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Say Pangasinensen ngalngalin nanmaliw ya pangolo na bansa: Si Carlos Peña Romulo (1898-1985)

Nipaakar ed sayan talintao. Say inpansamba nen Carlos P. Romulo ed arap nen Pangolon Manuel Roxas nen 1946. Walad kawanan si Speaker of th...

Dec 27, 2011

Say ebat nen Corona ed impeachment complaint

Diad samay ebat nen Corona, wala iray abistaan ko ran lingo. Ipapanengneg to ya pinekewet daray abogado nen Corona say sakey ya artikulo.

Saya so insulat kod sakey ya palapagan bilang kominto:

Kindly read the soon-to-be-published article by Laarni Escresa and Nuno Garoupa as cited in the Corona answer to the impeachment complaint. It seems that Corona lawyers did not read the proviso that it cannot be cited nor quoted. More grievous is the fact that they maliciously used the authors to support their claim that in no way was Corona partial to GMA when in reality table 2 of the study, Corona registered 14 pro-GMA votes and 5 anti-GMA or 74 % pro-administration, NOT 8 pro-GMA votes and 28 anti-GMA votes or 29 % pro-administration as given in the answer. On the other hand, Carpio registered 11 pro-GMA votes and 9 anti-GMA votes or 55 %  pro-administration, NOT 19 pro-GMA votes and 11 anti-GMA votes or 66 % pro-administration as alleged in the Corona rebuttal. Brion had a 100 % pro-GMA votes as he casted 2 votes and 0 vote anti-GMA, which is in full contrast to the Corona reply that Brion had 5 pro-GMA votes and 8 anti-GMA votes or 33% pro-administration. Authors also conclude that, my apologies to the authors, "Perhaps aware of the crucial role by the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice, she [GMA] appointed individuals within her circle of influence. She appointed three chief justices and ignored the tradition of appointing the most senior twice. She bypassed Puno over Panganiban in 2005 and bypassed Carpio over Corona in 2010." You can download this at http://www.law.illinois.edu/_shared/pdfs/Philippineproject20101110.pdf.

Anto so formula nen Sendong ya amatey na 1500 ya totoo?

Say inkalabes na agawa ed Cagayan de Oro tan Iligan ya angitilak na makapataktakot ya inkidiral tan patey et walaay formula.

Say gross incompetence nen PNoy iyarum dia so inkakapoy na NDRRMC ya papangoloan nen Benito Ramos + iray lokal ya opisiales na CDO tan Iligan ya onoogip ed pwisto tan masiban minanabang ed "lagay" ya iiter daray illegal logging companies + iray makapal so lupa tan ganid ya operator na illegal logging activities ed Lanao x inkamureng tan inkabenger daray totoo diman = trahidya nen Sendong.

Dec 15, 2011

PDEA Region 1, angkekelag so eerelen da

No gabay na PDEA Region 1 ya patondaen so lakoan na droga, say erelen da komon iray bigtime ya pusher, iray drug lord ya kuan.

Natan no labay dan ondakel ni so drug addict, erel day smalltime ya pusher. Itilak da iray managgaway droga, iray drug lord.

Ag onaligwas so drug trade no iray manooley ed barangay, baley tan probinsia et ag da aboloyan iraya, no aga ira nasasaliw na kuarta tan no say nononoten da say tugtuwan iyaligwas na baley.

Aliwan "safe place to live in" so Pangasinan lapud saray pateyan

Aga napatonda na PNP Pangasinan so pateyan ed luyag. Sikaton aliwan tugtuwa ya "safe place to live in" so Pangasinan.

Inutil so PNP ya anggapo so naeerel dan totoo ed likod darayan pateyan. Akin kasi?

1. Makapoy iray omiimbestiga.

2. Onoogip ira ed trabaho da.

3. Kulang so totoo da ya itatayak ed binaleybaley ta pian nasebel iray totoon walay getma dan aliwa. Saya so police visibility.

4. Iray riding-in-tandem et miembro lamlamang na polisya.

Say padisir ko, saksakey so ababangan dan riding-in-tandem ya amatey ed saray pinatey da. No onia kaokolan ya aralen ya maung so  kada kaso pian naerel sayan riding-in-tandem ya kriminal.

No akin useless iramay lugan ya inter na gobierno na Pangasinan ed saray bokal

Unaan dia et dakel ni sansia so aga makakaatindi ed session da ed kapitolio ya maminsan labat ed sakey simba.

Initdan iray luganan pian ag lamlamang ira onloob ed session hall.

Asayang so kuartay baley.

Kaokolan ya ipawil daray bokal irayan luganan.

Talagan ag kaokolan ya itdan iray luganan lapud ipapanengneng to ya say panagbenben ed pwisto et walaay katupag to ran pribilihiyo.

Dec 11, 2011

Si GMA, inlugan da komon ed chopper ya inlako da ed PNP

Makapalek si Gloria Macapagal Arroyo tan say administrasion nen PNoy. Ikolong da la et makapandemand ni ya ambabangil. Si PNoy met iter lan iter.

No labay dan ilugan ed helicopter, akin kaokolan sikaton onabuloy? No walay biskeg nen PNoy, akin onsabi nid dakel ya tongtongan tan oras ya naabak?

She could have been forced to ride that chopper. Mas masanting komon no say luganan ton chopper amay inlako nen Mike Arroyo ed PNP. Then, that could be a beautiful twist of fate. Inlako day chopper pian luganan dan sanasawa lamlamang ed pangikulong dad si GMA ed Veterans.

National Library of the Philippines vs. National Library Singapore

Ipara tayoy National Libraries na Pilipinas tan Singapore [Let us compare the National Libraries of the Philippines and Singapore]:


Akalukas so reading room da 8 na kabuasan anggad 8 na labi no Lunis anggad Biernis labat ta no Sabado akalukas na 8 na kabuasan anggad 5 na ngarem [Their reading room is open at 8 am to 8 pm from Monday to Friday only because on Saturday they are open at 8 am to 5 pm].


Akalukas na 10 na kabuasan anggad 9 na labi no Lunis anggad Simba [They are open at 10 am until 9 pm, Monday to Sunday].

Diad sayan Christmas vacation [During the Christmas vacation]:

NLP akakapot na Disiembri 16, 17, 21 (mankapot na 12 na ngarem), 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 tan 31 [NLP is closed on December 16, 17, 21 (will close at 12 pm), 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31].

NLS akakapot labat na Disiembri 24 (mankapot na 5 na ngarem), 25, 31 (mankapot na 5 na ngarem) tan Iniro 1 [NLS is closed on December 24 (will close at 5 pm), 25, 31 (will close at 5 pm) and January 1].

Antoy nibaga ed sayan inpaduma da [What can one say with their difference]?

Nayarin dakel so nibaga to ed kultura na panagbasa tan panagsukay ed duaran bansa. [It might say many things about culture of reading and research in both countries.]

Dec 2, 2011

No akin inyagel nen Miriam si Corona

Diad tongtongan dad tilipono:

Renato Corona: Kumusta lay kampanyam parad International Criminal Court (ICC) ditad Nueba York, Miriam?

Miriam: Maung met, Chief Justice.

Renato Corona: Manaya, wala iray totoon mangibabaga ya man-inhibitak kono. Amtam ya inkampanyaan ta ka nen Oktubri nen inmatindiak ed mika-24 ya tulagan daray okom ed Prague, Czech Republic.

Miriam: On, amtak itan. Baleg ya salamat ed sayay ginawam Chief Justice. Ag ka mapaga ta diad ontombok ya  agew mangiterak na press statement.

Dec 1, 2011

Binay ya agustoan to lay manpasiar ed Tsina

Anak na lasin Binay ya gabay to lamet ya onla ed Tsina.

Is it our national interest to stop the execution of a Filipino drug trafficker?

Anggapo la so agawaan mo, Binay, nen linma kad man nen bitayen da lamet so Pilipino. Tan kuan mo ya inopot lan amin so polaing ta piano natolongan yan Pilipino, akin ta labay mo ni so onla la lamet ed Tsina?

Naabak so pondo na gobyerno ed sayan  anggapoy kakanaan ton ipikal nen Binay ya ag komon  natoloy.

No aboloyan nen PNoy ya, pariho iran ag abangatan.

Bantog Iran Post