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Say Pangasinensen ngalngalin nanmaliw ya pangolo na bansa: Si Carlos Peña Romulo (1898-1985)
Nipaakar ed sayan talintao. Say inpansamba nen Carlos P. Romulo ed arap nen Pangolon Manuel Roxas nen 1946. Walad kawanan si Speaker of th...
Dec 30, 2008
Salitan Pangasinan ed Inagew Agew
Natan ta agew nen Jose Rizal ya agew ya pamatey daray Kastila ed sikato ed Luneta, sinukait koy kabaliksan na salitan bayani.
Bayani 1. pn. Sebeg, kasil, puersa. 2. Tutukoyen to met so sebeg na saray totoo odino say tuka, alak tan antokaman ya klasi na inumen, ma-. 3. Nayarin tukoyen to so pankimey na gawan sebeg, man-, manbay-.
Sakey ya salitan nanlapud bayani so palbayani.
Palbayani 1. pn. Say managtalabay ed panaun na krisis, takot tan paga. 2. Say tawag ed saray makpel ya totoon mangiyagel ed saray kakaiba ra.
© Erwin S. Fernandez
Dec 29, 2008
Salitan Pangasinan ed Inagew Agew
Banláyon 1. pn. Say pantatapewan na saray angkakabaleg ya daluyon ed sakey tan sakey. 2. pl. Itaker ed singir so antokaman tan isabit ed tagey. 3. pl. Pangiter na simbang ed baloto 4. pamasuri [ps.] Say kipapasen ya ag makapansakey ya kanonotan. 5. pl. Nayarin ikanan pamalinawa singa, Manbabanlayo'y nonot da ed satan ya paraan.
© Erwin S. Fernandez
Dec 28, 2008
Salitan Pangasinan ed Inagew agew
Igapok natan so serye na saray salitan Pangasinan ya matalag ya narerengel tan nauusar ed agew agew ya bilay. Iter ko so kabaliksan da tan say gamit da ed sakey ya balikas. Ilaloan kon toloy toloy kon nagawa ya anggad nasumpal kon asabi so amin a bolong na diksionario nen Laki Lorenzo Cosgaya y Fernandez.
Palás (pamangaran [pn]) Saray kiew ya pamekpek ed gandang odino tambol [tambor - Esp.]
Palásapás pn. Atagey tan maampay a pasen ed lupa na sakey a baleg ya bato. Al. Manalwar ka'd tan ompano napulag ka'd palásapás. Pinengneng so talintao'd kawigi, itan so palásapás na Moher ed Ireland.
Palásípas (pamalinawa [pl.]) Paekalen ed sakey a pasen saray totoo awit so bislak ya iwasiwas ed kawigi tan kawanan. Al. Palásípasen mo pa ra pian onekal ira'd dalan.
© Erwin S. Fernandez
Dec 26, 2008
M.A.N. tan say aso nen Uncle Sam
Mankoritak na sakey ya artikulo nipaakar ed MAN (Movement for the Advancement of Nationalism). Natan manaya (o nen karuman ta manpasado alas dose la) so anibersaryo na inkianak na Partido Kumunista na Pilipinas nen Jose Ma. Sison ya agew na inkianak met nen Mao Tse tung.
So MAN et inletneg nen Pibriro 7-8, 1967 nen agawa so unan tulagan da ed National Library ed Manila. Inbana da ed anibersaryo na inkianak nen Claro M. Recto, say maltaw ya nasionalistan senador ya inatey nen 1960.
Abasak lay pigaran litiratura nipaakar ed MAN. Siempre wadia'd siak so dokuminton primaria: say koleksion na unan kongreso tan say risulta na mikaduan kongreso nen 1969 ya sakey ya paliwawa ed posision da ed kipapasen na baley tayo nen dekada sisenta. Say pangulo et si Ferdinand E. Marcos ya nanlapud Amerika nen Setiembri 1966 ya angiter na simpatia'd si Pangulon Lyndon B. Johnson nipaakar ed golon nalmuan dad Vietnam. Si Marcos, kuanen Johnson so too ton napanpiaan na Amerika ed Asia. Sayan diklarasion balet ag agustoan na saray istudianten radikal, saray aktibista ya malinew ed sikara so ginawan panbisita nen Marcos - panagdildil ed sapatos na akankien na White House.
Labay kon talosan no anto ray agawan sakbay na impanianak na MAN. Amtak ya baleg so papil nen Recto, katon kaokolan ya talosan so dekada sinkuenta. Biig nid satan, say nagagawa ed paway na bansa, say bakal ed Vietnam. Anto ni? Say panag-usig ed saray propisor na UP na CAFA (Committee onAnti-Filipino Activities) ya sakey ya manipestasion na panagbusol ed saray ibabagaran kumunista nen Marso 1961 angidalan ed protista na saray istudiante. Sakey ni so pibabali na Amerika ed nagagawa diad Pilipinas, diad bilay na baley - pulitika, ekonomia tan kultura. Sakey so pamapaltog ed saray Pilipino ed paway na basi militar ed Clark so angigapo na petang na olo tan pasnok na Pilipino laban ed lames na Amerika ed Pilipinas. Nen atakuatan da ya anggapoy nagawa na Pilipino ed sarili ton bansa nipaakar ed samay akankasalanan, angiter ed kanonotan na dakel so tepet no anto so kakanaan na kawayangan. Paelek-elekan so Pilipino ta anggano diad paway na bansa say nengneng da ed Pilipinas et sakey ya matoor ya aso nen Uncle Sam.
Getma na MAN ya tiponen amin ed sakey ya ulupan saray totoo ed pulitika, ekonomia, edukasion, midia, saray dumaralos, saray sientista, saray istudiante, saray bibii tan arom nin miembro na baley ya walay poso ra so pamabulaslas na bansa. Anggano ag binmayag ta akasabi labat ed mikaliman taon to, panon makana so kontribusion to ed awaran na galaw na karaklan ed Pilipinas? Saya tan arom nin tepet so gabay kon ebatan ed sayan salaysay.
So MAN et inletneg nen Pibriro 7-8, 1967 nen agawa so unan tulagan da ed National Library ed Manila. Inbana da ed anibersaryo na inkianak nen Claro M. Recto, say maltaw ya nasionalistan senador ya inatey nen 1960.
Abasak lay pigaran litiratura nipaakar ed MAN. Siempre wadia'd siak so dokuminton primaria: say koleksion na unan kongreso tan say risulta na mikaduan kongreso nen 1969 ya sakey ya paliwawa ed posision da ed kipapasen na baley tayo nen dekada sisenta. Say pangulo et si Ferdinand E. Marcos ya nanlapud Amerika nen Setiembri 1966 ya angiter na simpatia'd si Pangulon Lyndon B. Johnson nipaakar ed golon nalmuan dad Vietnam. Si Marcos, kuanen Johnson so too ton napanpiaan na Amerika ed Asia. Sayan diklarasion balet ag agustoan na saray istudianten radikal, saray aktibista ya malinew ed sikara so ginawan panbisita nen Marcos - panagdildil ed sapatos na akankien na White House.
Labay kon talosan no anto ray agawan sakbay na impanianak na MAN. Amtak ya baleg so papil nen Recto, katon kaokolan ya talosan so dekada sinkuenta. Biig nid satan, say nagagawa ed paway na bansa, say bakal ed Vietnam. Anto ni? Say panag-usig ed saray propisor na UP na CAFA (Committee onAnti-Filipino Activities) ya sakey ya manipestasion na panagbusol ed saray ibabagaran kumunista nen Marso 1961 angidalan ed protista na saray istudiante. Sakey ni so pibabali na Amerika ed nagagawa diad Pilipinas, diad bilay na baley - pulitika, ekonomia tan kultura. Sakey so pamapaltog ed saray Pilipino ed paway na basi militar ed Clark so angigapo na petang na olo tan pasnok na Pilipino laban ed lames na Amerika ed Pilipinas. Nen atakuatan da ya anggapoy nagawa na Pilipino ed sarili ton bansa nipaakar ed samay akankasalanan, angiter ed kanonotan na dakel so tepet no anto so kakanaan na kawayangan. Paelek-elekan so Pilipino ta anggano diad paway na bansa say nengneng da ed Pilipinas et sakey ya matoor ya aso nen Uncle Sam.
Getma na MAN ya tiponen amin ed sakey ya ulupan saray totoo ed pulitika, ekonomia, edukasion, midia, saray dumaralos, saray sientista, saray istudiante, saray bibii tan arom nin miembro na baley ya walay poso ra so pamabulaslas na bansa. Anggano ag binmayag ta akasabi labat ed mikaliman taon to, panon makana so kontribusion to ed awaran na galaw na karaklan ed Pilipinas? Saya tan arom nin tepet so gabay kon ebatan ed sayan salaysay.
Dec 23, 2008
Artikulo ed International Social Science Review
Angikorit ak nen 2001 sakey ya artikulo nipaakar ed gotgotan na saray Arabo tan Israel diad dalem na diplomasia na Estados Unidos. Pimmaway ya ed International Social Science Review.
Saya imay artikulo:
Fernandez, Erwin S. " The US and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: (Un) Forging Future Peace" International Social Science Review 80 (1 & 2) (2005): 41-50. Nayarin nabasa yo ed sayan kawing: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IMR/is_1-2_80/ai_n15966206?tag=content;col1
Kimmirewak na pirmiso diad editor no nayarik ya ipalapag ed sayan blog balet sinebelan to ak. No nayari kono et manbayarak ni. Pankakakuartaan da iyan gawak balet siak ya akankien anggapoy naaawat ko.
Saya imay artikulo:
Fernandez, Erwin S. " The US and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: (Un) Forging Future Peace" International Social Science Review 80 (1 & 2) (2005): 41-50. Nayarin nabasa yo ed sayan kawing: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IMR/is_1-2_80/ai_n15966206?tag=content;col1
Kimmirewak na pirmiso diad editor no nayarik ya ipalapag ed sayan blog balet sinebelan to ak. No nayari kono et manbayarak ni. Pankakakuartaan da iyan gawak balet siak ya akankien anggapoy naaawat ko.
Say Bangan Calatagan Kayarian na Pangasinan?
Say gurgurlis ed sangi na banga na Calatagan abayag lan ag nalukasan so tuan talos to. Walay taga-Pangasinan ya maseet ton inamta so nayari ton pakatalos. Immuna lay Guillermo Tolentino ya angawag niray ispirista ta pian tawagen daray aniton mangibaga no anto raman ya gurgurlis balet agto nala so tuan kanonotan na saray gurgurlis. Tinmumbok saray arom ya iskolar singa sikara Juan Francisco, say Pranses ya si Jean-Paul Potet, say Olandes ya si Antoon Postma, inaral to so gurgurlis na Mangyan, si Johannes Casparis ya no agak nalilingo et sakey met ya Olandes, si Harold Conklin, sakey ya antropologon Amerikano - ag ira akalmoy tuan tumbok pian nalukasan so ipasasabi na Calatagan.
Amta nen Dr. Quintin Oropilla y Fortich, sakey ya retiradon mediko ed Philippine General Hospital tan propisor ed UP College of Medicine ya say sikrito ed sayan enigma et paliograpiya. Katon inaral ton maung sayan disiplina, say lamang to ed saray immunan anubok ed sayan proyikto. Makapaintiris so inkana to ya say salita na angibasian na gurgurlis et aliwan Tagalog - say salitan wala'd kanonotan da ra'y immunan nanaral - odino Bisaya odino Kapampangan balet Pangasinan.
Baleg lan kontribusion so pananisia nen Dr. Oropilla ya so salitan nikorit ed bangan Calatagan et aliwan Tagalog. Binetag to so kanonotan ya nansebel ed panaglukas na kakanaan na saray gurgurlis. Maganon naisip ya Tagalog so salita na banga ta asukay so banga ed Batangas balet ag nayari kasin aliwan Tagalog so salita to?
Utang na saray tinmumbok ed trabaho nen Dr. Oropilla no akin ta akanonot iran nayarin arom ya salita aliwa labat ya Pangasinan so nayarin ikana. Saya so ag da nibaga, saya so ag da nibori.
Say tuan marka na inkaiskolar et say panagbirbir ed kontribusion na saray immuna, ed kontribusion nen Dr. Oropilla.
Unong ed press release nen Dr. O, say talos na gurgurlis et sakey a kerew na tolong na manag-anito ed saray kabaleyan to lapud sakit. Saraya iramay salita nipaway ed saman a gurgurlis unong ed pamaakaran ya inusar nen Dr. Quintin.
Saya imay nikorit ko nen Nobiembri 17, 2008 ed ulupannasaraytagapangasinan yahoo group:
"Baleg so kakanaan to no tua so pakatalos nen Oropilla. Abayag lan saray iskolar nikolong ed kanonotan ya say salitan nikorit ed banga et daan ya Tagalog. Ag da naisip ya nayarin aliwan Pangasinan labat so onkana ed saratan ya gurgurlis. No tua, saray taga-Pangasinan, dinmayo
ed Batangas. Very mobile met saray totoo nen saman ta saray Austronesian et bumabaroy ed taew balet wala natan so pruweba ya maakar saray atateng tayo ya tua met anggad natan."
No ontan sirin, say bangan Calatagan kasi et kayarian na Pangasinan?
Agko amta balet labay kon basaen iyan libro. Saray intirisado nayarin bisitaen yo yan web page: http://decipheredcalataganpotscripts.com/
Amta nen Dr. Quintin Oropilla y Fortich, sakey ya retiradon mediko ed Philippine General Hospital tan propisor ed UP College of Medicine ya say sikrito ed sayan enigma et paliograpiya. Katon inaral ton maung sayan disiplina, say lamang to ed saray immunan anubok ed sayan proyikto. Makapaintiris so inkana to ya say salita na angibasian na gurgurlis et aliwan Tagalog - say salitan wala'd kanonotan da ra'y immunan nanaral - odino Bisaya odino Kapampangan balet Pangasinan.
Baleg lan kontribusion so pananisia nen Dr. Oropilla ya so salitan nikorit ed bangan Calatagan et aliwan Tagalog. Binetag to so kanonotan ya nansebel ed panaglukas na kakanaan na saray gurgurlis. Maganon naisip ya Tagalog so salita na banga ta asukay so banga ed Batangas balet ag nayari kasin aliwan Tagalog so salita to?
Utang na saray tinmumbok ed trabaho nen Dr. Oropilla no akin ta akanonot iran nayarin arom ya salita aliwa labat ya Pangasinan so nayarin ikana. Saya so ag da nibaga, saya so ag da nibori.
Say tuan marka na inkaiskolar et say panagbirbir ed kontribusion na saray immuna, ed kontribusion nen Dr. Oropilla.
Unong ed press release nen Dr. O, say talos na gurgurlis et sakey a kerew na tolong na manag-anito ed saray kabaleyan to lapud sakit. Saraya iramay salita nipaway ed saman a gurgurlis unong ed pamaakaran ya inusar nen Dr. Quintin.
1. | La-ba(n) | Ma-nu-la(y) | Sa-ki(t) |
Fight (against) | Rain | Illness |
2. | Di-no(t) | Ma -ni-nga(s) | Ma(g) -ya(t) |
Slowly | Have Difficulty Breathing | Suddenly |
3. | Ga(m) - ka(t)- ka(t) | Nga- la(n) | Wa(d)- ya |
Staring blankly | Names | Inside the |
4. | Ba- nga | Ra(y) | Sa-ki(t) | Na(n) - do(n) |
Pot | Names of those | Sick | In There |
5. | Sa- ka- la(n) | Bi- na- ga- a(n) |
Copied, | Are Already Informed |
6. | Pa(y)- ba- ki(m) | Da(m)- ba |
Thou send | Love (Relief) |
Saya imay nikorit ko nen Nobiembri 17, 2008 ed ulupannasaraytagapangasinan yahoo group:
"Baleg so kakanaan to no tua so pakatalos nen Oropilla. Abayag lan saray iskolar nikolong ed kanonotan ya say salitan nikorit ed banga et daan ya Tagalog. Ag da naisip ya nayarin aliwan Pangasinan labat so onkana ed saratan ya gurgurlis. No tua, saray taga-Pangasinan, dinmayo
ed Batangas. Very mobile met saray totoo nen saman ta saray Austronesian et bumabaroy ed taew balet wala natan so pruweba ya maakar saray atateng tayo ya tua met anggad natan."
No ontan sirin, say bangan Calatagan kasi et kayarian na Pangasinan?
Agko amta balet labay kon basaen iyan libro. Saray intirisado nayarin bisitaen yo yan web page: http://decipheredcalataganpotscripts.com/
Sep 19, 2008
BINARID PASIG tan arum ni ran anlong
Saraya iramay anlong kon analo'd mikaduan paliagan na anlong a Pangasinan ed panamegley na Komision ed Dilan Filipino nen 2007. Naipalapag ed Makata: An online journal of Philippine & International contemporary poetry ed August 2008 ya paway to.
Gala aro ed takel, gala!
dakel so kiew ya atatagey tan mabuná
wala ray ay-ayep melag tan baleg
wala soy maanos tan masibeg.
Diad silong na bulawen odino akasya
nayarin mampainawa
onirong ed berden diká
nayari met ya ondokol tan dua.
Makangngel tay úni na saray manok
maliket ya mangakansiyon ed toktok
naangob say balinget ed biek ya bangkag
saray dosas na ilang-ilang ya nayayagyág.
Say alog masanting met ya laen
asingger labat ya akaren
sali anggad poeg isawsaw
ed danum ya malinlinew.
Gala aro ed takel, gala!
aleg kan mandurua!
agta labat onanges ya tariwan dagem
mankaiba ta ni ya sangngarem!
dakel so kiew ya atatagey tan mabuná
wala ray ay-ayep melag tan baleg
wala soy maanos tan masibeg.
Diad silong na bulawen odino akasya
nayarin mampainawa
onirong ed berden diká
nayari met ya ondokol tan dua.
Makangngel tay úni na saray manok
maliket ya mangakansiyon ed toktok
naangob say balinget ed biek ya bangkag
saray dosas na ilang-ilang ya nayayagyág.
Say alog masanting met ya laen
asingger labat ya akaren
sali anggad poeg isawsaw
ed danum ya malinlinew.
Gala aro ed takel, gala!
aleg kan mandurua!
agta labat onanges ya tariwan dagem
mankaiba ta ni ya sangngarem!
Musikero si Lakik Pilon mantaoy sitenta
lanang ya trumpet so bembenda
lapud ta satan so anapanda
sipor nen balolaki nira.
Diad panmumusikoda
apan-aral daray ilalakda
amay pangulowan maestra
abogado may mikadua.
Balet agnira timmonda
ed panmumusikoda
ta sikaray tatawaganda
ya lawas ed pon-ponsia.
Sikaton nen abalang ira
say Barrio Fiesta
abiyernes santoy luplupara
ta asumpal lay ligliwa.
Ag makaogip say kapitan ed kanonotto
no iner ya narumog si Laki Pilo
ta anggano si Bae Gorian asawa
mangkelaw ta may katdolda anggapola.
Ta manaya wad biek ya barrio
say abalang ya si Lakik Pilo
akiponsia ed kaaro ton si Pedro
ya nankumbidad binyag na anak to.
Nen abalitan wadman si Laki Pilo
nanpalitson si Laki Tano
wala ray papaitan, pochero
wala met soy puto tan bitso-bitso.
Diad ngarem ya pansempetda
dakel so totoon maliket ya akibegta
bangta angan iray bagisen, natake rad poso
akis tan orangal say nangngel ed barrio.
lanang ya trumpet so bembenda
lapud ta satan so anapanda
sipor nen balolaki nira.
Diad panmumusikoda
apan-aral daray ilalakda
amay pangulowan maestra
abogado may mikadua.
Balet agnira timmonda
ed panmumusikoda
ta sikaray tatawaganda
ya lawas ed pon-ponsia.
Sikaton nen abalang ira
say Barrio Fiesta
abiyernes santoy luplupara
ta asumpal lay ligliwa.
Ag makaogip say kapitan ed kanonotto
no iner ya narumog si Laki Pilo
ta anggano si Bae Gorian asawa
mangkelaw ta may katdolda anggapola.
Ta manaya wad biek ya barrio
say abalang ya si Lakik Pilo
akiponsia ed kaaro ton si Pedro
ya nankumbidad binyag na anak to.
Nen abalitan wadman si Laki Pilo
nanpalitson si Laki Tano
wala ray papaitan, pochero
wala met soy puto tan bitso-bitso.
Diad ngarem ya pansempetda
dakel so totoon maliket ya akibegta
bangta angan iray bagisen, natake rad poso
akis tan orangal say nangngel ed barrio.
Nan-anito ed si Apolaki
angiter ya biskeg tan bayani
mansayaw ya tagam
ontakot saray kalaban
awit so sondan, buecang tan pana
say gangan na anacbanua
no onngayaw kayod arom ya baley
putiren iray olo na onaatey
ibagat ed si Ama-Kaoley
say Dios ya makaoley
saray adakep ya kabusol
gawaen ya aripuen.
angiter ya biskeg tan bayani
mansayaw ya tagam
ontakot saray kalaban
awit so sondan, buecang tan pana
say gangan na anacbanua
no onngayaw kayod arom ya baley
putiren iray olo na onaatey
ibagat ed si Ama-Kaoley
say Dios ya makaoley
saray adakep ya kabusol
gawaen ya aripuen.
“Nitan la ray pulis!”
say anglab nen Boris
batik ya immamot
ngalngalin naplag ed abot.
Nen akaalis la ra
akaimis ya nankubra
“Antoy numero yo, Nana Sibya?”
“Diyes tan siete, sarag to la.”
Inkorit tod papelito
say taya dan samplu
nanakar ya pigaran metro
nen asabian toy suki to.
“Agik, marakep ta nalmo taka?”
“Natan ya agew say suertem la”
“Atan lamet so imbagam”
“Agak balet analon pigan.”
Nantayay duamplu
ta anggapoy nagawaan to
kalabian ed pankakaotanda
apili may numero nen Linda.
Say liket nen Boris
ya singa atiris
awit toy panalo
initdan day balato.
Ontombok ya agew narelda
kabuasanto akapawayla
ngarem to nankubra
si Linda akatalaranla!
say anglab nen Boris
batik ya immamot
ngalngalin naplag ed abot.
Nen akaalis la ra
akaimis ya nankubra
“Antoy numero yo, Nana Sibya?”
“Diyes tan siete, sarag to la.”
Inkorit tod papelito
say taya dan samplu
nanakar ya pigaran metro
nen asabian toy suki to.
“Agik, marakep ta nalmo taka?”
“Natan ya agew say suertem la”
“Atan lamet so imbagam”
“Agak balet analon pigan.”
Nantayay duamplu
ta anggapoy nagawaan to
kalabian ed pankakaotanda
apili may numero nen Linda.
Say liket nen Boris
ya singa atiris
awit toy panalo
initdan day balato.
Ontombok ya agew narelda
kabuasanto akapawayla
ngarem to nankubra
si Linda akatalaranla!
Oley nen Ama-Kaoley nen ugma
diad luyag na Caboloan
Pangasinan nadingel irad pabitla
tongtong, oliran tan awaran.
Nen Dios na Espanyol simmabi
abilang lay agew nen Apolaki
saray totoo nandasal ed simbaan
balet diad Pangasinan.
Gelew nen saray Tagalog nen Rizal
nanrebolusyon kontrad Espanyol
akibakal saray Amerikanon analo
Ingles nanibad imperyalismo.
Say ibabaga ran bansa, nanoley si Bathala
ta say Aniton Bakal aputir lay dila
saray anak to baing dan isalita
say dilan nianakan da.
Ag labat ira so nanpaaripuen
Lalahon, Kabunian, Gugurang,
Suku, Malyari, Tadaklan
bibitlaen day salita na nanbaknang!
diad luyag na Caboloan
Pangasinan nadingel irad pabitla
tongtong, oliran tan awaran.
Nen Dios na Espanyol simmabi
abilang lay agew nen Apolaki
saray totoo nandasal ed simbaan
balet diad Pangasinan.
Gelew nen saray Tagalog nen Rizal
nanrebolusyon kontrad Espanyol
akibakal saray Amerikanon analo
Ingles nanibad imperyalismo.
Say ibabaga ran bansa, nanoley si Bathala
ta say Aniton Bakal aputir lay dila
saray anak to baing dan isalita
say dilan nianakan da.
Ag labat ira so nanpaaripuen
Lalahon, Kabunian, Gugurang,
Suku, Malyari, Tadaklan
bibitlaen day salita na nanbaknang!
No sikay alumbayar ed dalem na dalin
siak lay manok ya mansalaysay ed sikan buagen
No lokton kan manoopot ya bolong na paguey
anuyawak lan mangan pian ipila kad kopapuey.
No sika et andirit ya maermen ya ontikyab tikyab
siak lay ugaw manerel ed sikan ipokok ed abaab.
No nganak kan masayaksak
lalongak lan oneyak-eyak.
No bulan kad ambilonget ya labi
siak lay kabuntatalan oniba ni.
No bulaklak kad tanaman masamiong say balingit
siak lay potiokan onsopsop ed dilom ya masamit.
No kolibangbang kan onsisimit onbabaleg
siak lay agew ya manpatubo manpabaleg
Balet no bii kan malimgas mabinta
laki ak ya onkaraw onkanad sika.
siak lay manok ya mansalaysay ed sikan buagen
No lokton kan manoopot ya bolong na paguey
anuyawak lan mangan pian ipila kad kopapuey.
No sika et andirit ya maermen ya ontikyab tikyab
siak lay ugaw manerel ed sikan ipokok ed abaab.
No nganak kan masayaksak
lalongak lan oneyak-eyak.
No bulan kad ambilonget ya labi
siak lay kabuntatalan oniba ni.
No bulaklak kad tanaman masamiong say balingit
siak lay potiokan onsopsop ed dilom ya masamit.
No kolibangbang kan onsisimit onbabaleg
siak lay agew ya manpatubo manpabaleg
Balet no bii kan malimgas mabinta
laki ak ya onkaraw onkanad sika.
Biin posoy maagum mauges
lipot nid asawan arin atapis
balangit ed olo andi gawad balitok
no onelek manalimpokapok
Abung tod gilig na baybay
matatakew nanolop nanabay
kakaaron matila masisiba
ed kwartan ag da met gawa.
Aliwan tonung say oley
ag onaaligwas soy baley
ta lalon oniirap saray doka
balet saray sanasawa maligsa.
Asingger metla so isungpal toya
ag onbayag nitan lay dusan duksa
tawen onlerem, onkimat, onbagio
ondelap, nanor, nalner may loko.
lipot nid asawan arin atapis
balangit ed olo andi gawad balitok
no onelek manalimpokapok
Abung tod gilig na baybay
matatakew nanolop nanabay
kakaaron matila masisiba
ed kwartan ag da met gawa.
Aliwan tonung say oley
ag onaaligwas soy baley
ta lalon oniirap saray doka
balet saray sanasawa maligsa.
Asingger metla so isungpal toya
ag onbayag nitan lay dusan duksa
tawen onlerem, onkimat, onbagio
ondelap, nanor, nalner may loko.
Jun 10, 2008
Say Bakal ya Kapilitan ya Ipanalo
Onbibilay la so salitan Pangasinan balet kaokolan ag labat seet tan kuli pian nagamoran so pilalek ya onbulaslas so kulturan abangonan.
Nen apalabas ya simba, agawa ed siudad na Dagupan so seminar ed ortograpiya na Pangasinan. Amuria diman ya manduruma so panaglitra na saray sumusulat ed dakel ya salita na salitan Pangasinan. Katon nepeg ya mangiletneg tan mangipalapag ya sakey ya balon ortograpiya na Pangasinan. Sayan tulagan et sakey labat ya melag a kupbang balet makana ed arawi nin baroy mamaarap na panangitandoro ed salitan Pangasinan bilang sakey ya salitan onpara’d Tagalog tan Inglis.
Say kipapasen na salitan Pangasinan tan arum nin salita ed Pilipinas et ag onaarawi ed saray salitan asingger lan onpatey. Panduruma labat say karakel na totoon Pangasinense ya onbabaleg balet uusaren da labat so salita da ed abung. Ag da lanang a narerengel ed radio odino ed telebision. Ag da nababasa ed saray libro ed eskwelaan. Ag nababasa ed diario, magasin tan arum nin palapagan. Narerengel labat no panaun na basingkawel no eleksion no labay na sakey a politikon onsingger ed poso na saray botante.
Antoy nagagawa? Narerengel ed radio tan telebision so Tagalog. Nababasa so Inglis tan Tagalog ed eskwelaan. Nababasa ed diario, magasin tan arum nin palapagan say Inglis tan Tagalog. Ed antikey ya salita, saray tubunbalo tan ugugaw natan ed Pangasinan, onbabaleg ira’d kulturan binayes, ed kulturan ibabaga ran panbansa. Say risulta, onbabaleg iran nalilinguanan day inkaPangasinan da. Ag labat ontan, onbabaleg iran ag da amtan ibabaing da lay kultura tan salita da. Naiyanak la’d poso tan isip da so tatawagen ya “inferiority complex” lapud “cultural conditioning” odino “social engineering.”
Nakokondision so kanonotan na sakey ya too ed abung, eskwelaan tan kaliberliber to nipaakar ed no antoy maung odino mauges, no antoy tua odino palso. Unong ed pamaakaran ya igaganggan na Konstitusyon, say salitan ibangat ed eskwelaan et Tagalog ya tatawagen day Filipino. Insugiri da labat ya saray “regional languages” et “auxiliary medium of instruction” odino katulong ya midium ed panbangat. Lapud saya, say salitan sarasarag ya isulat tan isalita na karaklan et Tagalog. Lapud saya, alukasan so kanonotan ag labat na saray Pangasinense pati arum nin baley ed kultura ya ituturo na Ibali ya ag nabori ya Tagalog. Katon, say pababalegen na atateng, lapud sayan aliwan katunungan ya pamaakaran et ugugaw tan tubunbalon maaro ed salitan sankaili, salitan mankokonwarin kayarian na amin ya Pilipino. Diad arum ya salita, ontatakken iran maung ya ombaley aliwan Pangasinense balet Tagalog.
Immabuloy saray atateng tayo ed sayan duksa ya pinolianan dan manpaaripuen ed Tagalog tan Inglis. Natan la so panaun ya pultoten so golong golong ya mantitikel ed inkaPangasinan tayo. Onggapo itan no aroen, aralen, bilayen so salita tayo. Et anto ni so kaokolan? Kaokolan ya mibakal ed kanonotan ya apasal ed katilaan. Kapilitan tayon ipanalo yan bakal para’d ontumbok ya polin mangitandoro ed nanlapuan da.
Naipalapag diad dalem na dasig "Somlang" Northern Watch 21-27 April 2008.
Nen apalabas ya simba, agawa ed siudad na Dagupan so seminar ed ortograpiya na Pangasinan. Amuria diman ya manduruma so panaglitra na saray sumusulat ed dakel ya salita na salitan Pangasinan. Katon nepeg ya mangiletneg tan mangipalapag ya sakey ya balon ortograpiya na Pangasinan. Sayan tulagan et sakey labat ya melag a kupbang balet makana ed arawi nin baroy mamaarap na panangitandoro ed salitan Pangasinan bilang sakey ya salitan onpara’d Tagalog tan Inglis.
Say kipapasen na salitan Pangasinan tan arum nin salita ed Pilipinas et ag onaarawi ed saray salitan asingger lan onpatey. Panduruma labat say karakel na totoon Pangasinense ya onbabaleg balet uusaren da labat so salita da ed abung. Ag da lanang a narerengel ed radio odino ed telebision. Ag da nababasa ed saray libro ed eskwelaan. Ag nababasa ed diario, magasin tan arum nin palapagan. Narerengel labat no panaun na basingkawel no eleksion no labay na sakey a politikon onsingger ed poso na saray botante.
Antoy nagagawa? Narerengel ed radio tan telebision so Tagalog. Nababasa so Inglis tan Tagalog ed eskwelaan. Nababasa ed diario, magasin tan arum nin palapagan say Inglis tan Tagalog. Ed antikey ya salita, saray tubunbalo tan ugugaw natan ed Pangasinan, onbabaleg ira’d kulturan binayes, ed kulturan ibabaga ran panbansa. Say risulta, onbabaleg iran nalilinguanan day inkaPangasinan da. Ag labat ontan, onbabaleg iran ag da amtan ibabaing da lay kultura tan salita da. Naiyanak la’d poso tan isip da so tatawagen ya “inferiority complex” lapud “cultural conditioning” odino “social engineering.”
Nakokondision so kanonotan na sakey ya too ed abung, eskwelaan tan kaliberliber to nipaakar ed no antoy maung odino mauges, no antoy tua odino palso. Unong ed pamaakaran ya igaganggan na Konstitusyon, say salitan ibangat ed eskwelaan et Tagalog ya tatawagen day Filipino. Insugiri da labat ya saray “regional languages” et “auxiliary medium of instruction” odino katulong ya midium ed panbangat. Lapud saya, say salitan sarasarag ya isulat tan isalita na karaklan et Tagalog. Lapud saya, alukasan so kanonotan ag labat na saray Pangasinense pati arum nin baley ed kultura ya ituturo na Ibali ya ag nabori ya Tagalog. Katon, say pababalegen na atateng, lapud sayan aliwan katunungan ya pamaakaran et ugugaw tan tubunbalon maaro ed salitan sankaili, salitan mankokonwarin kayarian na amin ya Pilipino. Diad arum ya salita, ontatakken iran maung ya ombaley aliwan Pangasinense balet Tagalog.
Immabuloy saray atateng tayo ed sayan duksa ya pinolianan dan manpaaripuen ed Tagalog tan Inglis. Natan la so panaun ya pultoten so golong golong ya mantitikel ed inkaPangasinan tayo. Onggapo itan no aroen, aralen, bilayen so salita tayo. Et anto ni so kaokolan? Kaokolan ya mibakal ed kanonotan ya apasal ed katilaan. Kapilitan tayon ipanalo yan bakal para’d ontumbok ya polin mangitandoro ed nanlapuan da.
Naipalapag diad dalem na dasig "Somlang" Northern Watch 21-27 April 2008.
May 4, 2008
Letter of a poet to his nieces abroad*
You’re still young
wetter yet in bed
thoughts on games
and sweet candy
If you’ve grown up
read this please
hoping that you understand
Lakin Anoy’s speech
If not, it’s necessary
to translate it in English
Shakespeare’s tongue
the dominant voice there
You’re growing up
in a borrowed idiom
in tales and stories
whose heroes are strangers
Their nose not flat
white skinned
like sugar
hair that is blonde
Unlike Siogen
a legendary hunter
cooked in the sun
bathed in sea salt
And Apo Anno
named for a river
a mighty warrior
forest his playground
Ancestors they were
of the race you came from
blood flowing in your veins
had lived once in their hearts
Learn Pangasinan
sigh of your souls
its echo I could still hear
over mountains and fields
Whisper, laughter, shouts of yore
flown and kept by the wind
so that Caboloan’s progeny
could listen to Apolaki
Know, dig up your roots
you’ll stand up secure
do not emulate others
who had forgotten their baley.
* This is the translation of a Pangasinan poem published last month with the title “Sulat na umaanlong ed saray kaanakan to’d biektaew.”
wetter yet in bed
thoughts on games
and sweet candy
If you’ve grown up
read this please
hoping that you understand
Lakin Anoy’s speech
If not, it’s necessary
to translate it in English
Shakespeare’s tongue
the dominant voice there
You’re growing up
in a borrowed idiom
in tales and stories
whose heroes are strangers
Their nose not flat
white skinned
like sugar
hair that is blonde
Unlike Siogen
a legendary hunter
cooked in the sun
bathed in sea salt
And Apo Anno
named for a river
a mighty warrior
forest his playground
Ancestors they were
of the race you came from
blood flowing in your veins
had lived once in their hearts
Learn Pangasinan
sigh of your souls
its echo I could still hear
over mountains and fields
Whisper, laughter, shouts of yore
flown and kept by the wind
so that Caboloan’s progeny
could listen to Apolaki
Know, dig up your roots
you’ll stand up secure
do not emulate others
who had forgotten their baley.
* This is the translation of a Pangasinan poem published last month with the title “Sulat na umaanlong ed saray kaanakan to’d biektaew.”
Apr 1, 2008
Time is up
Everything has a beginning and an end. Your president should come to terms with the possibility of resigning from office. Resignation is an honorable thing to do rather than stick to a much-maligned office. But GMA will never resign.
As the people would clamor for the president to step down, she would all the more turn blind and deaf to these cries of protest. She would consolidate her power by giving bribes to her minions in the Senate and in the House. She would sow discord among the assembly of Catholic bishops. She would continue her policy of militarization in the countryside. She would paint a scenario that her government is in danger of a communist conspiracy. She would ensure the loyalty of the police and the military by assigning retired officials to government agencies. She would try to influence or even control media to stifle and silence opposition. In doing so, she would earn the fury of the people who will not be satisfied of getting rid of her by violent means. The people would like that heads roll, not just the head of GMA; those who supported the regime would also face their wrath. In short and ironically, she would create the perfect condition for a revolution.
Of course, the latter is an obvious exaggeration although it appeals to those who would like real change to happen, to the left who are still dreaming of Mao’s success in Jiangxi; to the anarchists who are against any form of domination; and to the rightists who would want to install a military junta.
Launching another “People Power” revolution is no revolution at all. The two EDSAs were sad testimonies to their failure of reforming Philippine society. Replacing leadership with another in a rotten system is not enough for as long as the roots of evil, avarice and greed are there, a good president will ultimately succumb to their snares.
Arroyo, however, from the outset, was corrupt. Thus, it is understandable that she did not accept the call of JDV for a moral revolution. That she would allow cheating to happen to ensure her presidency was another sign of her immorality. That she would conspire in 2001 with power-hungry elements to grab the presidency showed how patently ambitious she was in her desire to get Malacañang.
Let her go mad as she clings to her position amid seemingly loyal followers scheming behind her back. Then, Estrada would get his sweet revenge if that plot succeeds. Nevertheless, the people, the masses should be wary and vigilant about personalities who would ride on their sentiments so that, in the end, they will be the ones duped and taken advantage of. If that happens, a repeat of the last EDSA, no one should get the blame but us.
Arroyo’s clock would want to tick beyond 2010. Yet, the people knew that her time is up.
Published in People's Digest Newsweekly, Dagupan City, 11-17 March 2008
As the people would clamor for the president to step down, she would all the more turn blind and deaf to these cries of protest. She would consolidate her power by giving bribes to her minions in the Senate and in the House. She would sow discord among the assembly of Catholic bishops. She would continue her policy of militarization in the countryside. She would paint a scenario that her government is in danger of a communist conspiracy. She would ensure the loyalty of the police and the military by assigning retired officials to government agencies. She would try to influence or even control media to stifle and silence opposition. In doing so, she would earn the fury of the people who will not be satisfied of getting rid of her by violent means. The people would like that heads roll, not just the head of GMA; those who supported the regime would also face their wrath. In short and ironically, she would create the perfect condition for a revolution.
Of course, the latter is an obvious exaggeration although it appeals to those who would like real change to happen, to the left who are still dreaming of Mao’s success in Jiangxi; to the anarchists who are against any form of domination; and to the rightists who would want to install a military junta.
Launching another “People Power” revolution is no revolution at all. The two EDSAs were sad testimonies to their failure of reforming Philippine society. Replacing leadership with another in a rotten system is not enough for as long as the roots of evil, avarice and greed are there, a good president will ultimately succumb to their snares.
Arroyo, however, from the outset, was corrupt. Thus, it is understandable that she did not accept the call of JDV for a moral revolution. That she would allow cheating to happen to ensure her presidency was another sign of her immorality. That she would conspire in 2001 with power-hungry elements to grab the presidency showed how patently ambitious she was in her desire to get Malacañang.
Let her go mad as she clings to her position amid seemingly loyal followers scheming behind her back. Then, Estrada would get his sweet revenge if that plot succeeds. Nevertheless, the people, the masses should be wary and vigilant about personalities who would ride on their sentiments so that, in the end, they will be the ones duped and taken advantage of. If that happens, a repeat of the last EDSA, no one should get the blame but us.
Arroyo’s clock would want to tick beyond 2010. Yet, the people knew that her time is up.
Published in People's Digest Newsweekly, Dagupan City, 11-17 March 2008
Mar 6, 2008
Pinocchio à la GMA
If Pinocchio’s nose gets bigger and bigger every time he tells a lie, GMA’s mole should get bigger and bigger as a sorry reflection of how a malignant cancer the Philippine society had on her face.
GMA is a master of dissimulation. She thinks she could fool people in one stroke of a lie masquerading as truth. She really knew that there was anomaly involving the ZTE deal NOT a day before she went to China. Her revelation at DZRH was a blatant falsehood to swindle again the people. Upon the advice of her spindoctors like Ermita, she was hoping that the act would clear public doubt but it did not at least to a discerning mind. Is she a gullible president surrounded by equally naïve advisers that she would only know that the contract to be signed the next day was ridden with irregularity, thus inimical to the national interest? Actually, she was aware of it all along.
She knew it. She would tell a lie just to stay in power. She would deceive the people to remain in Malacañang. She would want to surpass the thievery of the Marcoses in tandem with her husband and her clique, which includes Abalos et al.
Yet some remain skeptical about the need for a regime change only because they also would want to tolerate graft and corruption. It is also because they benefit from the spoils. They support Arroyo because they stay apathetic to the plight of the masses who were the ones suffering from this wanton avarice of the first family.
There is no other recourse but to condemn this administration and its supporters. For those who side with truth and justice, to stand neutral is tantamount to teaming up with the status quo. In short, it is time to separate the sheep from the goats. Ironically and pitifully, the CBCP has chosen to be non-aligned. Instead of taking up the cause of the people when black is black, white is white, the CBCP, out of cowardice and patronage, alienated itself from its flock. They had become one with the enemy.
Majority of local governments from mayors to governors had expressed their loyalty to GMA. There is no doubt about the House of Representatives, home of GMA loyalists. The top brass of AFP and PNP paraded themselves for a “show of unity” imitating the “unity walk” of cabinet officials in palace grounds last week. Former President Fidel Ramos, in contrast to her sister, former Senator Leticia Shahani, stopped short of calling for resignation.
“Birds of the same feather flock together.” They say GMA is fine when she is not. They believe GMA is indispensable when she is not. They are all liars and liars do cheat and steal. Look for a facial mole beside a left nostril and you will know why.
Published in People's Digest Newsweekly, Dagupan City, 4-10 March 2008
GMA is a master of dissimulation. She thinks she could fool people in one stroke of a lie masquerading as truth. She really knew that there was anomaly involving the ZTE deal NOT a day before she went to China. Her revelation at DZRH was a blatant falsehood to swindle again the people. Upon the advice of her spindoctors like Ermita, she was hoping that the act would clear public doubt but it did not at least to a discerning mind. Is she a gullible president surrounded by equally naïve advisers that she would only know that the contract to be signed the next day was ridden with irregularity, thus inimical to the national interest? Actually, she was aware of it all along.
She knew it. She would tell a lie just to stay in power. She would deceive the people to remain in Malacañang. She would want to surpass the thievery of the Marcoses in tandem with her husband and her clique, which includes Abalos et al.
Yet some remain skeptical about the need for a regime change only because they also would want to tolerate graft and corruption. It is also because they benefit from the spoils. They support Arroyo because they stay apathetic to the plight of the masses who were the ones suffering from this wanton avarice of the first family.
There is no other recourse but to condemn this administration and its supporters. For those who side with truth and justice, to stand neutral is tantamount to teaming up with the status quo. In short, it is time to separate the sheep from the goats. Ironically and pitifully, the CBCP has chosen to be non-aligned. Instead of taking up the cause of the people when black is black, white is white, the CBCP, out of cowardice and patronage, alienated itself from its flock. They had become one with the enemy.
Majority of local governments from mayors to governors had expressed their loyalty to GMA. There is no doubt about the House of Representatives, home of GMA loyalists. The top brass of AFP and PNP paraded themselves for a “show of unity” imitating the “unity walk” of cabinet officials in palace grounds last week. Former President Fidel Ramos, in contrast to her sister, former Senator Leticia Shahani, stopped short of calling for resignation.
“Birds of the same feather flock together.” They say GMA is fine when she is not. They believe GMA is indispensable when she is not. They are all liars and liars do cheat and steal. Look for a facial mole beside a left nostril and you will know why.
Published in People's Digest Newsweekly, Dagupan City, 4-10 March 2008
Mar 3, 2008
Sulat na umaanlong ed saray kaanakan to’d biektaew
Ugaw kini natan
palbog ni’d dokolan
nonot wala’d amayo
tan kindin masamit
No makalakal kila
pibasa yo pa ya
ilaloan kon anta yo’y
salita nen Lakin Anoy
Ta no andi kaokolan
iyalis ko’d Inglis
dila nen Shakespeare
tanila’n oley ditan
Onbabaleg kayo’d
wikan binayes
ed uliran tan tongtong
sankaili’y bayani
Arin eleng ag apildak
baogdan amputin
singa asukar
buek a mais-maisan
Aliwan singa’d si Siogen
maltaw a manag-anop
aluto’d agew
inames ed asin na dayat
Tan si Apo Anno
naingaran ed alog
mabiskeg a laki
galawan toy takel
Sikara’y atateng
na polin nanlapuan
dala’n onaagos ed ulat
nanayam ni’d poso’ra
Aral yo’y Pangasinan
ngeswa na kamarerwa
taningting to’t narengel ko ni
ed palandey tan kaumaan
Esaes, elek, orangal nen ugma
intikyab, inyatol na dagem
pian sikayon anak na Caboloan
makatalineng ed si Apolaki
Kabaten, kotkoten so lamot
potel kayon onalagey
aleg yon aligen saray arom
nilinguanan da’y dilin baley.
Unan naipalapag ed Makata: An online journal of Philippine & International contemporary poetry ed February 2008 ya paway to.
palbog ni’d dokolan
nonot wala’d amayo
tan kindin masamit
No makalakal kila
pibasa yo pa ya
ilaloan kon anta yo’y
salita nen Lakin Anoy
Ta no andi kaokolan
iyalis ko’d Inglis
dila nen Shakespeare
tanila’n oley ditan
Onbabaleg kayo’d
wikan binayes
ed uliran tan tongtong
sankaili’y bayani
Arin eleng ag apildak
baogdan amputin
singa asukar
buek a mais-maisan
Aliwan singa’d si Siogen
maltaw a manag-anop
aluto’d agew
inames ed asin na dayat
Tan si Apo Anno
naingaran ed alog
mabiskeg a laki
galawan toy takel
Sikara’y atateng
na polin nanlapuan
dala’n onaagos ed ulat
nanayam ni’d poso’ra
Aral yo’y Pangasinan
ngeswa na kamarerwa
taningting to’t narengel ko ni
ed palandey tan kaumaan
Esaes, elek, orangal nen ugma
intikyab, inyatol na dagem
pian sikayon anak na Caboloan
makatalineng ed si Apolaki
Kabaten, kotkoten so lamot
potel kayon onalagey
aleg yon aligen saray arom
nilinguanan da’y dilin baley.
Unan naipalapag ed Makata: An online journal of Philippine & International contemporary poetry ed February 2008 ya paway to.
Feb 1, 2008
(insaklang kinen Jose Hanibal P. Viloria tan Cherry S. Fernandez; inbalikas nen 14 December 2007 diad risipsiyon na kasal da)
Say abung ag onoogip
abangon ya sanagew
atilek lad dalagurog
saray salin onsabi onalis
Diad sakey ya silir
duaran kamarerwa
ontalabotob onyesaes
mankulyaot san onreen
Sanlabin manomameng
siopa ray imbitaan
ya ag lilinguanan
kanayon ya masingalngal
Ta perwisyo saray arom
‘gapo’y baing dan mankaokolan
balet saray maoyamo
nepeg iran midagop
Diad sayan okasyon natan
pansakeya’y duaran manangaro
ya pirawat day onamong
ya pilalek dan manilalak
Katon miapag ed ligliwa
nen Jay tan Cherry ya sanasawa
manpikasi ya say samba’d altar
igalang da’d andiangga.
(dedicated to Jose Hanibal P. Viloria tan Cherry S. Fernandez; delivered on 14 December 2007 during the reception of their wedding)
The house does not sleep
awake all day long
deafened by the clatter
of feet coming and going
In a room
two souls
murmur whisper
shout then silence
All night thinking
whom to invite
not to forget those
relatives malcontent
Headache others are
No shame in demanding
But those modest
Had every right to attend
In this occasion today
two lovers unite
whose desire is to live together
who hanker for children
Thus share in the joy
of spouses Jay and Cherry
pray that oath before the altar
they honor in eternity
Unan naipalapag ed Makata: An online journal of Philippine & International contemporary poetry ed January 2008 ya paway to.
(insaklang kinen Jose Hanibal P. Viloria tan Cherry S. Fernandez; inbalikas nen 14 December 2007 diad risipsiyon na kasal da)
Say abung ag onoogip
abangon ya sanagew
atilek lad dalagurog
saray salin onsabi onalis
Diad sakey ya silir
duaran kamarerwa
ontalabotob onyesaes
mankulyaot san onreen
Sanlabin manomameng
siopa ray imbitaan
ya ag lilinguanan
kanayon ya masingalngal
Ta perwisyo saray arom
‘gapo’y baing dan mankaokolan
balet saray maoyamo
nepeg iran midagop
Diad sayan okasyon natan
pansakeya’y duaran manangaro
ya pirawat day onamong
ya pilalek dan manilalak
Katon miapag ed ligliwa
nen Jay tan Cherry ya sanasawa
manpikasi ya say samba’d altar
igalang da’d andiangga.
(dedicated to Jose Hanibal P. Viloria tan Cherry S. Fernandez; delivered on 14 December 2007 during the reception of their wedding)
The house does not sleep
awake all day long
deafened by the clatter
of feet coming and going
In a room
two souls
murmur whisper
shout then silence
All night thinking
whom to invite
not to forget those
relatives malcontent
Headache others are
No shame in demanding
But those modest
Had every right to attend
In this occasion today
two lovers unite
whose desire is to live together
who hanker for children
Thus share in the joy
of spouses Jay and Cherry
pray that oath before the altar
they honor in eternity
Unan naipalapag ed Makata: An online journal of Philippine & International contemporary poetry ed January 2008 ya paway to.
Jan 21, 2008
Bisayanization; Communal Ownership of Land and the Origin of Agrarian Problems
Scholars have identified the so-called "Bisayanization" of Mindanao, which is the same in Northern Luzon with the "Ilocanization" because of the migration and settlement of Ilocanos in any corner of Amianan.
Due to the slave raiding practices of the Sulu Sultanate, people from the different parts of the archipelago were captured and became slaves. With due respect to our Bisayan brothers, the term Bisaya denoted chattel slaves along with the words banyaga, ipun and ammas.
Bisayanization is continuing process as noted by Maria Mangahas on the Samal people of the island south of Davao which means loss of identity and integration into mainstream society. Yengoyan (1966) coined the term to describe the taking up of Bisayan identity by the Mandayas of Eastern Mindanao through baptism.
Regarding land ownership, prehispanic Filipinos did not know the concept of private property until the introduction of torrens title system by the Spaniards. Anyone has the right to till the land and get whatever from it, called usufruct, but the forest and other lands were considered communal. The basis of wealth during those days was not the land, it was the ownership of slaves, porcelain and jewelry. It was useless to own large tracts of land if one could not employ farm hands to cultivate them.
It is because of the introduction of private ownership of land that led to the dispossession of lands from the indigenous peoples ofMindanao. The influx of migrants from the north to Mindanao, already accustomed to the idea of private property as regards land, created complications as the communal ownership of land was not yet understood. Today, how many people in Mindanao owned lands previously "owned" or shall we say considered as communal property by the lumads and the Moros? The same question could be posed regarding the Cordilleras, Mindoro and Palawan.
Due to the slave raiding practices of the Sulu Sultanate, people from the different parts of the archipelago were captured and became slaves. With due respect to our Bisayan brothers, the term Bisaya denoted chattel slaves along with the words banyaga, ipun and ammas.
Bisayanization is continuing process as noted by Maria Mangahas on the Samal people of the island south of Davao which means loss of identity and integration into mainstream society. Yengoyan (1966) coined the term to describe the taking up of Bisayan identity by the Mandayas of Eastern Mindanao through baptism.
Regarding land ownership, prehispanic Filipinos did not know the concept of private property until the introduction of torrens title system by the Spaniards. Anyone has the right to till the land and get whatever from it, called usufruct, but the forest and other lands were considered communal. The basis of wealth during those days was not the land, it was the ownership of slaves, porcelain and jewelry. It was useless to own large tracts of land if one could not employ farm hands to cultivate them.
It is because of the introduction of private ownership of land that led to the dispossession of lands from the indigenous peoples ofMindanao. The influx of migrants from the north to Mindanao, already accustomed to the idea of private property as regards land, created complications as the communal ownership of land was not yet understood. Today, how many people in Mindanao owned lands previously "owned" or shall we say considered as communal property by the lumads and the Moros? The same question could be posed regarding the Cordilleras, Mindoro and Palawan.
Jan 14, 2008
Mam E
(pakanonotan kinen Prop. Nieves Benito Epistola)
Inatey kayon agtakayo amaestraan,
Diad UP inaron escuelaan;
Mam E so inngaran day escuelayo,
Polyan yo ak ’katoy itawag kod sikayo
Mam E nen akasawa kilay Epistola,
Panón nen marikit kayo, Mam B, awa?
Akin ta aga Mam N
masanting met ya ngaran?
Sakey ya ngarem agko nalinguanan so pan-imes yod siak,
Ed Recto Hall nen asumpal so tepetko, pansalitak;
Pati say matayo angankoy makabirbir ya kabaleyan
Matan unan timanguad banwa ed Caboloan
Anggano inaral yoy arom ya dila,
Inaro yo met so salita nen Urduja;
Say binetla nen melag ya ugaw kini,
Atan met so, on atan!, salitan bekásen yod si Apolaki.
Say Ágila
Diad toktok na kiew ed palandey
singan arin akalagey
onbántag ed leksab ya makaoley
makdem so mata to’d atatagey ya pasén
ikampayto saray pakpak ya matakken
ontikiab mansingkat na kanen.
Quo Vadis, Baley ko?
Natan inerso laen mo, baley ko?
Kasumpal na duaran bagio;
Nantilak ya dilap tan gawat,
ed dakel ya lúyag
Saray anak mo’d biektaew
naisalét ed duaran bánsan mibabakál;
Ed Bikol say Mayon ngalngalin onterak,
No natuloy et dakel so manirap
Ontagey langula say bili na tariwa,
Gasolina tan plete ontombok metla;
Balet anápan na dumaralos, maestra
Onsingger la’d pambilay na alila
Politikon tilaan sikara labat so naksel,
Say táwag na baley agda naderengel;
Saray totoon makaantad pamaábig mo, Baley ko,
Bulág, emél, télek ed panmaongan mo!
Baley kon Filipinas, kapigan so kawayangan mo?
Pián ondayew ed Pilipino say mundo,
Pián patit na revolución o junta militar nayarawi ka
O ed masamit ya invitación na diktadura!
(dedikadod si Florida S. Fernandez
ya inianak nen unan agew na Agosto)
Pimmaway ed bao
anagasang, maplés, agangano
sakey, duara, taluran segundo
irapton inawit diad eges
siam ya bulán
manlapud bini
nanmalew ya ugaw
agni asumpal say panangaro
bimmaleg, nambalolaki
nanaral, nanasawa
wadtan nin mantagibi
manpasalamat ka anak
sakey labat so inam
manpasalamat ka met ed amam
antam la no akin.
Say pinalsa ed dalem na dayat
Onsipáksipák so daluyong ed pangpang na dayat
walay ugaw batik batik, mannaay-ayam
diad beneg na ermen ya malorem ya kabuasan
onoogip say pinalsa ed kaaralem na taew
mapalnan ontitikiab saray manok ed tapew
senga alinguanan ya panaon
ta abayag ya akadokol
mankugkugip ya buagen
mansasamit ed ambilonget ya papasén
bangta onbalikuat, abangon, mantayegteg so dalin!
Say Inarok
(parad si M.P.)
Andukey so andikit ya buik ton anggan abalá
say mataton masanting ya makabaláni
bibil ton gabay ton paanguban
lupa ton maganan agko nalinguanan
eléng ton maotok ya balibalin nengnengen
laman ton argolyotoy botelya na cola
say baog to'd bikking walay sansakey ya piglat
tan say beneg ya ataratar na balyanget
mansalita, manelek, onemes – makaiter ya kasil
maaro, maanus sikaton inar-arok
balet natan manaakis so asugat ya posok.
Abalang ya piráwat na panangaro
(parad si M.P.)
Nonot mo bii
Panonton abalang so piráwat tan dua
Ta agkamet makadandán ed razón tan alilingko
No agmo met tuan penerdona saray kasalananko
No agmomet gabay ya impawil ed siak.
Nonoten ko met
Panonton abalang so piráwat tan dua
Ta agtaka aboloyan ed nilooban mon moyong
Balet kimmerewak ed sika lay perdona
Ta gabay ko ni so impawil ed sika
Nonoten tan dua sirin
No walani so gunaét na panangaro tan dua
No kapigan tan manpawilan agko balet anta.
Sarayan anlong et entri ed Unan Paliagan na Anlong ed Pangasinan ya inisponsor na Komision na Dilan Filipino nen 2006. Saraya et kaiba na "Urduja" ya analon Honorable Mention. Unan naipalapag ed Makata: An online journal of Philippine & International contemporary poetry ed Disyembre 2007 ya paway to.
(pakanonotan kinen Prop. Nieves Benito Epistola)
Inatey kayon agtakayo amaestraan,
Diad UP inaron escuelaan;
Mam E so inngaran day escuelayo,
Polyan yo ak ’katoy itawag kod sikayo
Mam E nen akasawa kilay Epistola,
Panón nen marikit kayo, Mam B, awa?
Akin ta aga Mam N
masanting met ya ngaran?
Sakey ya ngarem agko nalinguanan so pan-imes yod siak,
Ed Recto Hall nen asumpal so tepetko, pansalitak;
Pati say matayo angankoy makabirbir ya kabaleyan
Matan unan timanguad banwa ed Caboloan
Anggano inaral yoy arom ya dila,
Inaro yo met so salita nen Urduja;
Say binetla nen melag ya ugaw kini,
Atan met so, on atan!, salitan bekásen yod si Apolaki.
Say Ágila
Diad toktok na kiew ed palandey
singan arin akalagey
onbántag ed leksab ya makaoley
makdem so mata to’d atatagey ya pasén
ikampayto saray pakpak ya matakken
ontikiab mansingkat na kanen.
Quo Vadis, Baley ko?
Natan inerso laen mo, baley ko?
Kasumpal na duaran bagio;
Nantilak ya dilap tan gawat,
ed dakel ya lúyag
Saray anak mo’d biektaew
naisalét ed duaran bánsan mibabakál;
Ed Bikol say Mayon ngalngalin onterak,
No natuloy et dakel so manirap
Ontagey langula say bili na tariwa,
Gasolina tan plete ontombok metla;
Balet anápan na dumaralos, maestra
Onsingger la’d pambilay na alila
Politikon tilaan sikara labat so naksel,
Say táwag na baley agda naderengel;
Saray totoon makaantad pamaábig mo, Baley ko,
Bulág, emél, télek ed panmaongan mo!
Baley kon Filipinas, kapigan so kawayangan mo?
Pián ondayew ed Pilipino say mundo,
Pián patit na revolución o junta militar nayarawi ka
O ed masamit ya invitación na diktadura!
(dedikadod si Florida S. Fernandez
ya inianak nen unan agew na Agosto)
Pimmaway ed bao
anagasang, maplés, agangano
sakey, duara, taluran segundo
irapton inawit diad eges
siam ya bulán
manlapud bini
nanmalew ya ugaw
agni asumpal say panangaro
bimmaleg, nambalolaki
nanaral, nanasawa
wadtan nin mantagibi
manpasalamat ka anak
sakey labat so inam
manpasalamat ka met ed amam
antam la no akin.
Say pinalsa ed dalem na dayat
Onsipáksipák so daluyong ed pangpang na dayat
walay ugaw batik batik, mannaay-ayam
diad beneg na ermen ya malorem ya kabuasan
onoogip say pinalsa ed kaaralem na taew
mapalnan ontitikiab saray manok ed tapew
senga alinguanan ya panaon
ta abayag ya akadokol
mankugkugip ya buagen
mansasamit ed ambilonget ya papasén
bangta onbalikuat, abangon, mantayegteg so dalin!
Say Inarok
(parad si M.P.)
Andukey so andikit ya buik ton anggan abalá
say mataton masanting ya makabaláni
bibil ton gabay ton paanguban
lupa ton maganan agko nalinguanan
eléng ton maotok ya balibalin nengnengen
laman ton argolyotoy botelya na cola
say baog to'd bikking walay sansakey ya piglat
tan say beneg ya ataratar na balyanget
mansalita, manelek, onemes – makaiter ya kasil
maaro, maanus sikaton inar-arok
balet natan manaakis so asugat ya posok.
Abalang ya piráwat na panangaro
(parad si M.P.)
Nonot mo bii
Panonton abalang so piráwat tan dua
Ta agkamet makadandán ed razón tan alilingko
No agmo met tuan penerdona saray kasalananko
No agmomet gabay ya impawil ed siak.
Nonoten ko met
Panonton abalang so piráwat tan dua
Ta agtaka aboloyan ed nilooban mon moyong
Balet kimmerewak ed sika lay perdona
Ta gabay ko ni so impawil ed sika
Nonoten tan dua sirin
No walani so gunaét na panangaro tan dua
No kapigan tan manpawilan agko balet anta.
Sarayan anlong et entri ed Unan Paliagan na Anlong ed Pangasinan ya inisponsor na Komision na Dilan Filipino nen 2006. Saraya et kaiba na "Urduja" ya analon Honorable Mention. Unan naipalapag ed Makata: An online journal of Philippine & International contemporary poetry ed Disyembre 2007 ya paway to.
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