billions of dollars stashed away in Swiss and other banks. We must cripple the Marcoses financially so that they cannot use their ill-gotten wealth in their quest for political comeback.
Pass the anti-political dynasty bill, the RH bill, the Freedom of Information bill.
Abolish the pork barrel, which is the fount of corruption. It is not the business of congressmen to build waiting sheds for the sake of name-recall during elections but to legislate wise measures. Abolishing it will also discourage unscrupulous people from running for public office since they see it as the easy way of enriching themselves.
Elections must be supported by the state to encourage right people with right mindset to run for elections and to discourage vote-buying and excessive electoral spending.
Focus on the economy.
Encourage OFWs to invest in the country with viable support system in place to avoid unnecessary red tape and delays.
Build a modern railway system that will connect towns and cities in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao to international airports and seaports which becomes, in the long run, a boon to the industry and tourism in particular and to the economy in general. An efficient transportation system like trains is imperative and indispensable in an economy hoping to join the First World in the next twenty years.
Strengthen Philippine agriculture. Ensure a rice productivity that will enable the country to export by 2013.
Revise the constitution. Shift from unitary to federal and from presidential to parliamentary. Allow the regions to flourish, economically, culturally and politically.
Pestaño murder: Say post-Marcos military corruption gimmapo nen panaon nen Fidel Ramos
Nen 1995, sakey ya navy ensign ya manngaran ya Philip Pestaño so pinatey lapud asukayan ton korapsion ya nagagawa.
Antoy ginawa nen Ramos ya sayan kaso et niyakar ed kargo na Ombudsman nen 1998 labat?
Taloran taon ya inatey may too anggapo so katunongan ya nalmo lapud apikewet ya hustisya.
Saray asukayan nen Pestaño:
1. iray troson iligal ya aputir ya labay ya ilako daray atatagey ya totoo ed Philippine Navy, AFP tan arum ni ran totoo ed gobierno;
2. sako-sakon shabu ya bilyon so bili to;
3. iray armas ya ilako na militar ed saray Abu Sayyaf.
Wala kasi betang nen Enrile tan Ramos ed saraya?
Nen 2009, say Ombudsman ya uuloan nen inutil tan istupidon Gutierrez so nan-dismiss ed kaso.
Natan ya taon labat nen panaon nen Ombudsman Carpio-Morales ya say kaso et aliwan suicide no ag ingen murder. Iray totoon amatey ed sikato: Capt. Ricardo Ordoñez; Cmdr. Reynaldo Lopez, Hospital Man 2 Welmenio Aquino, Lt. Cmdr. Luidegar Casis, Lt. Cmdr. Alfrederick Alba, Machinery Repairman 2 Sandy Miranda, Lt. Cmdr. Joselito Colico, Lt. Cmdr. Ruben Roque, PO1 Carlito Amoroso tan PO2 Leonor Igcasan.
Sikaton wala lay 16 taon so apalabas ya anggapoy hustisya ed si Philip.
Say lamut na korapsion ed Pilipinas et say corrupt ya Philippine judiciary.
No arisolba ya nen 1996 tan naibelyaw so korapsion ya nagagawa ed AFP, wala kasi ni Carlos Garcia tan Jacinto Ligot ya onpaway nen embeneg iran taon ya nantakew ed pondo na gobierno?
Ag nayarin orasan nen Ramos so lima to ed sayan agawa ed si Philip tan say korapsion ed militar ya ginmapo ed administrasion to.
Antoy ginawa nen Ramos ya sayan kaso et niyakar ed kargo na Ombudsman nen 1998 labat?
Taloran taon ya inatey may too anggapo so katunongan ya nalmo lapud apikewet ya hustisya.
Saray asukayan nen Pestaño:
1. iray troson iligal ya aputir ya labay ya ilako daray atatagey ya totoo ed Philippine Navy, AFP tan arum ni ran totoo ed gobierno;
2. sako-sakon shabu ya bilyon so bili to;
3. iray armas ya ilako na militar ed saray Abu Sayyaf.
Wala kasi betang nen Enrile tan Ramos ed saraya?
Nen 2009, say Ombudsman ya uuloan nen inutil tan istupidon Gutierrez so nan-dismiss ed kaso.
Natan ya taon labat nen panaon nen Ombudsman Carpio-Morales ya say kaso et aliwan suicide no ag ingen murder. Iray totoon amatey ed sikato: Capt. Ricardo Ordoñez; Cmdr. Reynaldo Lopez, Hospital Man 2 Welmenio Aquino, Lt. Cmdr. Luidegar Casis, Lt. Cmdr. Alfrederick Alba, Machinery Repairman 2 Sandy Miranda, Lt. Cmdr. Joselito Colico, Lt. Cmdr. Ruben Roque, PO1 Carlito Amoroso tan PO2 Leonor Igcasan.
Sikaton wala lay 16 taon so apalabas ya anggapoy hustisya ed si Philip.
Say lamut na korapsion ed Pilipinas et say corrupt ya Philippine judiciary.
No arisolba ya nen 1996 tan naibelyaw so korapsion ya nagagawa ed AFP, wala kasi ni Carlos Garcia tan Jacinto Ligot ya onpaway nen embeneg iran taon ya nantakew ed pondo na gobierno?
Ag nayarin orasan nen Ramos so lima to ed sayan agawa ed si Philip tan say korapsion ed militar ya ginmapo ed administrasion to.
Jan 3, 2012
Reckless Enrile and coup d'etat: Say militar labat so makapantonda na impeachment?
Sayan panagbasa et nisaral ed pinmaway ya balita ed sakey ya palapagan. Marakep komon no nabasa so intiron transcript na interbyu ya inter nen Enrile ed radyo.
Kuanen Enrile, unong ed pinmaway ed PDI, ag nayarin mibabali si PNoy tan say Korti Suprima ed nagawan impeachment trial. Tan anggapoy nayarin mandikta ed sikato, say Dios labat tan saray totoo.
Balet diad ontombok, say kuanto, say kasil na militar labat so makapantonda ed sikara nipaakar ed impeachment. Diad Inglis, say kuanto: “The only one that can stop us is the might of the military.”
What? Anto? Why invoke the military when it is unconstitutional for them to engage in politics? Are you insinuating coup d'etat against PNoy similar to the ones you instigated against Cory?
The military cannot stop the impeachment trial given the current somewhat stable leadership after the corrupt GMA administration. Is the military restive? Is the military the magnet of popular leadership when in fact they are mired in the very corruption that the people wanted to eradicate?
Sakey labat so nibaga ed saya: he is sowing something suspicious. Better for PNoy to carefully watch Enrile's moves.
The statement should not have been spoken in the first place. It is utterly irresponsible for a senator to say this thing in public, one who is known to have studied the law, a pretentious constitutionalist in fact.
Pinmaway ed dila to kasi so gabay ton nagawa?
Was it slip of the tongue?
Ag nailaloan ya bawien nen Enrile sayan binalikas to.
Kuanen Enrile, unong ed pinmaway ed PDI, ag nayarin mibabali si PNoy tan say Korti Suprima ed nagawan impeachment trial. Tan anggapoy nayarin mandikta ed sikato, say Dios labat tan saray totoo.
Balet diad ontombok, say kuanto, say kasil na militar labat so makapantonda ed sikara nipaakar ed impeachment. Diad Inglis, say kuanto: “The only one that can stop us is the might of the military.”
What? Anto? Why invoke the military when it is unconstitutional for them to engage in politics? Are you insinuating coup d'etat against PNoy similar to the ones you instigated against Cory?
The military cannot stop the impeachment trial given the current somewhat stable leadership after the corrupt GMA administration. Is the military restive? Is the military the magnet of popular leadership when in fact they are mired in the very corruption that the people wanted to eradicate?
Sakey labat so nibaga ed saya: he is sowing something suspicious. Better for PNoy to carefully watch Enrile's moves.
The statement should not have been spoken in the first place. It is utterly irresponsible for a senator to say this thing in public, one who is known to have studied the law, a pretentious constitutionalist in fact.
Pinmaway ed dila to kasi so gabay ton nagawa?
Was it slip of the tongue?
Ag nailaloan ya bawien nen Enrile sayan binalikas to.
Jan 2, 2012
Say lurey ya si Joker Arroyo
et nen say ibabagan "human rights lawyer, freedom fighter" tan "anti-corruption crusader" nanmaliw ya manangiyagel na inkaruksa daray walad oley tan inkaganid daray walad pwisto.
Jan 1, 2012
Iray kasalanan nen Enrile, senator, martial law henchman, logging kingpin
Say masiken ya kaokolan lan manpainawa ed Sinado ya si Juan Ponce Enrile et dakel so kasalanan to ed baley.
1. Ag ni adusa ed ginawgawa to nen panaon na Martial Law nen sikato et right hand man nen diktador ya Marcos tan kaibaiba nen Fidel Ramos ya sakey met ya corrupt tan manag-antabay na Martial Law.
2. Sikato so sakey ed utek daray kudeta nen panaon nen Cory Aquino ya nanpirwisyon baleg ed ikonomiya tan angiyanak ed sakey ya useless ya politikon si Honasan.
3. Baleg so kasalanan to ta sakey met ya abindisyonan ed takew daray Marcos.
4. Sakey sikato ya amatey ed saray katakelan na Mindanao ed logging companies to.
Nipaakar ed sayay otit, ibabaga nen Enrile ya say rason na delap ed Cagayan de Oro tan Iligan et nayarin say danum kono ya inpaway na saray dam ed Mindanao.
Is he trying to defuse the attention on illegal logging that is seen to be the primary cause of flooding aside from the high volume water that Sendong had poured over those areas?
Natan, Pnoy no sinsiro kan patondaen so illegal logging, ngaranan mo pa irayay illegal logging companies ompano sakey ed saraya et subsidiary na JAKA group of companies ya gawa nen Enrile!
1. Ag ni adusa ed ginawgawa to nen panaon na Martial Law nen sikato et right hand man nen diktador ya Marcos tan kaibaiba nen Fidel Ramos ya sakey met ya corrupt tan manag-antabay na Martial Law.
2. Sikato so sakey ed utek daray kudeta nen panaon nen Cory Aquino ya nanpirwisyon baleg ed ikonomiya tan angiyanak ed sakey ya useless ya politikon si Honasan.
3. Baleg so kasalanan to ta sakey met ya abindisyonan ed takew daray Marcos.
4. Sakey sikato ya amatey ed saray katakelan na Mindanao ed logging companies to.
Nipaakar ed sayay otit, ibabaga nen Enrile ya say rason na delap ed Cagayan de Oro tan Iligan et nayarin say danum kono ya inpaway na saray dam ed Mindanao.
Is he trying to defuse the attention on illegal logging that is seen to be the primary cause of flooding aside from the high volume water that Sendong had poured over those areas?
Natan, Pnoy no sinsiro kan patondaen so illegal logging, ngaranan mo pa irayay illegal logging companies ompano sakey ed saraya et subsidiary na JAKA group of companies ya gawa nen Enrile!
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