Marakrakep no si Arsobispo Tagle et napili ya papa ed Roma.
Balet say sangkaunaan lan onkokontra ed sayan posibilidad et aliwa iran sangkaili no ag iray Pilipino lamlamang.
Say numiro uno ed sayan nigatibon kaisipan et iray paparin Pilipino singa si ritiradon Arsobispo Cruz.
Akin kasi?
Duaran sangkaili so nanpakabat ya si Tagle et sakey ed saray ilalo na Asya ed inka-Papa.
That he is too young, which allegedly makes him unfit to become the pope, is not a sufficient reason to discourage him and the people to believe that he is capable of getting the job.
Being young at more than 50 is not even disadvantageous. It is an advantage to the church to put Tagle as pope as he could oversee the church for a long time and make his reforms felt in the next fifty years.
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Say Pangasinensen ngalngalin nanmaliw ya pangolo na bansa: Si Carlos Peña Romulo (1898-1985)
Nipaakar ed sayan talintao. Say inpansamba nen Carlos P. Romulo ed arap nen Pangolon Manuel Roxas nen 1946. Walad kawanan si Speaker of th...

Feb 27, 2013
Sabah: Akin so Malaysia onekal ed GRP-MILF talks? [Sabah: Why Malaysia must get out of GRP-MILF talks?]
Saray sangkamurengan ya totoo et walad gobierno. Number 1 si Pnoy. Akin?
Diad tongtongan na GRP tan MILF, akin wadtan ni so Malaysia?
I have written elsewhere that involving Malaysia in the talks is disadvantageous to the country because we have an outstanding claim over Sabah and that Malaysia has no delicadeza when it is one of the countries that gave arms to these secessionist groups, first MNLF and then MILF and another splinter group now and in the future.
Malaysia, can you please get out of the talks?
Nayarin onekal kad tan ed saray tongtongan?
Sayan gobierno et mureng ta ag to amtay panmaungan na Pilipinas tan Sulu tan Mindanao.
Si Pnoy et nanmaliw ya spokesman na Malaysia.
The Bangsamoro pact will not progress as long as Malaysia is there as dishonest broker. It will not prosper as long as the Moros are not united as one party.
Take a look at the GRP-MNLF that led to the creation of ARMM. Misuari is out of the loop complaining that he and his group are not consulted; he is rejecting the framework.
Kasumpal na MILF, anto niran grupo so niyanak pian mitongtong la lamet ed gobierno?
The framework will never succeed as long as self-interests of each Moro leader prevail over the common good of its own people.
The first step to get it right is to get rid of Malaysia in the bargaining table.
Second is to resolve the Philippine state's and Sulu sultanate's proprietary claim over Sabah. Sell the land according to its proper market value not the measly 5,000 ringgit and use the money to develop Sulu and Mindanao. Sabah's GDP in the late 1990s was 8.3094 billion Malaysian ringgit, which is equivalent to P 109.185516 billion.
Third is the consolidation of Moros in one political organization before any talks can begin.
Diad tongtongan na GRP tan MILF, akin wadtan ni so Malaysia?
I have written elsewhere that involving Malaysia in the talks is disadvantageous to the country because we have an outstanding claim over Sabah and that Malaysia has no delicadeza when it is one of the countries that gave arms to these secessionist groups, first MNLF and then MILF and another splinter group now and in the future.
Malaysia, can you please get out of the talks?
Nayarin onekal kad tan ed saray tongtongan?
Sayan gobierno et mureng ta ag to amtay panmaungan na Pilipinas tan Sulu tan Mindanao.
Si Pnoy et nanmaliw ya spokesman na Malaysia.
The Bangsamoro pact will not progress as long as Malaysia is there as dishonest broker. It will not prosper as long as the Moros are not united as one party.
Take a look at the GRP-MNLF that led to the creation of ARMM. Misuari is out of the loop complaining that he and his group are not consulted; he is rejecting the framework.
Kasumpal na MILF, anto niran grupo so niyanak pian mitongtong la lamet ed gobierno?
The framework will never succeed as long as self-interests of each Moro leader prevail over the common good of its own people.
The first step to get it right is to get rid of Malaysia in the bargaining table.
Second is to resolve the Philippine state's and Sulu sultanate's proprietary claim over Sabah. Sell the land according to its proper market value not the measly 5,000 ringgit and use the money to develop Sulu and Mindanao. Sabah's GDP in the late 1990s was 8.3094 billion Malaysian ringgit, which is equivalent to P 109.185516 billion.
Third is the consolidation of Moros in one political organization before any talks can begin.
Feb 22, 2013
Sabah: Say sangkabalgan ya andi-katunongan ya ginawa na UK ed Pilipinas [Sabah: The greatest injustice committed by UK against the Philippines]
Say Sabah et gawa na sultan na Sulu ya pinaopaan to ed British North Borneo
Company nen 1878. Nen 1946 inpaway na Gran Britanya so North Borneo Cession
Order ya “with effect from the fifteenth day of July, 1946, to the extent that
the Crown should, as from that day have full sovereign rights over, and title
to, the territory of the State of North Borneo and that said territory should
hereupon become part of her Majesty’s Dominions.”
The wording itself betrays the land-grabbing intention. The British knew for a fact that the land was leased from the Sultan of Sulu. Parliamentary proceedings were clear that Britain did not own North Borneo.
Ed arum ya salita, ginamgam da so dalin ya gawa na Pilipinas lapu lantid say Sulu et nipadalem la ed Ripublika na Pilipinas ya abirbir so kawayangan to nen Hulyo 4, 1946.
Inbana day cession order ed bulan na Hulyo ta niyanak lad dia so tatawagen ya Ripublika na Pilipinas.
Sayan ginawa na United Kingdom so sangkabalgan ya andi-katunongan laban ed Sulu tan ed saray Pilipino.
What the UK did was illegal as Francis Burton Harrison said because it did not consult the parties involved.
The US did not do anything to push for the claim because it did not want to tackle the issue with a close ally, a fellow imperialist, its own mother. The US is a party to this great injustice to the people of Sulu and to the Filipino people.
Sabah et gawa na Sultan na Sulu anggad natan.
Anggapoy kanepegan na UK ya gamgamen so dalin ya ag to gawa.
Insan to inyalis so titulo ed Federation of Malaya, tan Federation of Malaysia.
Now, the Malaysian "squatters," the latter term coming from Leon Ma. Guerrero, are acting like the British imperialists, landgrabbers.
Now the theory of effective occupation can be thrown out because the very basis of it is the illegal cession order.
Their Queen must and should own up this grave abuse of power disregarding the rule of law at a time when colonialism and territorial aggrandizement were seen as anathema to peace.
The Atlantic Charter signed between Roosevelt and Churchill in August 1941 stated explicitly that both countries "seek no aggrandissement, territorial or other." UK was signatory to the UN Charter in June 1945.
A year after, in 1946, the North Borneo Cession Order was born contrary to the spirit of the Atlantic and the UN charter.
It is the greatest injustice to the Sulu people and the Filipino people that must be resolved now!
The wording itself betrays the land-grabbing intention. The British knew for a fact that the land was leased from the Sultan of Sulu. Parliamentary proceedings were clear that Britain did not own North Borneo.
Ed arum ya salita, ginamgam da so dalin ya gawa na Pilipinas lapu lantid say Sulu et nipadalem la ed Ripublika na Pilipinas ya abirbir so kawayangan to nen Hulyo 4, 1946.
Inbana day cession order ed bulan na Hulyo ta niyanak lad dia so tatawagen ya Ripublika na Pilipinas.
Sayan ginawa na United Kingdom so sangkabalgan ya andi-katunongan laban ed Sulu tan ed saray Pilipino.
What the UK did was illegal as Francis Burton Harrison said because it did not consult the parties involved.
The US did not do anything to push for the claim because it did not want to tackle the issue with a close ally, a fellow imperialist, its own mother. The US is a party to this great injustice to the people of Sulu and to the Filipino people.
Sabah et gawa na Sultan na Sulu anggad natan.
Anggapoy kanepegan na UK ya gamgamen so dalin ya ag to gawa.
Insan to inyalis so titulo ed Federation of Malaya, tan Federation of Malaysia.
Now, the Malaysian "squatters," the latter term coming from Leon Ma. Guerrero, are acting like the British imperialists, landgrabbers.
Now the theory of effective occupation can be thrown out because the very basis of it is the illegal cession order.
Their Queen must and should own up this grave abuse of power disregarding the rule of law at a time when colonialism and territorial aggrandizement were seen as anathema to peace.
The Atlantic Charter signed between Roosevelt and Churchill in August 1941 stated explicitly that both countries "seek no aggrandissement, territorial or other." UK was signatory to the UN Charter in June 1945.
A year after, in 1946, the North Borneo Cession Order was born contrary to the spirit of the Atlantic and the UN charter.
It is the greatest injustice to the Sulu people and the Filipino people that must be resolved now!
Feb 6, 2013
Saray toon kabusol na Pilipino tan akin [Enemies of the Filipino people and why]
1. Akalistan numiro uno ya kabusol daray Pilipino iray pamilya Marcos. Anggapo ni asumpalan na dakel a kaso laban ed sikara lapud inkapekewet na sistema na katunongan diad sayan bansa.
Dakel so tinatakew da ya ag ni nipawil ta akaamot ed saray Swiss bank accounts da. Ilalastog ni nen Imelda ed sakey ya BBC documentary ya walaan iray kuwarta ya onsulok ed $ 900 billion dollars. Angalaan da so sayan kabaleg a kuwarta no ag say impanyirong nen Ferdinand ed Malacanang?
2. Si Danding Cojuangco et sakey ya crony nen Marcos ya nankuwarta met ed gobierno. Benben toy San Miguel Corporation tan arum ni ran kompanya.
3. Sakey met si Lucio Tan ya crony met nen Marcos. Sangkamayamanan ed Pilipinas ya gawa toy PAL. Say padisir ko walay baleg ton papil ed manipulasyon na disisyon ed Korti Suprima. Walay baleg ya kaso to lapud ag to manbabayar na buis. Pigaran bilyon ya pisos ya ya makatulong komon ed gobierno, singa pamaalagey na ospital.
4. Sakey ya crony nen Marcos si Roberto Ongpin ya anggad natan et manmamanipula na negnegosyo ed Pilipinas. Amay kaso na DBP et sakey ed saray pinankuwartaan to.
5. Si Juan Ponce Enrile ya pangolo na Sinado et akinabang ed oley nen Marcos. Initdan day logging concessions to. Diad Caraga, walay kompanya tod man ya manggagaway posporo.
6. Si Fidel Ramos ya datin pangolo ya taga-Pangasinan et sakey met ed saray too nen Marcos. Akinabang ed oley to nipaakar ed Expo Pilipino tan IPPs sikaton baleg so singil na kuryinti anggad natan.
7. Si Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tan say asawa ton si Mike Arroyo ya dakerakel so anomalyan agawa nen oley da. Anggad natan ag ni ra nikulong ed Bilibid.
8. Say pamilya Aquino ya anggad natan anggapo ni nagagawa ed panangibonog na Hacienda Luisita. Akinabang ira ed SCTEX lautla yay pangolo natan.
9. Saray masisiban politiko, congressman, mayor, councilor, ya nonoten day ikapal na pitaka da.
10. Saray totoo na PRC ya walad likod na pamaakaran a samsamen day Scarborough tan Kalayaan.
Dakel so tinatakew da ya ag ni nipawil ta akaamot ed saray Swiss bank accounts da. Ilalastog ni nen Imelda ed sakey ya BBC documentary ya walaan iray kuwarta ya onsulok ed $ 900 billion dollars. Angalaan da so sayan kabaleg a kuwarta no ag say impanyirong nen Ferdinand ed Malacanang?
2. Si Danding Cojuangco et sakey ya crony nen Marcos ya nankuwarta met ed gobierno. Benben toy San Miguel Corporation tan arum ni ran kompanya.
3. Sakey met si Lucio Tan ya crony met nen Marcos. Sangkamayamanan ed Pilipinas ya gawa toy PAL. Say padisir ko walay baleg ton papil ed manipulasyon na disisyon ed Korti Suprima. Walay baleg ya kaso to lapud ag to manbabayar na buis. Pigaran bilyon ya pisos ya ya makatulong komon ed gobierno, singa pamaalagey na ospital.
4. Sakey ya crony nen Marcos si Roberto Ongpin ya anggad natan et manmamanipula na negnegosyo ed Pilipinas. Amay kaso na DBP et sakey ed saray pinankuwartaan to.
5. Si Juan Ponce Enrile ya pangolo na Sinado et akinabang ed oley nen Marcos. Initdan day logging concessions to. Diad Caraga, walay kompanya tod man ya manggagaway posporo.
6. Si Fidel Ramos ya datin pangolo ya taga-Pangasinan et sakey met ed saray too nen Marcos. Akinabang ed oley to nipaakar ed Expo Pilipino tan IPPs sikaton baleg so singil na kuryinti anggad natan.
7. Si Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tan say asawa ton si Mike Arroyo ya dakerakel so anomalyan agawa nen oley da. Anggad natan ag ni ra nikulong ed Bilibid.
8. Say pamilya Aquino ya anggad natan anggapo ni nagagawa ed panangibonog na Hacienda Luisita. Akinabang ira ed SCTEX lautla yay pangolo natan.
9. Saray masisiban politiko, congressman, mayor, councilor, ya nonoten day ikapal na pitaka da.
10. Saray totoo na PRC ya walad likod na pamaakaran a samsamen day Scarborough tan Kalayaan.
Ekal kad tan, Enrile; onekal lan amin iray sinador [Resign, Enrile; resign all the other senators]
Si Juan Ponce Enrile ag to amta so tatawagey balangon na ngaran. No amta to ya abayag lan inmekal ditan ed Sinado. Anggano no ontan, ag ko napukpukan ya ibaga ed sayan masiken ya onekal lad tan.
Balet aga la duga ed siak so resignation nen Enrile; kaokolan lan onekal amin ya sinador ya akinabang ed liquidation by certification.
Anggapoy galang ya natitilak ed sarayan sinador. Amin ira et corrupt.
Siak ya sumusulat na awaran et kaokolan ya wala iray risibo ya ipanengneng no agastos ya tua so inter dan grant, sikara balet i-certify da labat et duga la?
Anto ya?
Antoy ginawa tan antoy gagaween na Commission on Audit ya inmaboloy ni ra ed sayan pikewet ya pamaakaran?
Bagbagen lay Senado. Abolish the Senate. Deralen lay COA. Demolish COA.
It is corruption in broad day light. They are bickering because of people's money that goes unaccounted for.
And no one will come out clean of it.
Saya so rason ya kaokolan ya mangigapo na balo. This is the reason we must start anew.
Saya et ed panamegley na CONCON, constitutional convention.
Say kuanen Enrile ni ed samay anti-corruption conference ya ag kono nailaloan ya naekal so corruption ed anem ya taon. What can we expect from someone who benefited from corruption in all his years in government?
We can stamp out corruption in just one year. Everyday put someone in jail, a politician who embezzled government coffers. Start with the Marcoses and Enrile, the senators and congressmen, justices and judges, mayors and councilors down to barangay chairman and councilors and we can see that the following year the country and its people will be at peace, happy that justice and righteousness will reign once more in this benighted land.
Balet aga la duga ed siak so resignation nen Enrile; kaokolan lan onekal amin ya sinador ya akinabang ed liquidation by certification.
Anggapoy galang ya natitilak ed sarayan sinador. Amin ira et corrupt.
Siak ya sumusulat na awaran et kaokolan ya wala iray risibo ya ipanengneng no agastos ya tua so inter dan grant, sikara balet i-certify da labat et duga la?
Anto ya?
Antoy ginawa tan antoy gagaween na Commission on Audit ya inmaboloy ni ra ed sayan pikewet ya pamaakaran?
Bagbagen lay Senado. Abolish the Senate. Deralen lay COA. Demolish COA.
It is corruption in broad day light. They are bickering because of people's money that goes unaccounted for.
And no one will come out clean of it.
Saya so rason ya kaokolan ya mangigapo na balo. This is the reason we must start anew.
Saya et ed panamegley na CONCON, constitutional convention.
Say kuanen Enrile ni ed samay anti-corruption conference ya ag kono nailaloan ya naekal so corruption ed anem ya taon. What can we expect from someone who benefited from corruption in all his years in government?
We can stamp out corruption in just one year. Everyday put someone in jail, a politician who embezzled government coffers. Start with the Marcoses and Enrile, the senators and congressmen, justices and judges, mayors and councilors down to barangay chairman and councilors and we can see that the following year the country and its people will be at peace, happy that justice and righteousness will reign once more in this benighted land.
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