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Say Pangasinensen ngalngalin nanmaliw ya pangolo na bansa: Si Carlos Peña Romulo (1898-1985)

Nipaakar ed sayan talintao. Say inpansamba nen Carlos P. Romulo ed arap nen Pangolon Manuel Roxas nen 1946. Walad kawanan si Speaker of th...

Feb 6, 2010

Manaltalon pilikulan Pangasinan ipaway ed UP

Diad unaan ya panangimuria to ed Ibali, ipaway na U.P. Subol diad pisasakey na Sine Caboloan tan Ulupan na Pansiansia’y Salitan Pangasinan (UPSP) say Anacbanua, say unaan ya andukey ya pilikulan digital ed salitan Pangasinan ya walaa’y talos to ed Inglis, no Pibriro 24, 2010, 7 pm, diad Cineadarna, UP Film Center, UP Diliman ed siudad na Quezon.

Inkorit, inpaway, indirihi tan inidit nen gumagawa’y pilikula ya si Christopher Gozum, sayan pilikulan experimental et analo na Digital Lokal Lino Brocka Grand Prize tan Digital Lokal Best Director Award diad mika-11 Cinemanila International Film Festival nen October 2009.

Diad pangikana’y anlong ed Pangasinan nen Santiago Villafania, Erwin Fernandez tan Melchor Orpilla, saray oraciones ed Pangasinan pati say daan ya korit ed banga na Calatagan ya babalikasen ira legan onbabatik so pilikula, say Anacbanua et tongtong na sakey ya nipolisay tan abangatan ed sagur ya umaanlong ya, onkakapoy lapu’d sakit, et manpasian onpawil ed Pangasinan, say dalin ton nianakan. Diad ipapawil to, niyabetan to say musia ya mananap ya tambal ed liliknaen to. Diad pegley to’n impan-ogip, say abagot ya umaanlong naabetan to’y ogaw ya mangantabay ed sikato legan diad panames to’d talba sosoboken sikato ed galaw dara’y abangles ya bagoong, apakger ya ayep, apanday ya balatyiang, adamili'n dalin, tan aluto'n lario ya idalan sikato ed panagbawi na abayag la’n pikakabat to’d danum, uma, tan katooan. Diad pangipaway to’d saray panagsubsubok, say umaanlong onpawil ed tugtuwan mundo’n akaparaan la’n ibagat to’y dili to diad rinasimiento na kultura na baley to; diad saya, misasakey sikato ed musia.

Nibansag ed Bulan na Arte tan Kultura ed UP Diliman, say panangipaway to pisakbayanan na panagbantay na sakey lamet ya manaltalon pilikulan experimental ya antikey nen Gozum ed salitan Pangasinan, say Surreal Random MMS Texts para ed Ina, Agui, tan Kaamong ya Makakailiw ed Sika: Gurgurlis ed Banua, ya angipanalo’d gumagawa’y pilikula ya Ishmael Bernal Award for Young Cinema nen mika-10 Cinemanila International Film Festival nen 2008.

Niletneg nen 1975, say U.P. Subol et muyongan daray omaaral ed UP ya manlapu’d Pangasinan ya mangibabawag na kulturan Pangasinan ed unibersidad. Nipaway nen 2007 nen gumagawa’y pilikula’n si Christopher Gozum, say Sine Caboloan et sakey ya kompanian gumagawa’y pilikula ya  nisipan ed panaggawa’y bokor tan niduma’n pilikula’n digital nipaakar ed rehiun na Pangasinan tan saray totoo to ed dalin ya nanlapuan tan diad biektaew. Nigapo nen 2000, say Ulupan na Pansiansia’y Salitan Pangasinan, say organisasion ya litirario’n mangitatandoro na salitan Pangasinan, et getma to so panboo na sakey ya kompog daray sumusulat ed dakel ya suri: anlong, salaysay, marakep ya nilesa’n tongtong tan marakep ya nilesa’n andi-tongtong. Say pantotogiop na taluran grupo masakbay la’n nimano so makakigtot ya pamasimbalo tan pamabolaslas na kulturan Pangasinan ed onsabi’n taon.

Diad saray tepet nipaakar ed tiket tan pangibiig, pikontak si Ana Asperin diad 0916 472 6097 odino e-buson si Erwin Fernandez diad win1tree@yahoo.com.

 Award-winning Pangasinan film to be screened at UP

The U.P. Subol in cooperation with the Sine Caboloan and the Ulupan na Pansiansia’y Salitan Pangasinan (UPSP) [Association for the Preservation of the Pangasinan Language] will screen for the first time in Metro Manila the award-winning Anacbanua (The Child of the Sun), the first full-length digital feature film in the Pangasinan language with English subtitles, on February 24, 2010, 7 pm at the Cine Adarna, U.P. Film Center, U.P. Diliman in Quezon City.

Written, produced, directed, and edited by Pangasinan filmmaker Christopher Gozum, the experimental film won the Digital Lokal Lino Brocka Grand Prize as well as the Digital Lokal Best Director Award during the 11th Cinemanila International Film Festival in October 2009.

Using the Pangasinan poetry of Santiago Villafania, Erwin Fernandez and Melchor Orpilla and Pangasinan oraciones as well as the ancient Calatagan pot script as voice-over narration, Anacbanua is a story of an exiled Western-educated Umaanlong (poet) who, suffering from an unknown illness, decides to return to Pangasinan, the land of his birth. Upon his return, he encounters the Musia (muse) who would seek the cure to his illness. While in half-sleep, the uprooted poet would meet the Ogaw (child) who would guide him in his cosmic immersion testing him in the ways of the fermented fish sauce, butchered livestock, burned metal rods, molded clay and the baked bricks leading him to finally reclaim his primal connection to the water (danum), land (uma) and his people (katooan). Upon surviving the series of tests, the poet would return to the real world ready to offer himself towards the cultural renaissance of his own people; thus, he would become one with the Musia (muse).

Coinciding with the UP Diliman Arts and Culture Month, the screening will be preceded by the showing of another prize-winning Gozum short experimental film in the Pangasinan language, the Surreal Random MMS Texts para ed Ina, Agui, tan Kaamong ya Makakailiw ed Sika: Gurgurlis ed Banua (Surreal Random MMS Texts for a Mother, a Sister and a Wife Who Longs for You: Landscape with Figures), which won for the filmmaker the Ishmael Bernal Award for Young Cinema during the 10th Cinemanila International Film Festival in 2008.

Founded in 1975, the U.P. Subol is an organization of UP students from Pangasinan promoting Pangasinan culture in the university. Founded in 2007 by filmmaker Christopher Gozum, the Sine Caboloan is a film production company committed to producing independent digital feature films about the Pangasinan region and its people in the homeland and in the diaspora.  Established in 2000, the Ulupan na Pansiansia’y Salitan Pangasinan, the only literary organization promoting the Pangasinan language, aims to create a pool of creative writers in various genres: poetry, essay, creative fiction as well as creative non-fiction. The gathering of these three organizations presages the exciting revitalization and development of Pangasinan culture in the years to come.

For ticket inquiries and reservations, please contact Ana Asperin at 0916 472 6097 or e-mail Erwin Fernandez at win1tree@yahoo.com.

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